Teaching Plan
Select one class period from your course syllabus and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class.
Assignment Guidelines
Your teaching plan should serve as a road map of what you think students need to learn as well as how you will effectively deliver your instruction and evaluate what the students learned during the class period. While there are many formats for a teaching plan, the following sections should be included in your plan:
The subject or topic that you plan to teach: Your topic should be selected from one of the class periods listed in your syllabus that you developed for an undergraduate nursing course.
Level of instruction: The placement of the course in the nursing program curriculum (i.e., freshman, junior, sophomore, senior; beginning, mid-program, or end-of-program level)
Method/mode of delivering your teaching presentation: Form of audio-visual delivery, PowerPoint presentation, or similar method
Learning objectives: Include 4–5 outcome statements that define what you expect the students to learn or accomplish by the end of the class period. Your learning objectives should be clear and measurable, and appropriate to the information you are teaching, and the level of instruction.
Content outline: Develop an outline of the central points and/or skills you plan to cover. Your content should be logically structured.
Teaching strategies and learning activities: List the approach, techniques, and methods you will use to drive your instruction and engage your students to reach the learning objectives (e.g., lecture, active learning, discussions). Provide a rationale supporting your selected teaching strategies, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
Plans for individual learning differences: How you plan to adapt your teaching to meet individual learning needs of various students. Explain how individuals with different learning styles will be supported by your teaching strategies and activities.
Evaluation process: List the methods you plan to use to assess student learning and evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching strategies (how you will determine if students met the outcome objectives).
Include formative (questioning, discussion, games, etc.) and summative (assignment, test, presentation, etc.) evaluation strategies.
Include at least one written assignment and develop a rubric that clearly describes your expectations for the assignment. Your rubric should:
List the criteria that will be assessed (a breakdown of the assignment parts).
Include some type of scale that measures the levels of quality for the criteria being assessed (e.g., from excellent to poor, from exceeds expectations to does not meet expectations)
Foundations of Nursing Practice Course Syllabus
Foundations of Nursing Practice Course Syllabus
General information about the course:
Instructor: Blank
Course Title: Foundations of Nursing Practice: Building a Strong Healthcare Foundation
Course Number: NURS 100
Course Credits: 4
Course hours: 56
Course length: 8 weeks
Meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Class Location: Blank
Contact Information:
Email: Blank
Office Hours: By appointment only; please email to schedule
Office Location: Blank
Course Description:
This 8-week undergraduate nursing course, Foundations of Nursing Practice: Building
a Strong Healthcare Foundation, immerses students in a transformative learning experience,
merging theoretical knowledge with practical application. Professional ethics, patient care,
evidence-based practice, and health assessment are just topics that students dive into when
exploring the nursing profession through a dynamic and engaging curriculum. As they learn,
they emphasize thinking critically and making clinical decisions while focusing on patientcentered and holistic care.
Course Outcome Objectives:
By the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze the historical and contemporary factors influencing the nursing profession,
recognizing its pivotal role in healthcare.
2. Apply critical thinking skills to clinical decision-making and problem-solving in
various healthcare scenarios.
3. Demonstrate effective communication and therapeutic relationships with patients,
families, and healthcare team members.
4. Utilize evidence-based practice to provide holistic, patient-centered care that
optimizes health outcomes.
5. Implement safe and ethical nursing interventions based on legal and professional
6. Collaborate as an influential healthcare team member, fostering interdisciplinary
communication and teamwork.
Required Materials and Learning Resources:
Textbook: ” Comprehensive Textbook of Foundation of Nursing ” by Rebecca
Nissanka (available at the school bookstore)
Textbook: ” Foundations of Nursing” 8th Edition by Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell
(available at the school bookstore)
Textbook: ” Foundations oF nursing an integrated approach Foundations of Nursing:
an Integrated Approach” by Cliff Evans and Emma Tippins (available at the school
Nursing skills kit, including essential tools and equipment for hands-on learning
(available for purchase at the school bookstore)
Personal stethoscope and penlight for health assessments
Access to online resources and databases for evidence-based practice, such as
scholarly articles and research databases
Instructional Methods and Activities:
This course will use a variety of teaching methods and activities to provide
meaningful learning experiences, including but not limited to:
Engaging lectures: Interactive presentations to introduce key nursing concepts,
theories, and practical skills, promoting student engagement and understanding.
Small group discussions and case studies: Collaborative learning activities to
enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, allowing students to apply
theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Skills laboratory sessions: Hands-on practice of fundamental nursing procedures and
techniques, guided by experienced faculty to ensure proficiency and competency.
Clinical rotations in healthcare facilities: Immersive learning experiences in diverse
clinical settings, where students will observe and actively participate in patient care
under the supervision of experienced nurses.
Simulation exercises: Realistic scenarios to develop clinical decision-making skills,
patient management abilities, and effective communication strategies in a controlled
learning environment.
Guest speakers from diverse nursing specialties: Invited professionals will share
their expertise, experiences, and insights, offering valuable perspectives on various
nursing roles and career paths.
Quizzes and interactive modules: Self-assessment tools and online resources to
foster independent learning, reinforcing key concepts and facilitating comprehensive
understanding of course content.
Classroom Policies or Rules:
The following policies and rules shall be followed to promote a positive and
respectful learning environment:
1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class sessions unless prevented by
extenuating circumstances. Students should promptly communicate with the instructor
if absent to stay updated on missed material and make up hours if needed.
2. Respectful Behavior: Students must treat their classmates, instructors, guest
speakers, and healthcare professionals with courtesy, respect, and professionalism.
3. Disability: If a student needs an accommodation due to a disability, they should
contact the Handicap Support Services Office. All pupils will get the same standard of
4. Academic Integrity: Upholding academic honesty and integrity is of utmost
importance. Plagiarism, cheating, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated.
Students must adhere to the institution’s academic integrity policy.
5. Timeliness: Students are expected to arrive on time for each class session,
demonstrating punctuality and respect for others’ learning experience.
6. Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and
laptops, during class sessions, should be limited to course-related activities with the
instructor’s permission. All devices should be silenced to minimize distractions.
7. Confidentiality: Respecting patient privacy and confidentiality is of utmost
importance. Discussions and information shared during case studies, clinical
experiences, and simulations must remain confidential, emphasizing the ethical
responsibilities of nursing professionals.
Evaluation Methods:
Student performance will be assessed using the following evaluation methods and
corresponding weightage:
Class Participation: 10% of the total course grade
Written Assignments: 30% of the total course grade
Skills Laboratory Performance: 20% of the total course grade
Midterm Examination: 20% of the total course grade
Final Examination: 20% of the total course grade
Course Content Outline and Timeline:
Introduction to
– Engaging lecture on the
– Chapter 1: “The
Nursing: Embracing
historical development of nursing Evolution of Nursing”
the Profession
– Supplementary article:
“The Art of Caring”
– Interactive discussion on the
– Additional resources
contemporary nursing landscape
on the history of
Health Assessment
– Comprehensive lecture on
– Chapter 2: “Health
and Documentation
health assessment and
– Additional readings on
health assessment
– Skills lab: Practicing vital signs
Fundamentals of
– In-depth lecture on the
Nursing Care
foundational principles and skills “Fundamentals of
of nursing
– Chapter 3:
Nursing Care”
of nursing
– Recommended
articles on nursing
– Skills lab: Developing essential
nursing skills
– Comprehensive lecture on safe
– Chapter 4:
Administration and
medication administration
– Drug calculation
references and practice
– Simulation exercise:
Administering medications safely
and accurately
Health Promotion and
– Lecture on health promotion
– Chapter 5: “Health
Disease Prevention
and disease prevention
Promotion and Disease”
– Additional readings on
health promotion
– Midterm Exam
– Case study discussion on
Nursing Ethics and
– In-depth lecture on nursing
– Chapter 6: “Nursing
Legal Considerations
ethics and legal considerations
Ethics and Legal
– Ethical and legal case
– Interactive group discussion on
ethical decision-making
– Comprehensive lecture on
– Chapter 7: “EvidenceBased Practice”
evidence-based practice in
– Supplementary
resources on evidencebased practice
– Research article analysis and
critical appraisal
Review and Exam
– Comprehensive review of key
– Comprehensive
review materials
– Final Exam
Please note that this syllabus serves as a general guide and may be subject to minor
modifications as needed throughout the course. Any changes or updates will be
communicated in advance.
Remember, active participation, diligent study, and an open mindset are crucial to
your success in this course. Feel free to email or call me during business hours if you have
any questions or concerns. Let’s embark on this exciting journey of nursing education