Please use either, a narrative, case study or phenomenology approach to writing this paper.
Please Include in the introduction section:
Description of the topic and the research problem
Definition of key concepts, using references to the literature
The rationale for exploring this topic in light of existing literature
Possible contributions of this project to the literature and/or to educational practice List of research questions
Please include in the Methods section:
– Which qualitative method is appropriate to examine your research questions and why?
– Participants
– Instruments
– The process of collecting data
– Ethical Considerations
– Institutional Expectations
Please include in the Analysis/Results section:
– How you analyze your data?
– Which findings you may expect to find ?
Please include in the discussion Discussion section:
– Summary of expected results Meaning of results
– Educational implications
– Limitations of the study
– Suggestions for future research
These are the two research questions
– What difficulties do individuals who sustain traumatic brain injuries encounter as they adjust to life after their injuries? Describe their experience, barriers and support.
– How do individuals with TBI describe their transition from acute inpatient rehab to discharge?