In order to treat psychological disorders, psychologists must first diagnose it. Give a brief summary of the perspectives (medical, psychoanalytic, behavioral, etc.) on abnormality considered in assessing a patient.
It has been suggested that Vincent Van Gogh suffered from either Schizophrenia or Bi-polar disorder. Distinguish between these disorders and give your diagnosis.
List some examples of behavior that might be considered abnormal by members of one cultural or economic group and normal by members of a different cultural or economic group. Suppose most therapies had been developed by psychologists from minority culture groups and by psychologists from minority culture groups with lower socioeconomic status; how might their conclusions differ from current therapies?
In what situation might Systematic Desensitization be a treatment of choice?
One of the main criticisms of biological therapies is that they treat the symptoms of mental disorder without uncovering and treating the underlying problems from which people are suffering. Do you agree with this criticism? Why or why not?