Health Informatics
Final Project Assignment
Due April 19, 9PM
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The final presentation will demonstrate in-depth understanding of a topic in health
informatics based on the course material AND your own research. You will be
developing a presentation to your organization where you explore in detail an aspect of
one of the health informatics topics we covered in this course. You may choose any
health care organization (hospital, medical practice, or clinic) as the basis for developing
the presentation but I recommend you choose an organization which seems relevant to
your future career plans. This may be your current organization if you are pursuing a
new role within that organization or it may be an organization you aspire to be employed
at in the future; whatever option is most relevant to you.
In a presentation of no more than 15 minutes, you should demonstrate the following:
○ The ability to discuss a health informatics issue or topic area
succinctly and in language a non-expert will understand,
○ Provide an overview of the issue/topic area, its context, and
significance (no more than 3 slides for this),
○ Discuss the specifics your colleagues need to know about this area
to make an informed decision on how to proceed (the bulk of the
presentation, probably between 10 to 15 slides more or less).
At the end of your presentation, include a list of additional resources (in APA format)
your colleagues could consult for more information (1 slide is sufficient) as well as a list
of references to sources (outside of the course materials) used in your research (again,
in APA format). You should have 3 or more outside reliable sources.
The specific topic area is up to you. Some possible topic areas include (but are not
limited to):
1. Specific planning for the transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11
2. Recommendations to implement an analytics platform that complements your
EHR system
3. Planning for a cybersecurity audit in the health care environment
4. Explaining modifications to HIPAA compliance requirements during the
COVID-19 pandemic
5. Implementation of mobile health technology in your health practice
6. Options for implementing clinical decision support with a specific hospital unit
7. Enabling support for public health surveillance reporting using EHR data
Here are some things to keep in mind:
● The goal of the presentation is to demonstrate your expertise in data
management in an area of practice. This should be your focus, not
necessarily your in-depth knowledge of the specifics of a particular
organization. The organization should be viewed as the context in which you
are demonstrating your expertise.
● Your presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes. The senior leadership
team is a busy group of people, so keep that in mind. If your presentation is
too long winded, that will be seen as a negative by the leadership team.
● You may provide either a narrated Powerpoint (voice recording included
with the Powerpoint itself) or you can provide a Powerpoint with your
narration of the slide in the speaker’s notes box. For more information
○ Narrating a Powerpoint presentation, go to
○ Including speaker’s notes in a Powerpoint presentation, go to
● Do not just read your slides but use your narration to provide additional
information that supplements the main points you are trying to make. Your
bullet points, if you use them, should be a jumping-off point for further
clarification or explanation.
● You MUST submit the original Powerpoint or Powerpoint compatible
presentation file. The following will not be accepted: PDF files, MP4 video
files without the accompanying PPT file, links to documents on Google drives.