ANTH 143A-2022Research Paper Guidelines
20 January 2022
During the course of the semester, you have asked to devise a topic for this paper, produce
an annotated bibliography documenting the sources of information that you are using for the paper,
and write a prospectus that begins to outline in some detail the main focus and essential details of
your research. The last step in the process is to write a full description of this work in manuscript
form. To enable you to generate the final research paper, the format requirements for the text are
provided below. Please note that the submission date for the final research paper is Friday, 29 April
Font. Please use a 12-point standard font such as Times New Roman, Garamond, Arial or
Helvetica and use one-inch margins and double-spaced text.
Manuscript Length. The text should be 10-12 double-spaces of text at a minimum, not
including the title page or bibliography. You can certainly write a longer paper, if this is
where your research and thinking take you.
Writing style. Avoid unnecessary grammatical and sentence structure errors that you can
easily avoid. Also, ensure that the sources you choose to derive your content from are
credible to ensure accuracy in your story or write up. Proof the text for spelling and
grammatical errors.
Bibliography. As explained in the Annotated Bibliography guidelines, please use the APA
citation style for your bibliography. An online guide for the use of this style, for citations
that are used in-text and within a bibliography, can be found here: https://
Contents. Please include these contents in the paper: Title page, main text, and bibliography.
You can also embed any tables or figures in the text that you wish to add, with the caveat
being that they will not count toward the total page length requirement.
ANTH 143A-2022
Prospectus Guidelines
Due Date: 15 April 2022
What is a prospectus?
A prospectus is a document or summary that explains a solution to a specific problem and a detailed
step-by-step explanation about how the solution was arrived at by the person undertaking the
How to write a prospectus
Decide on a topic. A prospectus should give a solution to or overview on a specific problem
or issue that you are exploring in the research paper. It should essentially give you direction
on what you are going to write about and how you are going to put your ideas together for
this purpose. It further helps to ensure that your topic is not as broad as a whole subject but
just a section of the whole subject.
Conduct research on the topic. Although the question or issue that you are going to address
in your paper will reflect your own take on it, you will be working on subject matter that
others have already been investigating. Therefore, you will need to find articles that are
closely similar in theme and focus to the one you are working on.
Enumerate the main questions that your prospectus is addressing. This helps you to stay on
course when writing your proposal, as these are the problems you seek to answer in your
proposal. The questions are distinct depending on the type of research proposal you are
working on.
The sources you are going to use. Even with a clear objective of the topic you are going to
work on, it is not possible to come up with the contents of your prospectus on your own.
Hence, it is necessary to select a wide selection of books, articles, manuscripts and any other
documents that will help you to develop the story around your topic.
What kind of story are you going to tell? After selecting a particular issue or problem,
carefully select the approach to be taken in the paper as a means of describing it. What
makes your perspective on the issue distinctive? What new and interesting details emerged
from your research efforts?
Some important prospectus writing tips
Consider the topic you have chosen. It is important that you focus on the specific problem
or issue that is central to the paper. The themes or chronological order of events that you
have chosen to work within your prospectus should be what you will follow to ensure that
there is a systematic order of events hence a smooth flow of ideas and, in turn, easier
reading and comprehension of your document. Moreover, choose a topic that you are most
comfortable with and will engage your thoughts effectively.
Formatting rules:
Format your work just like you would any type of research paper. Please use a 12-point
standard font such as Times New Roman, Garamond, Arial or Helvetica and use one-inch
margins and double-spaced text.
Precision and accuracy. Avoid unnecessary grammatical and sentence structure errors that
you can easily avoid. Also, ensure that the sources you choose to derive your content from
are credible to ensure accuracy in your story or write up. Proof the text for spelling and
grammatical errors.
Content. Make the content as comprehensive as possible to the target audience to which you
want to communicate your ideas.
Prospectus Organization
The order of the prospectus contents should be as follows:
Title of the paper. Give your prospectus a title based on the subject matter of the paper.
This can be changed before you submit the final version of the paper.
Paper topic. Provide a brief summary of the topic about which you have chosen to write in
1-2 sentences, e.g., the impact of breastfeeding on neonatal health.
Outline the motivation for addressing or investigate this topic. Indicate why this topic
interests you and what you hope to learn from writing about it.
Draft of the sections that your research paper is going to include. This may change in the
course of your research, but will give you clear guidance on the order of the sections.
Brief discussion of the main findings. Summarize what the take home message of the
paper is going to be, i.e., the answer(s) to the questions you have explored in the paper.
Bibliography. This is a list of all the sources on which you are basing your paper’s content.
Please follow the citation format provided in the annotated bibliography guidelines. You do
not have to include the annotations in this bibliography.
The entire prospectus should be about two pages in length, not including the bibliography.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Course Title:
Research Questions
• Introduction:
• How does Local and Global data show on the prevalence of CVD?
• What are the causes and risk factors of CVD?
• What is the relationship between the dietary behavior and the prevalence
of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention?
Research Questions
• Body:
• What does the Data relating diet to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) mean?
• How do poor diets and dietary consumption lead to increased cases of CVD?
• What are the types of Dietary Patterns and Diet Quality Several that help in the
prevention of CVD?
Research Questions
• Conclusion
• What are the recommendation to achieving healthier diet to prevent
• What challenges exist to achieving healthier diet to prevent CVDs?
• Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) the conditions that affect the heart and the blood vessels.
• CVDs are as a result of buildup fat in the arteries which in turn leads to increased risk in blood clots.
• In the United States, 659,000 people are estimated to die each year due to CVD (Mensah et al.,
• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CVD is the major cause of death globally.
• WHO states that 17.9 million people deaths each year are as a result of CVD.
• CVD is caused by consumption of unhealthy diet, tobacco use, harmful
consumption of alcohol and physical inactivity.
• Consumption of unhealthy diet is a major cause of CVD as most people consume
unhealthy fats that are accumulated in the arteries.
• The consumption of unhealthy diets is due to the modern environment where
people prefer to purchase food than cook.
• Improvement in the dietary consumption will help in reducing cases of CVD.
• However, the society values are always changing and health organizations do not
have access to enough funds to study people’s behaviors.
• People need to be educated on healthy diets and prioritizing their health as most
people are not keen in upholding their health.
• CVD causes 32% od deaths worldwide yearly. More than 50% of CVD deaths
occur in low income and middle income countries.
• CVD currently affects young adults and the older generations.
• In order to reduce CVD cases the following precautions should be undertaken.
• Firstly, people should be encouraged to consume fruits, whole grains, and low/non
fat dairy products.
Body- Poor diets and dietary consumption
• People should be discouraged from excessive consumption of alcohol.
• Low consumption of sodium, processed meat and saturated fats.
• Low consumption of unhealthy food beverages as they increase glucose and
insulin levels in the blood which in turn lead to increased appetite.
• The increased leads to excessive consumption of food, which leads to obesity.
Body- Dietary Patterns
• Dietary Patterns and diet quality help in reducing CVD cases in a population.
• The U.S Style dietary pattern encourages the consumption of whole grains,
vegetables, healthy fats, poultry and leans meats.
• It discourages the consumption of added sugars and refined starches.
• The Vegetarian dietary pattern is similarly to U.S Style pattern however,
discourages the consumption of meat, poultry and seafood.
Body- Dietary Patterns
• The Mediterranean style dietary pattern encourages the consumption
of plant based foods in addition to animal foods (Salas-Salvadó et al.,
• It encourages the consumption of processed meats sparingly.
Conclusion- Challenges
• The major challenge that most organization face is the lack of funds to be used fro
training people on the importance of taking care of their health.
• Low income earners lack enough money to purchase healthy foods fro their
consumption (Ruan et al., 2018).
• Increased inflation in food items has made people lean towards consumption
processed foods as they are readily available and affordable.
Conclusion- Recommendation
• Health organizations should be willing to invest in educating people on the
importance of consuming healthy foods.
• There is increased CVD cases among young adults and hence it is important to
encourage the young people to be keen in taking care of their health.
• Food manufacturers should be encouraged to use healthy fats in the manufacturing
processing to reduce the consumption of unhealthy fats.
• Ruan, Y., Guo, Y., Zheng, Y., Huang, Z., Sun, S., Kowal, P., … & Wu, F. (2018). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and
associated risk factors among older adults in six low-and middle-income countries: results from SAGE Wave
1. BMC public health, 18(1), 1-13.
• Mensah, G. A., Roth, G. A., & Fuster, V. (2019). The global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors:
2020 and beyond. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74(20), 2529-2532.
• Salas-Salvadó, J., Becerra-Tomás, N., García-Gavilán, J. F., Bullo, M., & Barrubes, L. (2018). Mediterranean diet
and cardiovascular disease prevention: what do we know?. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 61(1), 62-67.
The Impact of Dietary Consumption of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Over the past few years cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have been the
leading cause of death across the world. There are many factors that increase the
risk of cardiovascular diseases such as smoking, obesity, inactivity, and family
history of CVD. And among these factors, food-related risk factors contribute to
the large part of CVDs. Poor quality diets that are high in refined grains, sugars,
salt, and unhealthy fats are often consumed faster than healthy meals. These
unhealthy diets are facilitated by modern food environments, a problem that is
likely to become more universal as food environments shift to technology-based
system. Thus, proper dietary consumption takes place in preventing cardiovascular
diseases brought about by food-related risk factors.
This paper summarizes the evidence relating dietary consumption to the
prevention of CVD, and the significance modifying the modern food
environments. It emphasizes the importance of identifying systemic solutions to
diet-related health outcomes. Furthermore, it aims to identify the significant
relationship between the dietary behavior and the prevalence of cardiovascular
disease (CVD) prevention.
a. Prevalence of CVD (worldwide/local data regarding the cases of CVD/ may
include total deaths)
b. Pathophysiology of CVD ( causes and risk factors (emphasize food-related
risk factors)
c. Research gap (significant relationship between the dietary behavior and the
prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention.)
a. Data relating diet to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
b. Define poor diets and dietary consumption (a. emphasize high intake of
fruits and vegetables, whole grains, moderate intake of low/nonfat dairy and
alcohol; and low intake of sodium, processed meats, and saturated fat relate
excess caloric intake. B. unhealthy food and beverages and what they do to
the cardiovascular system)
c. Dietary Patterns and Diet Quality Several (DP have been related to
beneficial cardiovascular effects. Ex. Mediterranean DP -characterized by
moderate energy intake, high consumption of olive oil, fish, legumes, nuts,
fruits, and vegetables; fewer red meats and processed associated with low
CVD incidence and mortality) (Make sure to include the significance and
relationship of diets in the past neolithic times such as the paleo diet,
and how heart disease might have effected them, and how the paleo diet
stands in today with CVD)
d. Recommendation and challenges to achieving healthier diet to prevent