Review the key components of the health care policy process in Ch.3 ofHealth policymaking in the United States. Additionally, Chapters 5-9 of the course text are also excellent resources for each stage of the policy process. Here is a breakdown of what you can find in each chapter of Longest (2016):
The policy cycle provides lawmakers with a pathway for developing a policy and guiding it through the institutions of our government. The cycle starts with identification of a targeted problem and ultimately ends up with providing a specific course of action. Along the way, the outcomes of a policy are subjected to various levels of review, evaluation, and revisions that result in a continual loop. As a health care administrator, it’s important to have a working knowledge of the process and how the process ultimately leads to implementation of health care laws that eventually will have an impact on what you do.
Write a paper that explains the policy process and explains how the Affordable Care Act advanced through the policy process stages. Your paper must include the following:
1.Discuss five stages of the policy process identified in Longest (2016)to describe each stage:
2.Explain how the Affordable Care Act advanced through each stage of the policy process