Using the Bruno book, session 5, (you will rely on previous chapters too) I want you to describe a case study where you have used exposure work with an executive in his or her coaching work. You will have poetic license here, you are going to act as if you have already done this.
In this case, the executive has a non-pathological fear of public speaking. So, this is definitely something you can use with a coaching client. It is not a therapy issue. In the past-tense, explain how you helped the executive overcome a fear of public speaking by using exposure work, explained by Bruno in session 5. Be sure to include how you used bi-polar exposure, certainly how you used in-vivo exposure and how you used SUDS. Remember, this took more than one session, so do not write as if you did all this in one session. Be sure to explain the concept of experiential equivalence between imagery and in-vivo stimulation. Be sure to mention the handouts you used. Don’t forget to stay equanimous.
Within this answer, also write about how you used other concepts to help the client get unstuck during the sessions. Be sure to include how you addressed at least one schema the client has and how you used some Gestalt, ACT, and CBT techniques during the session.