Psyc 403- Assignment 4The CEO of Widgets of America LOVED the training plan that Reginald developed. She found
it to be incredibly detailed and provided a step-by-step explanation of what to do, when to do it
and why it was being done. She has full plans to implement the results promptly. The CEO
conveys this information to Reginald and lets him know that she’s considering offering him a job
as their new in-house I/O consultant! He’s back in the game! Reginald knows that he can now
start making enough to fiiiinally start paying back some of those student loans!
His first assignment is to do a full accounting of the major organizational citizenship behaviors
(OCBs) and how they impact the organization. He also must identify some of the
counterproductive workplace behaviors (CWBs) and some of the potential motivators for them.
Reginald has been instructed to identify at least four of each. Finally, he has to determine what
types of incentive systems can both encourage the OCBs and discourage the CWBs.
Based on the help you provided for his last assignment, Reginald decides to call you up. Well,
technically, he just sends you a message on Instagram. Because the two businesses are so similar,
he believes that he’ll be able to use your experience(s) for his first real assignment. Using your
own workplace (or a combination of workplaces OR school settings), provide Reginald with the
information that he’s looking for.
Be sure to fully answer the question in paragraph form with proper
spelling/punctuation/usage/etc. Don’t forget to explicitly identify the workplace as this may have
a direct impact on the OCBs and CWBs.