Q1: 8 points:This is a local ecosystem in the Pacific Northwest in an urban wetland.
This wetland is a rich ecosystem that is intentionally undisturbed. It contains bogs and
ponds that have photosynthetic cyanobacteria, mosses, duckweed and water
hyacinths. This areas consists of large trees such as douglas firs, cedar, spruce, birch,
alder and maple. Other plants such as salmonberries, blackberries, cloudberries, shelf
mushrooms, lichens, ferns, ivy, oregon grape, thistle and horsetails exist under the
canopy. This wetland is also home to deer, squirrels, racoons, moles, black bears, lynx,
owl, cooper’s hawk, bald eagles, trouts, salmon. The soil is rich with earthworms,
spiders, roly polies, centipedes and banana slugs.
● List the 3 different domains of life and explain their distinguishing characteristics.
Give examples for each domain of life from this ecosystem and where they
would be found in this ecosystem. Include one photoautotroph and one
chemoheterotroph with your explanation on this designations.
● Choose two major kingdoms under domain Eukaryota, give 4 examples from
EACH Kingdom for with 1-2 sentence explanation on the different groups
(phyla/class) your chosen organisms would belong to. Be sure to choose
different species using the common name examples given above. You may
choose organisms in addition to the ones listed above but they should be part of
this ecosystem.
Q2: 4 points. Draw a food web from the organism listed above, label the trophic levels
and demonstrate the flow of CARBON in this food web. Atleast one trophic level should
have more than 1 organism. Your diagram should include atleast 6 organisms. The
common names of the organism are needed for the food web. Their images are not
Q3: 8 points you will be working inheritance pattern with Parent 1 who carries a
disease causing allele and Parent 2 who does not carry the allele. The sex
chromosome of the disease carrying parent and the allelic inheritance is specified in
the table.
disease causing allele in
Allele is on
Allele is
sex chromosome
parent 1
of Parent 1
Huntington disease
chromosome 4
X Chromosome
GATA 2 syndrome
Chromosome 3
Red green color blindness X Chromosome
Assume that these two persons intend to have children together. Draw (hand drawn)
out the generation of gametes through meiosis for Parent 1. While drawing the diagram
include the person’s genotype, their assigned disease AND:
● 1 paired autosome and one 1 paired sex chromosome in their cell that is
undergoing meiosis. The autosome selected be based on disease chosen.
● Your diagram should include steps of Meiosis I and Meiosis II and indicate the
chromosome with the deficiency in all the steps.
● Label nuclear membrane, spindle fiber, Centriole, centromere, chromatid atleast
once in Meiosis I and atleast once in Meiosis II.
● Write a 1 sentence description of each phase mentioning the name of the
chromosome and where the deficiency is located. Indicated how diversity may
be generated in the resulting gametes.
● Parent 1 is unaware of their genetic defects are called Generation 1. They have
the following offspring in their family.
● Generation 2: 2 offspring are XX and 2 offspring are XY (total 4 offspring)
● Generation 3: EACH of the Gen 2 offspring have 1 XX and 1XY offspring
(partners of Generation 2 do not have disease causing alleles)
Draw out Pedigree for these 3 generation using the correct symbols and numbering
system learned in Week 9.
Q4: 8 points. Choose ONE species of your choice from any lineage we discussed in
our course.
● Summarize your understanding of evolution by describing Darwin’s four
postulates. Demonstrate your understanding of theory of evolution by applying
each postulate to this species. 2 points
● For this example species, describe the recognizable phylogenetic groups of the
lineage and include the species’ common name and correctly formatted
scientific name.
● Describe the ecological role your example species plays in its environment. Add
two other species from different trophic levels that your example species
interacts with. Highlight and explain two different types of ecological interactions
(e.g., commensalism, mutualism, or other) your example species has with these
two interacting species
Q5: 2 points. Pick your favorite topic discussed this quarter and briefly explain your
major learnings from this topic.