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The Chapter Analysis Exercise
The Chapter 12 TCAP Assignment on
Emotions, Stress and Health
(20 Points Possible)
The Chapter Analysis Projects (TCAPs) are information processing exercises to
foster learning skill development as well as mastery of the chapter contents.
Each TCAP builds on the skills challenged in the previous TCAP experience. The
Chapter 10 TCAP introduced you to a focused organized study of the chapter,
and supported you in identifying what you should know from the reading. The
Chapter 5 TCAP provided additional training in information gathering, and
documenting and interpretation while working with more expansive and
detail-oriented reading. THE Chapter 12 TCAP is structured to guide you in
both identifying key issues in the chapter and in the interpretation/processing
of information gathered.
The Chapter 12 TCAP assignment involves two major activities. The first is the
development of questions from each focus area. The second activity
involves answering the questions you create from each focus area.
Specifically, you will be required to create four questions for each of the five
focus areas of the Chapter- a total of 20 questions. Also, you will be required
to answer the four questions you create for each focus area – a total of 20
answers. In total, you can earn up to 10 points for the questions and 10 points
for the answers. The page numbers of the text from where questions and answers can be
generated are identified in the chart below.
Chapter 12 TCAP Assignment
Step 1:
Focus Area
Step 2:
YOU CREATED for each Focus Area
Pages for
the Focus
FOCUS AREA 1 Few Basic Emotions: 384-389
FOCUS AREA 2 Usefulness of Emotions, Emotional IQ: 389 -391
FOCUS AREA 3 Fear & Anxiety, Anger, Happiness, Joy
and Psychological Sadness, Other
394 – 400
FOCUS AREA 4 Stress, Stress Affects on Health: 402 – 405
FOCUS AREA 5 Coping with Stress: 405 – 408
The following detailing of guidelines will assist you in completing the two
tasks for this assignment. READ THE GUIDELINES THOROUGHLY MORE
THAN ONCE and until they are clear and understood.
Convert the headings and sub-headings of sections within the focus areas to
questions. Take the heading and make it a question using ‘the four Ws and H’ as
your guide, i.e., (What, When How, Why, Where). Also see the lecture recording
for Chapter 12.
Questions should NOT be multiple choice, true or false, or yes/no formats.
Questions should represent the purpose of the reading in each focus area. You
are in search of the reason each area of the chapter was included. You want to
find what you should know from reading this paragraph.
Questions should allow for short answers that show detailed knowledge (not just
general knowledge).
Questions should tap into the important points made in the readings.
Questions should allow for explanations, descriptions, and examples.
Questions should be original, not copied from questions in the text book.
GUIDELINES FOR ANSWERS: What should my answers be like?
Each answer should be written as a paragraph. (Power point slides are an option
for this assignment). A paragraph is at least five to six sentences, although more
sentences may be needed to provide a complete and thorough answer to some of
the questions
The paragraph should include definitions and explanations of terms/concepts
found in the question. Using examples can be very helpful when explaining an
idea or concept.
The textbook provides examples of constructs which you should include in your
answers to the questions. The text also describes research studies that pertain to
the question you will be answering. These also should be referenced in your
answers and explained to the extent needed to support an answer you are giving.
The paragraph must be written in your own words, and not copied from the
textbook or any other source. Quoting should never be used. DO NOT QUOTE what
the author says. The answers/explanations must be written in your words.
PRESENTATION PROCEDURES: How should I record my answers?
You may, if you prefer, prepare a power point slide presentation (do NOT send
Google Slides unless you convert them to PDF format). The question should be
the heading, followed by the answer on the same or next slide.
Alternatively, you may type your project in a WORD or PDF document. Again, the
question should be a heading, followed by a paragraph of the answer.
SCORING PROCEDURES: How will I earn points for this assignment?
Each student will receive two (2) sets of scores: one for Questions, one for
For Questions a score will be given for:
o the quality of each question (0-.5 points per question).
o Since four questions are required per Focus Area, a total of 2 points can be
earned for questions per focus area for a total of 10 points for Questions in
the TCAP.
For Answers the score will be given for:
o the accuracy and thoroughness of each answer (0-.5 points per answer).
o Since four answers (to questions) are required for each Focus Area, a total
of 2 points can be earned for answers per focus area for a total of 10 points
for Answers in the TCAP.
A total of 20 points can be earned for this assignment. Additional points will be