A presentation about human factors and patient safety
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
Multi-professional Edition
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
WHO patient safety curriculum guide: multi-professional edition.
1.Patient care – education. 2.Curriculum. 3.Clinical competence.
4.Health personnel – education. 5.Safety management. 6.Practice
guideline. I.World Health Organization. II.WHO Patient Safety.
ISBN 978 92 4 150195 8
(NLM classification: WX 167)
© World Health Organization 2011
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Part A: Teacher’s Guide
1. Background
2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
3. Aims of the Curriculum Guide
4. Structure of the Curriculum Guide
5. Implementing the Curriculum Guide
6. How to integrate patient safety learning into your curriculum
7. Educational principles essential for patient safety teaching and learning
8. Activities to assist patient safety understanding
9. How to assess patient safety
10. How to evaluate patient safety curricula
11. Web-based tools and resources
12. How to foster an international approach to patient safety education
Part B: Curriculum Guide Topics
Definitions of key concepts
Key to icons
Introduction to the Curriculum Guide topics
Topic 1: What is patient safety?
Topic 2: Why applying human factors is important for patient safety
Topic 3: Understanding systems and the effect of complexity on patient care
Topic 4: Being an effective team player
Topic 5: Learning from errors to prevent harm
Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk
Topic 7: Using quality-improvement methods to improve care
Topic 8: Engaging with patients and carers
Introduction to Topics 9-11
Topic 9: Infection prevention and control
Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures
Topic 11: Improving medication safety
Annex 1: Link to the Australian Patient Safety Education Framework
Annex 2: Assessment method examples
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
antimicrobial resistance
Australian Patient Safety Education Framework
accelerated recovery colectomy surgery
case-based discussion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
clinical practice improvement
catheter-related bloodstream infection
crew resource management
extended matching question
failure mode effect analysis
health care-associated infection
hepatitis B virus
human immunodeficiency virus
high reliability organization
intensive care unit
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute of Medicine
interprofessional education
magnetic resonance imaging
multiple choice question
modified essay question
mini clinical evaluation exercise
magnetic resonance imaging
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
multisource feedback
National Aeronautics and Space Agency
National Center for Patient Safety
National Patient Safety Education Framework
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
operating room
objective structured clinical examination
over the counter
problem-based learning
personal protective equipment
root cause analysis
reporting and learning system
risk priority number
short best answer question paper
surgical site infection
United Kingdom
United States of America
Veterans Affairs
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
World Health Organization
Health care has evolved greatly over the past 20 years. Our knowledge of diseases
and technological innovations have all contributed to improving life expectancy
during the 20th Century. But one of the greatest challenges today is not about
keeping up with the latest clinical procedures or the latest high-tech equipment.
Instead, it is about delivering safer care in complex, pressurized and fast-moving
environments. In such environments, things can often go wrong. Adverse events
occur. Unintentional, but serious harm comes to patients during routine clinical
practice, or as a result of a clinical decision.
Many countries in the world have already recognized that patient safety is important
and are building ways and approaches to improve the quality and safety of care.
They have also recognized the importance of educating health-care professionals on
the principles and concepts of patient safety. Strengthening such competencies is
needed in order to keep pace with the complexities of the system and the demands
of workforce requirements.
The World Health Organization is currently leading a global drive to build on patient
safety education, its principles and approaches that lead to a future health-care
workforce educated to practise patient-centred care anywhere in the world. It has
embarked on developing a patient safety curriculum guide with a multi-professional
perspective, a health systems approach with a global reach. It has accelerated efforts
in assisting universities and schools of health sciences to build and integrate patient
safety learning into their existing curricula.
The World Health Organization, working with governments, universities and schools
worldwide, international professional associations in the disciplines of dentistry,
medicine, midwifery, nursing and pharmacy and their related student associations,
have made patient safety education relevant to the needs and requirements of
contemporary workforce environments. The combined energy, resources and
expertise have been essential in developing the Multi-professional edition of the
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide. The fruits of applying its recommendations will be
immediate and measurable in terms of building the knowledge and skills of health
sciences students that will better prepare them for safer practice.
Dr Margaret Chan
World Health Organization
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
World Health Organization
Commitment to patient safety worldwide has grown since the late 1990s. This was
prompted by two influential reports: To Err is Human, produced by the Institute of
Medicine in the USA, in 1999 and An Organization with a Memory, produced by
the United Kingdom Government’s Chief Medical Officer in 2000. Both reports
recognized that error is routine during the delivery of health care and occurs in
around 10% of hospital admissions. In a proportion of cases, the harm produced is
serious, even fatal.
Since the publication of these two influential reports, the quest to improve the
safety of care for patients has become a global movement. This has led to a
remarkable transformation in the way that patient safety is viewed. Having begun
as a subject of minority academic interest, it is now a firm priority for most healthcare systems.
Yet, the current state of patient safety worldwide is still a source of deep concern.
As data on the scale and nature of errors and adverse events have been more widely
gathered, it has become apparent that unsafe care is a feature of virtually every
aspect of health care.
The education and training of dentists, doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists and
other health-care professionals has long been the foundation of safe, high quality
health care. Yet, it has been under-used and under-valued as a vital tool for
addressing the challenges of achieving improved patient safety. It is clear that a
new approach is needed if education and training are to play the full role that they
should in improving patient safety.
For the past three years, the World Health Organization has been exploring the
links between education and health practice – between the education of the healthcare workforce and the safety of the health system. As an outcome, it has developed
this multi-professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide, which addresses a variety of
ideas and methods for teaching and assessing patient safety more effectively.
The WHO Curriculum Guide is a comprehensive programme for effective student
learning about patient safety. It highlights the key risks of health care and how to
manage them, shows how to recognize adverse events and hazards, report and
analyse them. It teaches about team-work and the importance of clear communication
across all levels of health care, whilst emphasizing the importance of engaging with
patients and carers to build and sustain a culture of patient safety.
I hope this Curriculum Guide will inspire the future generation of health-care
professionals to embark on a lifelong quest to provide their patients with the best
quality and safest care they deserve.
Sir Liam Donaldson
Envoy for Patient Safety
World Health Organization
FDI World Dental Federation
Today there is a growing awareness and recognition of patient safety as a vital factor
in health care. There is also a perceived need to look closely at procedures successfully
adopted in other professional environments, notably business safety, to see how
they can be adapted into the health-care situation. With this comes a pressing need
for students in all forms of health-care practice to learn and understand how to
manage and deal with adverse events, ensuring at the same time a high degree of
patient safety.
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multiprofessional Edition is an important resource: not only will it raise global awareness
of the need for patient safety education, but it will also help educators integrate the
concept of safety into existing health-care curricula.
This will contribute towards building a foundation of knowledge and skills to better
prepare students for clinical practice and help develop a future workforce of healthcare professionals educated in patient safety and capable of meeting the demands
of today’s complex environments.
In the past year, FDI World Dental Federation has sought to review its global oral
health strategies and identify key global issues and regional priorities. One of the
issues raised was quality assurance and improvement with respect to patient safety
and patient communication/information. It is therefore heartening to see that issues
raised are so immediately translated into workable, usable educational materials,
based on concepts derived from industry practice.
The concept of patient safety as a ‘core’ attitude to be introduced early on in dental
training is one that FDI has long championed. The prominence this WHO syllabus
gives to training future dentists in the techniques of practising patient safety in all
aspects of their work augurs well for their future careers and the future of dentistry
in the world.
FDI is proud to have been involved in this collaborative project with WHO: it is very
much a part of the process we have instigated to further the cause of oral health
and pursue goals in continuing education. It also usefully integrates dentistry into
the other health professions, highlighting the common principles that govern their
approach to patient safety.
Dr Roberto Vianna
FDI World Dental Federation
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
International Pharmaceutical Federation
Patient safety is a high-priority issue for all professionals – like pharmacists – who care
for the health and general well-being of people. For centuries, pharmacists have been
the guardians /safeguards against “poisons” those substances which could cause harm
to the public. Now more than ever pharmacists are charged with the responsibility of
ensuring that when a patient receives a medicine, it will not cause harm.
The recent shift of paradigm of pharmacy practice from a product-focused to a
patient centered approach has lead to the further development of pharmaceutical
care, which focuses on preventing or solving actual and potential drug therapy
problems, through the provision of comprehensive services to patients.
Pharmacists also contribute to collaborative practice in ambulatory and hospital
settings, and there is strong evidence that patient safety can be increased through
their active involvement in multi-disciplinary care teams. Believing that the
strengthening of patient safety in pharmacists’ curricula could further enhance their
capability to contribute to patient safety, FIP contributed to this document and
welcomes this precious tool.
Mr Ton Hoek
General Secretary
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
International Confederation of Midwives
Members of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) have dedicated
considerable time and expertise to collaborating with the World Health Organization
and other health professions, to create a truly multi-disciplinary and multiprofessional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide, to teach patient safety principles to a
wide range of health professionals. The case studies in this guide will help students
not only recognize the role of patient safety in different care settings but will also
highlight the need for improved inter-professional collaboration and communication
to avoid health-related errors.
As President of ICM, I congratulate the numerous health professionals and WHO,
who together have created this Guide. I am of course especially proud of the
contributions from midwife members of ICM, who have worked tirelessly and
collaboratively to bring this Curriculum Guide to fruition. May it serve the
international health community well as it strives to respond to the health needs of
the world.
Mrs Frances Day-Stirk
International Confederation of Midwives
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
International Council of Nurses
The International Council of Nurses is pleased to have contributed to the development of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition,
which provides a common platform for health-care practitioners to address this important issue.
Nurses around the world have a major role to play in improving patient safety. Whilst
individual professionals have a duty to ensure practice does no harm, increasingly
care is being delivered by teams. Working from this comprehensive resource facilitates team work and provides a common knowledge base that also offers flexibility
for each discipline to make its unique contribution. In addition, this guide raises
awareness of the need to integrate patient safety into the curriculum of all health
Dr Rosemary Bryant
International Council of Nurses
World Medical Association
Safety is a cornerstone of quality in health care and its success requires individual
and team commitment. Individuals and processes are rarely single causes of errors.
Rather, separate elements combine and together produce high-risk situations.
Understanding risk in the complex processes of health and medical care requires
information about errors and so-called near misses. From them we can learn to close
gaps of safety, reduce morbidity, mortality and to raise the quality of health care.
Therefore, it is crucial to have a non-punitive safety culture to deal with errors, with
reporting mechanisms that help prevent and correct system failures and human
errors instead of seeking individual or organizational culpability. In most health-care
settings this blame-free culture still needs to be developed. One crucial step in this
process is to educate health professional students on the concept of safety in health
care, collaborative practice and how to implement it in their future day-to-day work.
Person-centred health care is becoming more complex and more specialised. This
requires that more attention is paid to seamless teamwork in health care. A truly
collaborative practice demands a high degree of communication, accurate passing
on of task and results and clearly defined roles and responsibilities. A realistic
understanding of the risks inherent in modern medicine makes it necessary that all
health professionals are capable of cooperating with all relevant parties, of adopting
a proactive systems approach to safety and of performing with professional
responsibility. This includes first and foremost the dialogue with our patients and to
pay respect to their needs, expectations, fears and hopes.
The World Medical Association advocates health professionals to recognize safety as
one of the core elements for improving quality in health care. Facilitating the
development of collective knowledge about unsafe situations and practices and
taking preventive action to avoid unnecessary risks is key to success.
The WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide offers an educational tool for students of
health professions to understand the concept of patient safety and collaborative
practice. It gives guidance to teachers on how to teach this topic with modern
educational methods.
Dr Wonchat Subhachaturas
World Medical Association
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
International Association of Dental
International Council of Nurses –
Students’ Network
International Federation of Medical
Students’ Associations
International Pharmaceutical Students’
Given the importance of delivering safe care in today’s health-care settings, there is
an ever growing need for students to learn about adverse events in health care and
an urgent necessity for patient safety. The introduction of patient safety in health
professionals education will contribute to building a foundation of knowledge and
skills that will better prepare students for clinical practice. It will help generate a
future workforce of health-care professionals educated in patient safety and capable
of meeting the demands of today’s complex environments.
The International Association of Dental Students (IADS,) International Council of
Nurses – Students’ Network (ICN-SN), International Federation of Medical Students’
Associations (IFMSA) and International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF)
jointly welcomes the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional
Edition as an important resource, not only to raise global awareness of the need for
patient safety education, but also to support educators to introduce this discipline
into existing health-care curricula and help prepare students for safer practice in
their workplace environments.
ICN-SN, IADS, IFMSA and IPSF endorse the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide:
Multi-professional Edition and welcomes WHO’s efforts in supporting dentistry,
medical, nursing and pharmacy universities and faculties worldwide to introduce
patient safety education in health-care curricula. The student associations appreciate
WHO’s efforts in consulting with students as equal stakeholders, to ensure that their
suggestions and views are incorporated into the Curriculum Guide. The associations
strongly support the multi-professional edition of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum
Guide and congratulate WHO for making it possible for all stakeholders to move in
this direction.
Mr Ionut Luchian
International Association
of Dental Students
Ms Yasmin Yehia
International Council
of Nurses – Students’ Network
Mr Chijioke Chikere Kadure
International Federation
of Medical Students’ Associations
Mr Jan Roder
International Pharmaceutical
Students’ Federation
The patient voice in professional
Having been involved in the development and piloting of the Patient Safety
Curriculum Guide for Medical Schools, it was a natural progression that Patients for
Patient Safety would participate in the adaptation of the Curriculum Guide for
multi-disciplinary use. We welcome this opportunity to collaborate with another
WHO programme.
In practice, our interaction with students of all disciplines and at all levels has
reinforced a very strong conviction that as part of their education students must be
exposed to, and develop for themselves, an appreciation of the value of the patient
experience. When that is coupled with fostering an awareness of what constitutes
truly patient-centred care they will then invariably combine heart, intellect and skills
to the benefit of patients and patient outcomes.
Formally embedding the patient perspective into health-care education is key to
patient safety, sustainable culture change and health-care improvement. Research
conducted at the University of British Columbia in Canada highlights that “Students
remember what they learn from patients. The authentic and autonomous patient’s
voice promotes the learning of patient-centred care”.
The new WHO Curriculum Guide will bring long-awaited changes which will further
ensure safe care that is inclusive of patient and family. It is a very real fact that the
students of today will be the health-care professionals of tomorrow – men and
women who will hold our lives in their hands and whom we patients want to hold
in high regard.
Mrs Margaret Murphy
External Lead
Patients for Patient Safety Programme
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
Meeting the needs of our future
health-care professionals
With a growing recognition of the unintended harm caused by health care itself comes
the need for health-care students to learn how to deliver safer care. However,
education of health-care professionals has not kept up with the fast pace of different
health challenges and changing workforce requirements. Just 2% of the total world
expenditure on health of US$ 5.5 trillion is spent on professional education. Innovative
health professional education is urgently needed to prepare health-care professionals
to deliver patient-centered health care. This calls for a competency-based curriculum
with a multi-professional perspective, a systems approach, and a global reach.
The Multi-professional Edition of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide is an
updated edition of the Curriculum Guide for Medical Schools, published by WHO in
2009. This new edition covers the areas of dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing,
pharmacy, and other related health-care professions. We hope that this Guide will
promote and enhance the status of patient safety worldwide and ultimately prepare
students for safe practice.
As a comprehensive guide to implementing patient safety education in health-care
schools and universities, it contains information for all levels of faculty staff and lays
the foundation for capacity-building in the essential patient safety principles and
concepts. The Curriculum Guide is a rich resource for senior decision-makers
involved in the development of health-care curricula.
Written with a global audience in mind and in language easily understood, the
Curriculum Guide is composed of two parts: Part A: Teacher’s Guide and Part B: 11
patient safety topics. The Teacher’s Guide introduces patient safety concepts and
principles and gives vital information on how best to teach patient safety. Part B
includes 11 patient safety topics, each designed to feature a variety of ideas and
methods for teaching and assessing, so that educators can tailor material according
to their own needs, context, and resources.
We, therefore, commend to you this publication. What could be more important
than educating health-care professionals to become competent in patient-centered
care? The Multi-professional Curriculum Guide helps build capacity to achieve this
goal. We look forward to its widespread use.
Professor Bruce Barraclough
External Expert Lead
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
Professor Merrilyn Walton
Lead Author
Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
The Multi-professional Edition of the Patient
Safety Curriculum Guide is a comprehensive
guide to assist effective capacity building in
patient safety education by health-care academic
institutions. As patient safety teaching is relatively
new for most health-care educators, the
Curriculum Guide provides, in a single publication,
educational frameworks and features a variety
of concepts and methods for teaching and
assessing patient safety.
The present Curriculum Guide is designed to be
easily integrated into existing health-care
education curricula using a flexible approach
to meet individual needs, and is applicable
to different cultures and contexts. While it offers
health-care schools and universities a
recommended framework and resource materials,
individual adaptations to local requirements,
settings, student learning needs and resources
are encouraged.
The development of the Multi-professional
Curriculum Guide began in January 2010 and
is based on the Curriculum Guide for Medical
Schools, published in 2009. A core working group
comprised of experts from international
professional associations in dentistry, medicine,
midwifery, nursing and pharmacy, as well as
from the WHO regions, coordinated the work
of reviewing the 2009 Curriculum Guide,
assessing available scientific evidence, and
rewriting sections as they would apply to dentists,
midwives, nurses and pharmacists. They also
provided multi-professional case studies to
support interdisciplinary learning and actively
fostered discussion among experts and authors.
More than 50 international experts contributed
to preparing this document. Authors, contributors,
experts, and other professionals who actively
participated and facilitated the work process
are listed in the acknowledgements section at
the end of the document.
Sections of the Curriculum Guide
The document comprises two parts: Part A:
Teacher’s Guide; and Part B: 11 Patient Safety
Topics. For convenience, the figures and tables
are numbered to correspond to the part and
the section in which they are presented.
Part A is aimed at health-care educators.
It supports them with knowledge and tools,
and helps them develop the skills necessary
for implementing patient safety education
in their institutions. Part A provides a systematic
approach to building institutional capacity.
It offers background information on how to select
and teach each curriculum topic, makes
suggestions on how to integrate patient safety
teaching, and provides techniques for exploring
how this subject could fit into the institution’s
existing curricula. Part A also highlights the
educational principles that are essential to patient
safety teaching and learning and proposes
approaches for student assessment, as well as
evaluation of the current patient safety curricula.
The importance of faculty engagement as an
essential component for maintaining the
sustainability of the programme is emphasized
throughout the document. At the same time,
clear examples on how patient safety might be
taught are provided throughout Part A.
Part B addresses health-care educators
and students. It contains 11 ready-to-teach,
topic-based, patient safety programmes that can
be used as a whole or on a per topic basis.
The topics cover a wide range of contexts
in which patient safety can be taught and learned.
The 11 topics are:
Topic 1: What is patient safety?
Topic 2: Why applying human factors is important
for patient safety.
Topic 3: Understanding systems and the effect
of complexity on patient care.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
Topic 4: Being an effective team player.
Topic 5: Learning from errors to prevent harm.
Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk.
Topic 7: Using quality improvement methods
to improve care.
Topic 8: Engaging with patients and carers.
Topic 9: Infection prevention and control.
Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive procedures.
Topic 11: Improving medication safety.
Educators can choose which of these topics
to introduce into existing curricula as guided
by institutional requirements, needs, resources,
and capacity. For the actual teaching of the
subject, a number of different educational
approaches may be used, including lectures,
ward round-based teaching, small group learning,
case-based discussions, independent studies,
patient tracking, role-playing, simulation,
and undertaking improvement projects. There
are benefits and challenges to each of these
approaches and educators should bear in mind
that different learning goals can be achieved
by selecting different approaches.
Annexes 1 and 2 give examples of
the content and format of assessments
/examinations. Teachers can choose the format
based on the purpose of the assessment
/examination and the learning outcome
The CD-Rom on the inside cover of the
document contains the electronic version
of the Curriculum Guide, 11 sets of slides
for teaching each topic, as well as information
and tools for its promotion.
Part A
Patient Safety
Curriculum Guide:
1. Background
Why do health-care students need
patient safety education?
Health-care outcomes have significantly improved
with the scientific discoveries of modern medicine.
However, studies from a multitude of countries
show that with these benefits come significant
risks to patient safety. We have learnt that
hospitalized patients are at risk of suffering an
adverse event, and patients on medication have
the risk of medication errors and adverse
reactions. A major consequence of this knowledge
has been the development of patient safety as a
specialized discipline to assist health-care
professionals, managers, health-care
organizations, governments (worldwide) and
consumers who must become familiar with
patient safety concepts and principles. Everyone
is affected. The tasks ahead of health care are
immense and require all those involved in care
to understand the extent of harm to patients
and why health care must move to adopt a safety
culture. Patient safety education and training
is only beginning to occur at all levels. Health-care
students, as future providers of health care and
health-care leaders, must prepare themselves
to practise safe care. Though the curricula of
the different health-care professions are
continually changing to accommodate the latest
discoveries and new knowledge, patient safety
knowledge is different because it applies to all
areas of practice and to all professions.
Health-care students will need to know how
systems impact on the quality and safety of health
care, how poor communication can lead to
adverse events and much more. Students need
to learn how to manage these challenges.
Patient safety is not a traditional stand-alone
discipline; rather, it is one that integrates into all
areas of health care. The World Health
Organization’s (WHO) Patient Safety programme,
and other projects such as this one, aims to
implement patient safety worldwide. Patient
safety is everyone’s business and ranges from
patients to politicians. As health-care students
are among the future leaders in health care,
it is vital that they are knowledgeable and skilful
in their application of patient safety principles
and concepts. The multi-professional edition of
the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide sets
the stage for students, irrespective of their chosen
profession, to begin to understand and practise
patient safety in all their professional activities.
Building students’ patient safety knowledge needs
to occur throughout the entire education and
training of health-care students. Patient safety
skills and behaviours should begin as soon as
a student enters a hospital, clinic or health service.
By getting students to focus on each individual
patient, having them treat each patient as a
unique human being, and using their knowledge
and skills carefully, students themselves can be
role models for others in the health-care system.
Most health-care students have high aspirations
when they enter into their chosen field, but the
reality of health-care systems sometimes deflates
their optimism. We want students to be able
to maintain their optimism and believe that they
can make a difference, both to the individual lives
of patients and the health-care system.
How to use this Curriculum
The Curriculum has been designed for health-care
educational institutions to implement patient
safety learning for students prior to becoming
qualified health-care professionals. Faculties can
introduce all the topics as a whole or they can
start more slowly by introducing one or more
at a time. Each topic has all the underpinning
knowledge required to teach the subject including
suggestions for assessment. We have inserted case
studies to facilitate learning and encourage
teachers and instructors to include them in their
teaching activities. We have also provided
different ideas about how to teach a particular
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
topic. Many of the topics are best delivered once
the student has experienced their professional
work environment as so much of patient safety
learning requires a team approach and observation
of the health service as a whole, not just the area
where the student happens to be placed.
The topics have been designed so that students
can be responsible for much of their own learning
through reading online material that provides
them with the underpinning knowledge required,
followed by tasks that can be performed to put
the acquired knowledge into practice.
We encourage the different faculties and health
professions to add relevant professional literature
and data to the topics that directly concern their
profession. For example, we would expect that
relevant pharmacy articles and data collections be
included for pharmacy students. Because this
is a Multi-professional Curriculum Guide we were
unable to provide examples for all professions,
but we have included as many as possible where
available and relevant.
What is the Curriculum Guide?
The Curriculum Guide is a comprehensive
programme for the implementation of patient
safety education in health-care educational
institutions worldwide. It comprises two parts.
Part A is a teacher’s guide, which has been
designed to assist teachers to implement the
Curriculum Guide. As we are aware that patient
safety is a new discipline and many health-care
professionals and faculty staff will be unfamiliar
with many of the concepts and principles, this
part lays the foundations for capacity-building
in patient safety education. Part B provides
a comprehensive, ready-to-teach, topic-based
patient safety programme that can be implemented
either as a whole or on a per topic basis.
Why was the Curriculum Guide
Since the Harvard study [1] in 1991 first described
the extent of harm to patients, other countries
have reported similar results, notwithstanding
the differences in their cultures and health
systems. The realization that health care actually
harms patients has increased scrutiny of patient
care in the context of an increasingly complex
health system. This complexity has been
intensified by rapidly changing medical technology
and service demands [2,3]. Doctors, nurses,
midwives, dentists, pharmacists, and other
health-care professionals are expected to manage
this complexity in their daily work, provide
evidence-based health-care services, and maintain
a safe environment for patients. However, unless
Part A 1. Background
they are properly educated and trained in patient
safety concepts and principles they will struggle
to do this.
Patient safety education for health-care
professionals in the higher education sector has
not kept up with workforce requirements [3-7]. For
example, incident reporting systems for medication
errors or surgical mistakes have been in use for
many years in several countries, but accounts
of specific curricula related to health-care errors or
patient safety courses embedded in undergraduate
education have started to be described only
recently in the published literature [5,8].
A number of factors have impeded patient safety
education. First, the lack of recognition by
health-care educators that teaching and learning
patient safety should be an essential part of the
undergraduate curricula for health-care students,
and that patient safety skills can be taught [9,10].
Many educators are unfamiliar with the literature
and are unsure how to integrate patient safety
learning into existing curricula [11,12]. Second,
educators need to be open to new areas of
knowledge [3]. One of the difficulties in
introducing new curricula is a reluctance to address
knowledge that originates from outside one’s
profession, such as systems thinking and qualityimprovement methods [10]. It has also been
suggested that the historical emphasis on
treatment of disease rather than prevention of
illness creates a culture that finds it difficult to give
merit to a “non-event”, i.e. a preventable adverse
event [3]. A third factor relates to entrenched
attitudes regarding the traditional teacher-student
relationship – one that may be hierarchical
and competitive [9] and where an “expert”
disseminates information to the student [3,4].
This Curriculum Guide seeks to fill the gap
in patient safety education by providing
a comprehensive curriculum designed to build
foundation knowledge and skills for all health-care
students that will better prepare them for clinical
practice in a range of environments.
1. Brennan TA et al. Incidence of adverse events
and negligence in hospitalized patients: results
of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I. New
England Journal of Medicine, 1991, 324:370–376.
2. Runciman B, Merry A, Walton M. Safety and
ethics in healthcare: a guide to getting it right, 1st ed.
Aldershot, UK, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2007.
3. Stevens D. Finding safety in medical education.
Quality & Safety in Health Care, 2002,11:109–110.
4. Johnstone MJ, Kanitsake O. Clinical risk
management and patient safety education for
nurses: a critique. Nurse Education Today, 2007,
5. Patey R et al. Patient safety: helping medical
students understand error in healthcare. Quality
& Safety in Health Care, 2007, 16:256–259.
6. Singh R et al. A comprehensive collaborative
patient safety residency curriculum to address
the ACGME core competencies. Medical
Education, 2005, 39:1195–1204.
7. Holmes JH, Balas EA, Boren SA. A guide
for developing patient safety curricula for
undergraduate medical education. Journal of
the American Medical Informatics Association, 2002,
9 (Suppl. 1):S124–S127.
8. Halbach JL, Sullivan LL. Teaching medical
students about medical errors and patient
safety: evaluation of a required curriculum.
Academic Medicine, 2005, 80:600–606.
9. Sandars J et al. Educating undergraduate
medical students about patient safety: priority
areas for curriculum development. Medical
Teacher, 2007, 29:60–61.
10. Walton MM. Teaching patient safety to
clinicians and medical students. The Clinical
Teacher, 2007, 4:1–8.
11. Walton MM, Elliott SL. Improving safety
and quality: how can education help?
Medical Journal of Australia, 2006,184 (Suppl.
12. Ladden MD et al. Educating interprofessional
learners for quality, safety and systems
improvement. Journal of Interprofessional Care,
2006, 20:497–505.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
2. How were the Curriculum
Guide topics selected?
What is the Australian Patient Safety
Education Framework?
The Curriculum Guide covers 11 topics, including
16 of a total of 22 learning topics that were
selected from the evidence-based Australian
Patient Safety Education Framework (APSEF).
An additional topic not in APSEF was selected
to support learning in infection control targeted
by the WHO programme to reduce infections
through better prevention and control. Figure
A.2.1 illustrates the structure of APSEF. Table A.2.1
lists the topics selected for inclusion from APSEF
and and the topics in which learning occurs.
Table A.2.2 sets out the levels of learning required
from the novice learner to the experienced
health-care professional.
APSEF [1] was developed using a four-stage
approach: literature review; development of
learning areas and learning topics; classification
into learning domains; and conversion into
a performance-based format. An extensive
consultation and validation process was
undertaken in Australia and internationally.
Published in 2005, the Framework is a simple,
flexible and accessible template describing
the knowledge, skills and behaviours that all
health-care workers need to ensure safe patient
care. It is divided into four levels of knowledge,
skills and behaviours depending on a person’s
position and clinical responsibility in a health
service or organization. The Framework
is designed to assist organizations and health-care
professionals to develop educational curricula
and training programmes. The Curriculum Guide
was developed using the Framework.
Figure A.2.1. Structure of the Australian Patient Safety Education Framework
7 Learning Categories
Learning &
2 2 L e a r n i n g To p i c s
3 Learning Domains in each Learning Topic
Underpinning/applied knowledge
Performance elements
Source: National Patient Safety Education Framework, Commonwealth of Australia, 2005 [1].
Part A 2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
Australian Patient Safety Education Framework learning areas and topics
There are seven learning areas (categories) and 22 learning topics in APSEF.
Table A.2.1 describes the Curriculum Guide topics and their relationship with APSEF.
Table A.2.1. APSEF and the WHO Curriculum Guide topics
APSEF topic
Included in
WHO topic
Topic 8
Communicating effectively
Involving patients and carers as partners in health care
Communicating risk
Topic 6
Communicating honestly with patients after an adverse event (open disclosure)
Topic 8
Obtaining consent
Topic 8
Being culturally respectful and knowledgeable
Topic 8
Identifying, preventing and managing adverse events and near misses
Recognizing, reporting and managing adverse events and near misses
Topics 6 & 7
Managing risk
Topic 6
Understanding health-care errors
Topics 1 & 5
Managing complaints
Topics 6 & 8
Employing best available evidence-based practice
Covered in
Topics 9, 10 & 11
(Use of guidelines).
Using information technology to enhance safety
Topic 2
Being a team player and showing leadership
Topic 4
Understanding human factors
Topic 2
Understanding complex organizations
Topic 3
Providing continuity of care
Topics 1 & 8
Managing fatigue and stress
Topics 2 & 6
Maintaining fitness to work or practise
Topic 6
Ethical behaviour and practice
Topics 1 & 6
Being a workplace learner
Indirectly covered in
Topics 4 & 8
Being a workplace teacher
Indirectly covered
in Topic 4
Preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong patient treatment
Topic 10
Medication safety
Infection control (not part of APSEF)
Topic 9
Using evidence and information
Working safely
Being ethical
Continuing learning
Specific issues
The three main stages in the development of
the Framework content and structure were:
1. initial review of knowledge and development
of framework outline;
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
2. additional searching for content and
assignment of knowledge, skills, behaviours
and attitudes;
3. development of performance-based format.
Since the publication of the Australian Patient
Safety Education Framework in 2005, Canada
released a framework entitled ‘The Safety
Competencies- Enhancing patient safety across
the health professions’ in 2009 [2]. Similar
to the Australian approach, it provides an
interprofessional, practical and useful patient
safety framework that identifies the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes required by all health-care
Figure A.2.2. The Canadian Framework
The Safety Competencies – Enhancing patient safety across the health professions
Domain 1
Contribute to a Culture
of Patient Safety
Domain 4
Safety Risks
Domain 2
Work in
for Patient Safety
Domain 5
Optimize Human
and Environmental
Domain 3
Communicate Effectively
for Patient Sqfety
Domain 6
Respond to and
Disclose Adverse
Source: The Safety Competencies, Canadian Patient Safety Institute, 2009 [2].
Stage 1–Review of knowledge and development
of the Australian Framework outline
A search was conducted to identify the current
body of knowledge relating to patient safety
(as described in the next section). The literature,
books, reports, curricula and web sites collected
were then reviewed to identify the major activities
associated with patient safety that had a positive
effect on quality and safety. These activities were
then grouped into categories termed “learning
areas”. Each learning area was analysed and
further broken down into major subject areas,
termed “learning topics”. See below for details
of the literature review process and the
Framework content structure.
The rationale for the inclusion of each learning
area and topic has been articulated in the body
of the Framework and is summarized below.
Part A 2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
Stage 2–Additional searching for content
and assignment of knowledge, skills, behaviours
and attitudes
Each learning topic formed the basis for a more
extensive search, including additional terms
such as education, programmes, training,
adverse events, errors, mistakes, and organization
/institution/health facility/health service.
All the activities (knowledge, skills, behaviours
and attitudes) for each topic were listed until
no more activities were forthcoming and
the sources exhausted. This list was then
culled for duplication, practicality and
redundancy. The activities were then categorized
into the domains of knowledge, skills or
The final step in this stage was to allocate each
activity to the appropriate level corresponding
to the degree of responsibility of health-care
Level 1 (Foundation) identifies the knowledge,
skills, behaviours and attitudes that every
health-care worker needs to have.
Level 2 is designed for health-care professionals
who provide direct clinical care to patients and
work under supervision, and for those with
managerial, supervisory and/or advanced clinical
Level 3 is for health-care professionals who
have managerial or supervisory responsibilities
or are senior clinicians with advanced clinical
Level 4 (Organizational) identifies the knowledge,
skills, behaviours and attitudes required for clinical
and administrative leaders with organizational
responsibilities. Level 4 is not part of the progressive
learning that underpins the first three levels.
The learning areas and topics were endorsed by
the APSEF Project Reference Group and Steering
Committee. Extensive consultation with the wider
health system and community within Australia,
as well as internationally, completed the review
and endorsement process for the learning areas
and topics and their content.
The outcome of this stage is shown in Table A.2.2.
This example is taken from Topic 8: Engaging with
patients and carers.
Table A.2.2. APSEF content matrix
Learning objectives
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
For categories 1–4
health-care workers
For categories 2 and 3
health-care workers
For category 3
health-care workers
For category 4
health-care leaders
Provide patients
and carers with
the information
they need when
they need it
Use good
and know its role
in effective
for staff to involve
patients and carers
in their care
and treatment
Develop strategies
for staff to include
patients and carers
in planning
and delivering
health-care services
and attitudes
Stage 3–Development of performance-based format
The WHO Curriculum Guide topics
Once the knowledge, skills and behaviours
had been described for each level of health
professional, the activities were translated into
a performance-based format, which takes full
advantage of the modular nature of the
Framework. The most extensive consultation
occurred at this stage of the Framework’s
development. Individual health-care workers
(nurses, doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists,
social workers, occupational therapists, dentists,
and others) were interviewed about aspects of
every performance element in the Framework
and the entire document was distributed across
the Australian health-care sector for feedback.
International experts were also engaged in
the validation process.
1. What is patient safety?
2. Why applying human factors is important
for patient safety
3. Understanding systems and the effect
of complexity on patient care
4. Being an effective team player
5. Learning from errors to prevent harm
6. Understanding and managing clinical risk
7. Using quality-improvement methods to
improve care
8. Engaging with patients and carers
9. Infection prevention and control
10. Patient safety and invasive procedures
11. Improving medication safety.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
Rationale for each Curriculum
Guide topic
Health-care professionals who teach students
may not immediately appreciate why certain
topics are included in this Curriculum. They may
already be teaching a particular topic, but have
not categorized it as patient safety. Teachers
may also discover that many of the principles
and concepts addressed in this Curriculum are
similar to existing educational material, but with
a different emphasis. The significance of each
topic in the learning of health-care students
is clarified below.
Topic 1: What is patient safety?
Given that health-care professionals are
increasingly being required to incorporate patient
safety principles and concepts into everyday
practice, this topic presents the case for patient
safety. In 2002, WHO Member States agreed
on a World Health Assembly resolution on patient
safety in recognition of the need to reduce the
harm and suffering of patients and their families,
as well as the compelling evidence of the
economic benefits of improving patient safety.
Studies show that additional hospitalization,
litigation costs, health care-associated infections,
lost income, disability, and medical expenses
cost some countries between US$ 6 billion and
US$ 29 billion a year [3, 4].
A number of countries have published studies
highlighting the overwhelming evidence showing
that significant numbers of patients are harmed
due to their health care, either resulting in
permanent injury, increased length of stay (LOS)
in health-care facilities, or even death. We have
learnt over the last decade that adverse events
occur not because people intentionally hurt
patients. They are, rather, due to the complexity
of today’s health-care systems, especially in
developed countries, where the successful
treatment and outcome for each patient depend
on a range of factors and not just the competence
of one individual health-care provider. When
so many different types of health-care providers
(doctors, nurses, pharmacists and allied healthcare workers) are involved, it is very difficult
to ensure safe care unless the system of care
is designed to facilitate timely and complete
information and understanding by all the health
Similarly, in developing countries, a combination
of numerous unfavourable factors such as
understaffing, inadequate structures and
overcrowding, lack of health-care commodities
and shortage of basic equipment, poor hygiene
Part A 2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
and sanitation, all of which can be attributed
to limited financial resources, contribute to unsafe
patient care.
Topic 2: Why applying human factors
is important for patient safety
Human factors is an area of expertise of engineers
and cognitive psychologists. This topic may
provide some challenges for health professional
faculty as well as students. We recommend that
you invite an appropriate person with human
factors expertise to give a lecture to the students.
Human factors, engineering or ergonomics is the
science of the interrelationship between humans,
their tools and the environment in which they
live and work [4]. Human factors engineering will
help students understand how people perform
under different circumstances so that systems
and products can be built to enhance performance.
It covers the human-machine and human-tohuman interactions such as communication,
teamwork and organizational culture.
Other industries such as aviation, manufacturing
and the military have successfully applied
knowledge of human factors to improve systems
and services. Students need to understand
how human factors can be used to reduce
adverse events and errors by identifying how
and why systems break down and how and
why human beings miscommunicate. Using
a human factors approach, the human-system
interface can be improved by providing
better-designed systems and processes.
This often involves simplifying processes,
standardizing procedures, providing backup
when humans fail, improving communication,
redesigning equipment and engendering
a consciousness of behavioural, organizational
and technological limitations that lead to error.
Topic 3: Understanding systems and
the effect of complexity on patient care
Students are introduced to the concept
that a health-care system is not one, but many
systems made up of organizations, departments,
units, services and practices. The huge number
of relationships between patients, carers,
health-care providers, support staff,
administrators, economists and community
members, as well as the relationships between
the various health-care and non-health-care
services, add to this complexity. This topic
gives students a basic understanding of
complex organizations using a systems approach.
Lessons from other industries are used
to show students the benefits of a systems
When students think in terms of ‘systems’, they
will be better able to understand why things break
down and so will have a context for thinking
about ‘solutions’. Health-care students need to
appreciate how, as a provider of health care,
working in a hospital or rural health clinic, they
will be doing their best to treat and care for their
patients, but that alone they will not be able to
provide a safe and quality service. This is because
patients depend on a number of people doing
the right thing, at the right time for them.
In other words, they depend on a system of care.
Topic 4: Being an effective team player
Students’ understanding of teamwork involves
more than identification with the team comprising
their own profession. It requires students
knowing the benefits of multidisciplinary teams
and how effective multidisciplinary teams improve
care and reduce errors. An effective team is one
where the team members, including the patient,
communicate with one another as well as
combining their observations, expertise and
decision-making responsibilities to optimize
patient care [5].
The task of communication and flow of
information between health providers and
patients can be complicated due to the spread
of clinical and professional responsibility among
different members of the health-care team [6,7].
This can result in patients being required to
repeat the same information to multiple health
providers. More importantly, miscommunication
has also been associated with delays in diagnosis,
treatment and discharge, as well as failures
to follow up on test results [8–12].
Students need to know how effective health-care
teams work, as well as techniques for including
patients and their families as part of the team.
There is some evidence that multidisciplinary
teams improve the quality of services and lower
costs [13–15]. Good teamwork has also been
shown to reduce errors and improve care for
patients, particularly those with chronic illnesses
[16–18]. This topic presents the underlying
knowledge required to become an effective team
member. However, knowledge alone will not
make a student a good team player. They need
to understand the culture of their workplace
and how it impacts on team dynamics and
Topic 5: Learning from errors to prevent harm
Understanding why health-care professionals
make errors is necessary to appreciate how
poorly-designed systems and other factors
contribute to errors in the health-care system.
While errors are a fact of life, the consequences
of errors on patient welfare and staff can be
devastating. Health-care professionals and
students alike need to understand how and why
systems break down and why mistakes happen,
so they can act to prevent and learn from them.
An understanding of health-care errors also
provides the basis for making improvements
and implementing effective reporting systems [3].
Students will learn that a systems approach
to errors, which seeks to understand all the
underlying factors involved, is significantly better
than a person approach, which seeks to blame
people for individual mistakes. Lucian Leape’s
seminal article in 1994 showed a way to examine
errors in health care that focused on learning
and fixing errors instead of blaming those involved
[19]. Although his message has had a profound
impact on many health-care practitioners, many
are still stuck in a blame culture. It is crucial that
students begin their vocation by understanding
the difference between blame and systems
Topic 6: Understanding and managing
clinical risk
Clinical risk management is primarily concerned
with maintaining safe systems of care. It usually
involves a number of organizational systems or
processes that are designed to identify, manage
and prevent adverse outcomes. Clinical risk
management focuses on improving the quality
and safety of health-care services, by identifying
the circumstances that put patients at risk of harm
and acting to prevent or control those risks.
Risk management involves every level of the
organization, so it is essential that students
understand the objectives and relevance of clinical
risk management strategies in their workplace.
Managing complaints and making improvements,
understanding the main types of incidents in
the hospital or clinic that are known to lead
to adverse events, knowing how to use
the information from complaints, incident reports,
litigation, coroners’ reports and qualityimprovement reports to control risks [20] are all
examples of clinical risk management strategies.
Topic 7: Using quality-improvement methods
to improve care
Over the last decade, health care has successfully
adopted a variety of quality-improvement
methods used by other industries. These methods
provide health-care professionals with the tools to:
(i) identify a problem; (ii) measure the problem;
(iii) develop a range of interventions designed
to fix the problem; and (iv) test whether the
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
interventions worked. Health-care leaders, such as
Tom Nolan, Brent James, Don Berwick and others,
have applied quality-improvement principles
to develop quality-improvement methods for
health clinicians and managers. The identification
and examination of each step in the process
of health-care delivery is the bedrock of
this methodology. When students examine each
step in the process of care, they begin to see how
the pieces of care are connected and measurable.
Measurement is critical for safety improvement.
This topic introduces the student to the principles
of improvement theory and the tools, activities
and techniques that can be incorporated into
their practice.
Topic 8: Engaging with patients and carers
Students are introduced to the concept that
the health-care team includes the patient and/or
their carer, and that patients and carers play a key
role in ensuring safe health care by: (i) helping
with the diagnosis; (ii) deciding about appropriate
treatments; (iii) choosing an experienced and
safe provider; (iv) ensuring that treatments are
appropriately administered; and (v) identifying
adverse events and taking appropriate action
[21, 22]. The health-care system underutilizes
the expertise patients can bring, such as their
knowledge about their symptoms, pain,
preferences and attitudes to risk. They are
a second pair of eyes if something unexpected
happens. They can alert a nurse, doctor,
pharmacist or other health-care worker if the
medication they are about to receive is not
what they usually take, which acts as a warning
to the team that checks should be made.
Research has shown that there are fewer errors
and better treatment outcomes when there is
good communication between patients and their
health-care providers, and when patients are fully
informed and educated about their medications
[23–30]. Poor communication between health-care
professionals, patients and their carers has also
emerged as a common reason for patients taking
legal action against health-care providers [31, 32].
Topic 9: Infection prevention and control
Because of the worldwide problem of infection
prevention and control and the efforts by WHO
to reduce health care-associated infections, it was
considered important that this area be included
in the Curriculum Guide, not only for consistency,
but also because together with surgical care
and medication, it constitutes a significant
percentage of adverse events suffered by patients.
The problem of infection control in health-care
settings is now well established, with health
Part A 2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
care-associated infections being a major cause
of death and disability worldwide. There are
numerous guidelines available to help doctors,
nurses, dentists and others minimize the risks
of cross-infection. Patients who have surgery or
an invasive procedure are known to be particularly
prone to infections and account for about 40%
of all health care-associated infections. This topic
sets out the main causes and types of infections,
to enable health-care students to identify
the activities that put patients at risk of infection
and to prepare students to take the appropriate
action to prevent transmission.
Topic 10: Patient safety and invasive
By recognizing the unacceptable harm caused
by surgery, WHO has successfully campaigned
to reduce surgical adverse events. One of the main
causes of errors involving wrong patients, sites
and procedures is the failure of health-care
providers to communicate effectively (inadequate
processes and checks) in preoperative procedures.
Some examples of wrong site/procedure/patient
are: (i) the wrong patient in the operating room
(OR); (ii) surgery performed on the wrong side
or site; (iii) wrong procedure performed; (iv) failure
to communicate changes in the patient’s
condition; (v) disagreements about stopping
procedures; and (vi) failure to report errors.
Minimizing errors caused by misidentification
involves developing best practice guidelines
for ensuring that the correct patient receives
the right treatment [7, 33]. Students can learn
to understand the value of all patients being
treated in accordance with the correct
site/procedure/patient policies and protocols.
Such learning would include the benefits of using
checklists or protocols, as well as knowledge of
the underlying principles supporting a uniform
approach to treating and caring for patients.
One study of hand surgeons found that 21%
of surgeons surveyed (n=1050) reported
performing wrong site surgery at least once
during their careers [34].
Topic 11: Improving medication safety
An adverse drug reaction has been defined
by WHO [35] as any response to a medication
that is noxious, unintended and occurs at doses
used for prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy.
Patients are vulnerable to mistakes being made
in any one of the many steps involved in ordering,
dispensing and administering medication.
Medication errors have been highlighted in studies
undertaken in many countries, which show
that about 1% of all hospital admissions suffer
an adverse event related to the administration
of medications [36]. The causes of medication
errors include a wide range of factors including:
(i) inadequate knowledge of patients and their
clinical conditions; (ii) inadequate knowledge of
the medications; (iii) calculation errors; (iv) illegible
handwriting on the prescriptions; (v) confusion
regarding the name of the medication; and (vi)
poor history taking [37].
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and Ethics, 2000, 28:258-266.
32. Levinson W et al. Physician–patient
communication: the relationship with
malpractice claims among primary care
physicians and surgeons. Journal of the American
Medical Journal, 1997, 277:553–559.
33. Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Guidelines
for implementing the universal protocol for
preventing wrong site, wrong procedure and wrong
person surgery. Chicago, JCAHO, 2003.
34. Meinberg EG, Stern PJ. Incidence of wrong
site surgery among hand surgeons. Journal of
Bone & Joint Surgery, 2003;85:193–197.
35. World Health Organization. International drug
monitoring–the role of the hospital. A WHO
Report. Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy,
1970, 4:101–110.
36. Runciman WB et al. Adverse drug events and
medication errors in Australia. International
Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2003,
15 (Suppl. 1):S49–S59.
37. Smith J. Building a safer NHS for patients:
improving medication safety. London,
Department of Health, 2004.
Part A 2. How were the Curriculum Guide topics selected?
3. Aims of the
Curriculum Guide
The speed with which new technology, including
drugs, is introduced into health-care treatments
well demonstrates the constant change in health
care which, in turn, is changing the nature of
the work or tasks undertaken by the different
health professionals. In some countries, nurses
prescribe medication and non-medical personnel
perform minor procedures. Regardless of
the wealth of a country, patient safety principles
and concepts apply irrespective of the type
of health-care worker, the place where the
health care is delivered and the type of patients.
Some developing countries may lack adequate
health-care resources and while staff shortages
may make the environment more susceptible
to poor quality and unsafe care, it does not
mean that health-care professionals cannot make
health care safer. While very important, more
staff and resources are not the main remedies
for minimizing harm to patients. This Curriculum
Guide is relevant to all health-care professional
students irrespective of the resources available at
their facility. But the context of the environment
in which the health-care student will be placed
and working when qualified is important for
teaching. Taking account of the workplace
context is necessary to bring authenticity
to the learning experience and prepares students
for the work environment they will be entering.
The aims of the Curriculum Guide are to:
ñ prepare health-care students for safe practice
in the workplace;
ñ inform health-care educational institutions
of the key topics in patient safety;
ñ enhance patient safety as a theme throughout
all health-care professional curricula;
ñ provide a comprehensive curriculum to assist
teaching and integrating patient safety learning;
ñ further develop capacity for patient safety
educators in health-care professional education;
ñ promote a safe and supportive environment
for teaching students about patient safety;
ñ introduce or strengthen patient safety education
in all health-care professional educational
settings worldwide;
ñ raise the international profile of patient safety
teaching and learning;
ñ foster international collaboration on patient
safety education research in the higher
education sector.
Underpinning principles
Capacity-building is integral to curriculum
The main reason that WHO embarked on this
project was to assist the development of patient
safety education in health care. The requirement
of health professional education to develop
and integrate patient safety learning into the
curricula of the different professions is a challenge
for many institutions because of the limited
education and training of faculty staff in patient
safety concepts and principles. Health-care
faculties cannot be expected to develop new
curricula or review existing curricula if they are
unfamiliar with the requirements of the discipline
of patient safety.
Health-care educators come from many
backgrounds (clinicians, clinician educators,
non-clinician educators, managers, health
professionals) and their collective experience
is necessary to deliver a rigorous programme
in any particular profession. Many are experts
in their particular disciplines and usually
keep up-to-date using the accepted professional
pathways for their area. Patient safety knowledge
requires additional learning that falls outside
these traditional routes. To be an effective
patient safety teacher, health professionals need
to be provided with the knowledge, tools and
skills necessary for implementing patient safety
education in their institutions. This is why
a Teacher’s Guide (Part A) has been developed
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
to accompany the Curriculum Guide. It provides
practical advice and information for each stage
of curriculum development and renewal,
from assessing capacity to staff development
to programme design and implementation.
A flexible curriculum to meet individual needs
We recognize that the curriculum of most
health-care programmes is already filled beyond
capacity. This is why we have designed each topic
as a stand-alone unit, thus allowing for wide
variations in patient safety education
implementation. The topics are also designed
so they can be integrated into existing curricula,
particularly in the doctor–patient stream.
The topics in the Curriculum Guide have each
been designed with enough content for a 60–90
minute educational session and feature a variety
of ideas and methods for teaching and assessing
so that educators can tailor material according
to their own unique needs, context and available
resources. There is no requirement to absolutely
follow the outline provided. Teachers need to pay
attention to the local environment, culture
and student learning experiences and then select
the most appropriate teaching method for
the content selected.
Easily understood language for a targeted
yet global audience
The Teacher’s Guide (Part A) of the Curriculum
Guide is written for educators (those with the
capacity to introduce or enhance patient safety
education at various levels), while the Curriculum
Guide (Part B: Topics) is written for teachers
and students. The Curriculum Guide was written
with a global audience in mind and in language
easily understood by those with English as both
a first and second language.
A curriculum guide for all countries, cultures
and contexts
Every attempt has been made to ensure that
the content in this curriculum takes into account
the wide variety of contexts in which health-care
educators and students teach and learn. An Expert
Group, representing all WHO regions, has assessed
the curriculum to ensure cultural appropriateness.
Although some of the teaching activities and
suggestions for students may not be culturally
appropriate in every country, we are mindful
that in all countries we need to change many
of the aspects of clinical care. Much professional
behaviour once thought appropriate is no longer
acceptable today when taking patient safety
considerations into account. For example, staff,
such as nurses, pharmacists and junior doctors,
are now envcouraged to speak up when they see
Part A 3. Aims of the Curriculum Guide
a more senior person, such as a doctor, about
to make an error; this is universal and applies
to all cultures to varying degrees. Patient safety
principles require that everyone is responsible
for patient safety and should speak up, even
when they are lower in the clinic or hospital
hierarchy. Teachers will need to make a judgement
about the health-care environment and whether
it is ready and prepared for some of the challenges
that will accompany the introduction of patient
Teaching and assessment strategies are designed
to take into account both diversity in available
resources and environmental differences,
considerations that may be in terms of
a developed versus developing country,
or a classroom versus a simulation centre.
A curriculum guide that is based on learning
in a safe and supportive environment
We are mindful that students respond best when
the learning environment is one that is safe,
supportive, challenging and engaging. Patient
safety learning occurs in many places–beside
the bed or chair, in the clinics and community,
in the pharmacy, in simulated environments,
and in the classroom. It is essential that students
are supported in their learning and not made to
feel humiliated or inadequate. The activities in
the Curriculum Guide are designed to be
implemented in a supportive learning environment
where students feel comfortable asking questions,
volunteer what they do not understand, and share
their understanding in an honest and open way.
4. Structure of the
Curriculum Guide
Teacher’s Guide (Part A)
Curriculum Guide topics (Part B)
The Teacher’s Guide (Part A) relates to building
capacity for patient safety education, programme
planning and design. Suggestions are provided
regarding how patient safety education
might be approached and implemented using
the material presented in Part B. In Part A,
we try to guide the reader through some
important steps designed to support and achieve
the implementation phase of curriculum
The topics represent the actual patient safety
education curriculum.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
5. Implementing the
Curriculum Guide
How to use this Curriculum Guide
This Curriculum Guide provides the resources
for teaching health-care students about patient
safety. It identifies the topics to be taught,
how to teach them, and how you can assess
the different topics in the curriculum. Patient
narratives and case studies are available at
the beginning and end of each topic. These cases
can be used to demonstrate a particular aspect
of the topic under discussion. We recognize that
the best learning occurs when the case study
reflects local experiences; therefore, we encourage
teachers to modify the cases so that they reflect
the experiences of the health-care providers and
locally available resources. This Curriculum Guide
is designed for all health professional students
and, therefore, teachers in specific professions
should include relevant professional literature
where possible to reinforce student learning.
Part A of this Curriculum Guide aims to assist
faculty staff to become familiar with patient safety
concepts and principles so they can begin to
integrate patient safety learning in all educational
activities. Building capacity of faculty and teaching
staff takes time and commitment. Figure A.5.1
depicts the key stages.
Figure A.5.1. Integrating patient safety education into health professional curricula
Blueprint for integrating patient safety education into health professional curricula
Review and improve
Faculty and
Integration into existing curriculum
Capacity building
Feedback from
Safety Leaders
Patient safety curriculum development & consensus
Commitment &
Patient Safety
A validated
Patient Safety
Source: supplied by Merrilyn Walton, Professor, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney,
Australia, 2010.
Part A 5. Imlementing the Curriculum Guide
How to review your curriculum
for patient safety learning
checking systems to ensure correct patient
identification. Getting a picture of existing
material in the relevant curriculum is necessary
to identify the opportunities for enhancing
patient safety teaching.
Identify the learning outcomes
To start the process of curriculum development
or renewal, it is important to first identify
the learning outcomes for patient safety.
Part B contains the topics that have been chosen
for this Curriculum Guide, including the learning
outcomes; learning outcomes are further
discussed in this section (Part A).
The patient safety curriculum is described
in Part B of this document. We have identified
the topics, resources, teaching strategies and
assessment methods that will make patient
safety teaching easier to introduce and integrate
into the curriculum.
Know what is already in the curriculum
We use the word “curriculum” to refer to
the broad spectrum of teaching and learning
practices, including the strategies for developing
skills and behaviours, as well as using appropriate
assessment methods to test whether the learning
outcomes have been achieved. Students are
guided in their learning by a curriculum that sets
out the requisite knowledge, skills and behaviours
required to demonstrate competency upon
completion of their chosen health professional
Build on what is already in the curriculum
A good approach to patient safety education
is to enhance existing parts of a curriculum rather
than viewing patient safety as a new subject
to teach. There are elements of patient safety
that are new and will be additional to the existing
curriculum, but there are many aspects of patient
safety that can be added onto or achieved
with further development of a subject or topic
that already exists.
We have found that mapping topics or learning
areas in the existing curriculum will help identify
opportunities to include patient safety concepts
and principles. Areas such as skills development,
professional and personal development, health
law, ethics and communication are all suitable
areas for including patient safety concepts and
principles. Table A.5.1 is a template developed
by the University of Sydney Medical School
(Australia) to review where patient safety learning
could occur in the medical school curriculum
and offer it as an example that can be followed.
Before new material is introduced into
a curriculum, it is important to know the content
of the existing curriculum, as well as students’
experiences in the hospitals and/or different
work environments. It may be that students
are already experiencing some patient safety
education in the hospitals and clinics that is not
written down. The curriculum may already cover
some aspects of this patient safety curriculum,
such as the importance of protocols for hand
hygiene to avoid infection transmission or
Table A.5.1. Mapping exercise: identification of patient safety content in the existing medical
Year Where is the
area of the
patient safety
patient safety
How is patient How is patient
safety being
safety being
Honesty after
an adverse
Many patient
safety principles
have an ethical
basis that can
be used to
make explicit
the patient
safety lesson
Respect for
Mapping your curriculum will also help
identify the opportunities for including patient
Ethics essay, multiple
choice questions (MCQ),
objective structured
clinical examination
safety concepts in an integrated fashion.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
How to assess the capacity of faculty
to integrate patient safety teaching into
the existing curriculum
the basis and urgency for patient safety education
as well as to establish a relationship for later work.
One of the biggest challenges facing all health
professions is the growing shortage of workplace
teachers generally. There are few who know how
to integrate patient safety principles and concepts
into structured teaching in a new area and many
will find the content unfamilar. Many health
professionals intuitively adopt patient safety
methods into their everyday practice, but may not
know how to articulate what they do. This may
be because they view any discussions about
“systems” as the province of administrators
and managers. Others may not think patient
safety teaching important or relevant to their area
of practice but patient safety concerns everybody.
Most health-care professionals today would be
conscious of the need for patient safety, but
because this area is so new to curriculum,
engaging health-care professionals will be
the first challenge for you. Building capacity
of the faculty can take time, but there are
a number of steps that can be taken to engage
clinicians in patient safety teaching.
Convene a round table
Invite a select group of people from your
profession who you think may be interested
and might be possible role models or
“champions” to participate to a round table
discussion about patient safety education for
students. (The benefit of a round table format
is that there is no one expert obviously in charge
and the group seeks to discuss and resolve
the issues together in a collegial fashion.)
One way to find out who is interested in teaching
patient safety is to conduct a survey of those
who teach students. In some institutions there
may be hundreds of teachers and in others not
so many. Identify the persons who are in the best
position to incorporate patient safety teaching
and ensure that they are included in the survey.
The mapping exercise described above will help
identify faculty staff who currently teach and are
in a position to integrate patient safety concepts.
The survey could include questions related to
an interest or knowledge of patient safety
and practice in patient safety methods. This
process could also identify persons interested
in forming a group or committee to oversee
the development of the patient safety curriculum
in your particular profession.
Focus group
Run a focus group of health professionals from
your particular profession to find out what
the current state of knowledge is about patient
safety. This will also provide information about
their attitudes towards patient safety learning
in the curriculum.
Face-to-face meetings
Individual meetings with faculty staff and
workplace teachers from your profession will help
to convey a clear message about patient safety
education. This provides an opportunity to explain
Part A 5. Imlementing the Curriculum Guide
Conduct a seminar on patient safety
Seminars are typical venues for building new
knowledge. Seminars are useful for exposing
practitioners new to the area as, well as to experts
or respected practitioners who are knowledgeable
about patient safety. Seminars can either be
a half-day or a full day. Topics could include:
(i) what is patient safety?; (ii) the evidence
of why patient safety is important; (iii) how to
develop a curriculum for patient safety; (iv) how
to teach patient safety; and (v) how to assess
patient safety. It is important to remember
to maintain the aim of the programme, which
is to build capacity for faculty staff and
professionals to teach patient safety to students.
How to identify like-minded colleagues
or associates
If you undertake the activities set out above in
relation to building capacity, this will help identify
like-minded people interested in teaching patient
safety. Another way is to convene a meeting
and send an open invitation to faculty staff and
teachers. Make sure to schedule the meeting at
a time convenient for as many people as possible
in order to attract maximum attendance (e.g.
some professions who see patients during the day
may want to come, but cannot because of work
demands). Another way is to put an article in the
faculty or university newsletter. This will let people
know about patient safety, and even if they are
not interested in getting involved, the article
will raise awareness of the need to include patient
safety education in the curriculum.
Patient safety teaching requires the person
responsible for implementing the programme
to engage interested and knowledgeable health
professionals who have identified themselves
or have been appointed or nominated as a result
of previous contacts or meetings about patient
safety. It is also a good idea to check the
availability of experts from other faculties and
disciplines, such as engineering (human factors
knowledge), psychology (behavioural psychology,
process and improvement theories), pharmacy
(medication safety), and nursing and medicine
(infection control).
Techniques to fit patient safety learning
into the curriculum
Brainstorming is a technique that requires and
encourages everyone to suggest ideas for solving
a problem. The problem being how to best
introduce patient safety learning into the
curriculum. Each health-care faculty is different
with varying resources, capacity and interest
in patient safety. In some countries, patient safety
may not yet be a community or government
concern and the urgency to include patient safety
education may not be perceived as a priority.
Convening introductory workshops on this
multi-professional edition of the WHO Patient
Safety Curriculum Guide will provide an
opportunity for members of the faculty to become
familiar with the core topics in patient safety.
It will also allow them to express any reservations,
ask questions and clarify any concerns they have
about the programme.
Patient safety is best considered in the context
of multidisciplinary learning. Staff should be
encouraged to reflect on the feasibility of
combining some of the patient safety sessions
with other health professionals. This Curriculum
Guide has been designed for all health-care
students. Most health-care professions and
disciplines have much to contribute, particularly
in teaching some of these topics. Engineers may
be able to teach about human factors systems
and safety cultures. Psychologists and behavioural
scientists, nursing, medicine and pharmacy
faculties can teach how their disciplines have
made safety improvements. Striving for diversity
gives the maximum chance to enable students
to learn from other disciplines, particularly in the
context of a team approach to patient safety.
Reaching agreement
As in all discussions about curriculum content,
there will be different views about what should be
included and what should be left out. The
important point is to start and build up from
the discussion. This means that compromise may
be better in the long run–getting something
started rather than debating and discussing
the issues for lengthy periods of time. Another
technique is to introduce new topics into the
curriculum using a pilot, which could identify
any problems and be used as a guide for future
topics. It also allows faculty staff members who
are unsure of the value of patient safety learning
to get used to the idea.
The next section gives more details about
developing and integrating the Curriculum Guide
into existing curricula.
WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide: Multi-professional Edition
6. How to integrate patient
safety learning into your
General comments
Patient safety is a relatively new discipline and
introducing any new material into an existing
curriculum is always challenging. What should be
taught? Who should teach it? Where and how
will it fit in with the rest of the curriculum?
What does it replace?
patient safety teaching and learning into an
existing curriculum. The benefits and challenges
of different approaches will be covered to help
you determine the likely best fit for your school
and to help you anticipate and plan what is
The nature of patient safety education:
If your professional school is in the process of
renewing an existing curriculum or if you belong
to a new health professional facility, this is
an ideal time to make a case for allocating space
for patient safety education. However, most
health-care professional school curricula are well
established and already full. It is unusual to find
a block of free time waiting for a new area
of study.
This section provides ideas on how to integrate
ñ it is new;
ñ it spans a number of fields not traditionally
taught to health-care students, such as human
factors, systems thinking, effective teamwork
behaviours and managing error;
ñ it links with many existing and traditional
subjects (applied sciences and clinical sciences)
(see Box A.6.1 for some examples);
ñ it contains new knowledge and performance
elements (see Box A.6.2 for examples);
ñ it is highly contextual.
Box A.6.1. Linking patient safety education with traditional medical and
nursing school subjects
An example of how a patient safety topic, such as correct patient identification, has specific applications
in numerous disciplines in medicine.
Patient safety application
How are newborn babies identified as belonging to their mother so that babies
are not accidentally mixed up and leave hospital with the wrong parent(s)?
If a patient needs a blood transfusion, what checking processes are in place
to ensure they receive the correct blood type?
How are patients encouraged to speak up if they do not understand why
the doctor is doing something to them that they were not expecting?
Part A 6. How to integrate patient safety learning into your curriculum
Box A.6.2. Linking patient safety education with new knowledge and performance elements
Patient safety competencies for a particular topic can be divided into knowledge and performance requirements.
Ideally, learning will occur in both categories, e.g. correct patient identification.
Patient safety example
Broad knowledge
Understanding that patient identification mix-ups can and do occur, especially when care
is delivered by a team. Learning what situations increase the likelihood of a patient mix-up,
such as having two patients with the same condition, patients who cannot communicate,
and staff being interrupted mid-task.
Applied knowledge
Understanding the importance of correct patient identification when taking blood
for cross-matching. Understanding how errors can occur during this task and learning
about the strategies used to prevent error in this situation.
Demonstrating how to correctly identify a patient by asking the patient their name as
an open-ended question, such as “what is your name?” rather than as a closed question,
such as “are you John Smith?”
The field of patient safety is also very broad. Given
this breadth and the need for contextualizing
patient safety principles, there are likely to be
many opportunities in your curriculum to
incorporate effective patient safety education into
existing sessions. However, some areas of patient
safety are relatively new to health-care professions
and may not be so easy to graft onto an existing
session and hence are likely to need their own
time slot in the curriculum. Topic 2, Why applying
human factors is important for patient safety, may be
difficult to integrate or incorporate into an
existing subject. One approach to this topic would
be to create a time and invite an expert from
either the faculty of engineering or psychology
to give a lecture followed by a small group
How to establish best fit using generic
curriculum structures
Once you have reviewed your existing curriculum,
determined what patient safety areas are already
taught and decided what patient safety topics
you want to teach, it is time to think about how
to incorporate the new content into your
When thinking about your curriculum consider
the following questions:
ñ How is your overall curriculum structured?
ñ When and where in the curriculum are particular
subjects and topics taught that might lend
themselves to inclusion of patient safety
ñ How are individual topics structured in terms
of learning objectives, delivery methods and
assessment methods?
ñ How is your curriculum delivered?
ñ Who is responsible for the delivery of the
Once you have answered these questions, it will
become more apparent where and how patient
safety can be included in your curriculum.
How is your overall curriculum structured?
ñ Is it a traditional curri…