You don’t have to, but if you want to read a bit of background on the film, this is good:
Watch the film (53 min) and answer the questions below. Minimum 600 words total.
• Yow those mountains, and Jeremy Jones on a snowboard on those mountains!
1.(up to 3 pts) How did you feel while watching it?
2. (1) At what time (into the video; the actual time) does J Jones point out that pulling a single fact out of a scientific
paper and spinning it your own way is not ok?
3. (up to 10 pts) Your future is on the line. What do you think about denying the climate crisis? How can intentional
misinformation be mediated? Do we have to wait for even more catastrophic events before denying Americans
wake up? What would you do, if you had the power to change things?
4. (up to 5.5 pts) What do we need to do as a country? What can we do? Do you think our new Administration can
bring everyone along?
5. (up to 5.5 pts) How did you feel at the end? Have you thought about your own carbon footprint? Gonna do anything
differently from here on out? What’s the take-home message for you, personally?