Select two psychological theories and consider how they relate to the topic youchose in Week 1 and Week 7Final ProjectWrite a 5- to 6-page paper (apart from the title page and references) that references atleast four scholarly articles and includes at least two unique articles for each theoryyou selected. Your final project should include the following• A description of both theories you selected and why you think they are appropriatefor the topic you chose from the list or that was pre-approved by your Instructor bythe end of Week 5 (THIS WAS MY WEEK 5 DISCUSSION)(Class and Professor,Understanding that there are numerous perspectives within psychology allows us to understand the different ways people act and/or move. I am highly interested in learning about how an individual adapted to their environment and ultimately became a annex of said environment. This interest me due to the number of criminals who I have worked around that have committed such heinous acts such as murder, rape, assault, robbery and the list goes on. When working in the field I ask questions to understand their mentality. Many of the criminals take it back to childhood or drugs of which they have picked up in their environment. I currently work with Juveniles as well and just watching the environment that they are in often tells a story before the kid can fully grasp life. According to the article, Simply Psychology “ behaviorist perspective proposes two main processes whereby people learn from their environment: namely classical conditioning and operant conditioning” (McLeod, S. 2013)The nature vs nurture approach recognize factors in humans but on different scales. The nature influences biological factors and needs such as food, shelter, necessities where as the nurture approach is the way a person goes through life. Nurture is influenced by a persons background, their life, and experiences. Interplay between biology and environmental factors have a strong impact on a persons behavior, their patterns, and their biological attributes. Some ways of acting is through genetics and some is learned behavior• A comparison of the theories related to the topic you chose• An argument as to which theory provides a better understanding of the topic
• An examination of cultural aspects that might contribute to that understanding
Victoria Parham
April 16, 2023
Themes and Theories of Psychology
Dr. Jay C. Dill
Adapting to Criminal Environments.
The idea of how individuals adapt to their environment and become part of it is quite
intriguing. For my final project, I have selected two theories, attachment theory and social
cognitive development. These two theories have a significant implication to perfect the
understanding of criminal behavior and come up with various strategies or programs to prevent
such behavior.
Attachment theory proposes that early experiences of attachment between a child and their
caregiver can shape the individual’s social and emotional development throughout their lifespan.
According to this theory, children who develop a secure attachment to their caregiver will likely
grow up with a positive sense of self-worth and form healthy relationships with others. On the
other hand, children who experience insecure attachment may have difficulties with selfregulation, empathy, and forming healthy relationships with others. Such difficulties may
contribute to criminal behavior, such as aggression and violence. Therefore, understanding
attachment styles can help prevent criminal behavior by identifying individuals who may be at risk
and developing interventions to promote secure attachment.
Social cognitive development theory proposes that individuals learn through observation,
modeling, and reinforcement of behaviors in their environment. This theory suggests that children
acquire beliefs, attitudes, and values from their caregivers and the culture they grow up in.
Moreover, individuals learn to regulate their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts through social
interaction with others. Therefore, children who grow up in environments where criminal behavior
is normalized may be more likely to engage in criminal behavior themselves. Understanding social
cognitive development can help prevent criminal behavior by promoting positive role models and
environments that foster positive beliefs, attitudes, and values.
Both attachment theory and social cognitive development theory can be used to develop
strategies or programs to prevent criminal behavior. For example, programs that promote secure
attachment, positive role models, and environments that foster positive beliefs, attitudes, and
values can help prevent criminal behavior.
These theories also address cultural differences or diversity considerations relevant to the
topic of criminal behavior. Cultural differences in attachment styles, beliefs, and values can
influence criminal behavior. Moreover, individuals from marginalized communities may face
additional risk factors, such as poverty and discrimination, that contribute to criminal behavior.
Understanding these cultural differences and risk factors can help develop targeted interventions
to prevent criminal behavior.
Overall, attachment theory and social cognitive development theory offer valuable insights
into the origins and development of criminal behavior. However, like all theories, they have
strengths and limitations. For example, attachment theory has been criticized for being too
deterministic and failing to account for individual differences in temperament and personality.
Social cognitive development theory has been criticized for neglecting the role of biology and
genetic factors in the development of criminal behavior. Nevertheless, these theories remain
valuable tools for understanding and preventing criminal behavior.
1. Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment and Loss: Vol. 1. Attachment. New York: Basic Books.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.