Your 65 year old patient is here for a 6 month check. He was diagnosed with type II DM (NIDDM) 10 years ago. Blood sugars were variable for the first 2 years after diagnosis but have been relatively stable since. He notes more frequent urination for the past month. He lives by himself in a one-story home. He works full time as a janitor, he smokes 1ppd and drinks 2-3 beers per day. BP is 146/94.
Case studies:
1. Using the information given, name and describe:
a. Medical considerations
List this by organ system (okay to only include those we have covered so far)
Include the potential medical diagnosis in the appropriate system, and the
implications of that diagnosis for the other system/s if applicable
Include the expected age related changes in each system independent of the
b. Social considerations
c. Functional considerations
2. Describe a management plan that incorporates a, b and c above. This must include both
treatment and prevention.
a. Medical – again, list by system. Include either treatment plan or prevention plan for
each item you have listed or described in part 1a. Don’t forget to include the impact of
your diagnosis on the health of other systems if applicable (for example – if your
diagnosis is severe osteoarthritis of the knee with limited mobility of the leg, how will
this impact the muscular system and what is your plan to prevent or minimize this
b. Social
c. Functional
3. Name 2 potential barriers to treatment and your plan to overcome those barriers.