Prompt: Analyze the scholarly debate on the theory and research related to your research questions or intervention. The literature review should not be a collection of summaries. Rather, it should be organized according to the message you want to convey, and it should appropriately synthesize the literature into your message. This suggests that you will draw from multiple sources in order to best communicate your points. Organize your review so that it provides a logical argument for the background of your proposed research and how your research fits into the big picture.
Research question is: does the occurrence of trauma, abuse or neglect in childhood predispose individuals to a lifestyle involving criminal behavior?
Milestone One: Childhood Trauma & Crime
PSY 790
Chanel Sharp
Dr. Jose Botello
April 30, 2023
Research Question
Working in child welfare, there seems to be a cycle of the same families, making the
same choices generation after generation. Frequently it seems that children who were removed
and placed into foster care grow up and become parents whose children are placed into foster
care. This is not always the case, but it happens often enough that no one is surprised when it
does occur. This brings up a lot of questions surrounding how genetics and environment
influence decision making as people grow up and just development in general. This idea has
sparked multiple different avenues to be explored, which led to the research topic for this paper:
does the occurrence of trauma, abuse or neglect in childhood predispose individuals to a lifestyle
involving criminal behavior?
Summarize & Analyze Literature
The first article, by S.R. Lowe et al in 2015, discusses how five different forms of trauma
– physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect – are
associated with mental health disorders, including major depressive disorder and posttraumatic
stress disorder (213). This article delves into a study with the purpose of studying whether
individuals who have major depressive disorder or post traumatic stress disorder due to
childhood abuse and neglect, would report their symptoms being worse when the individual lives
in neighborhoods with higher incidents of crime. Overall, the study found that living in higher
crime neighborhoods appears to result in increases in MD and PTSD symptoms. While the study
does seem to be sound, there are some issues that should likely be addressed in future studies,
such as whether or not the impact of living in a higher crime neighborhood has more of an effect
on mental health overall, rather than specifically the mental health of those who have suffered
from abuse and neglect. The study shows that this would be a worthwhile line of investigation as
there was only a significant cross level interaction for major depression, not for post traumatic
stress disorder. It would be interesting to see whether these interactions are neighborhood or
individual experiences. Additionally, there were limitations within the study, being that the
childhood trauma is self reported and is assessed on reflection, therefore it cannot be validated,
although this would be the case in any study regarding childhood trauma. The symptoms and
severity were also assessed via self report, which makes it hard to assess other factors, such as
length of time in the neighborhood, as well as previous neighborhoods participants had lived in
before. Despite some of these limitations, this study overall provides a good baseline to study the
connections between childhood trauma and mental health.
The second article by R.H. Stensrud, examines the Adverse Childhood Experiences
(ACE) scores of inmates against the type of offense they are incarcerated for and how counselors
can use that information to more successfully treat inmates. Trauma can be experienced and
internalized differently for everyone and can occur from real or imagined events. Thus the ACEs
test was developed. ACEs is used to assess the impact of childhood trauma on social, emotional
and mental impairments; likelihood to adopt high risk behaviors, including addiction; disease
and much more. The study in this article found that “65.65% of female, 64.39% of sex offender,
and 42.7% of low-risk prisoners reported four or more traumatic experiences.” (Stensrud, 194).
These are staggering numbers compared to the national average of 15% of people who have four
or more traumatic experiences. With the 10 ACE questions being put into subcategories of abuse,
neglect, and family dysfunction, this study also looked to see if certain types of trauma correlated
with certain genders and crimes committed. In this study it was observed that female offenders
and male sex offenders reported similar types of trauma, including emotional and physical abuse,
while low risk male offenders reported more neglect categories. One of the biggest limitations
with this study was simply the lack of background or demographic information regarding the
participants. There were no details regarding the participant’s medical history, educational
history, or specific criminal history were known to the researchers. The additional knowledge
may have allowed for more or deeper correlations to be made. This study was incredibly similar
to the study we are considering, so this article was incredibly helpful.
Similar to the previous article, Jessica Craig’s 2019 article also studies how an
individual’s ACE score impacts an individual and their relationship with the criminal justice
system and outlooks on life. In this study, youth who had been adjudicated from their offenses
after some form of community placement, such as probation. Overall this study had mixed
support for its multiple hypothesis, however the initial hypothesis that individuals with higher
ACE scores are more likely to have lower outlooks on life than those who have lower ACE
scores; however the evidence did not suggest that a positive outlook had any effect on
recidivism. Some limitations on this study include how “orientation” or outlook is measured, as
well as the idea that ACE scores do not account for the number of times a childhood
traumatization happened. The number of times something occurred could possibly impact the
incident’s effect on an individual. From this study, it appears that future research should focus on
a longer term study about one’s orientation and future criminal activity.
Based on the information collected thus far, it appears that there is research that is similar
in many aspects to our research question. These resources are a solid starting point to this
research project. The benefit to finding out if there is a correlation between childhood trauma and
crime is that it may give professionals a starting place for early intervention services or therapies
to help individuals from having recurring incidents of breaking the law.
Craig, J. M. (2019). The Potential Mediating Impact of Future Orientation on the ACE-Crime
Relationship. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 17(2), 111–128.
Lowe, S. R., Quinn, J. W., Richards, C. A., Pothen, J., Rundle, A., Galea, S., Ressler, K. J.,
Koenen, K. C., & Bradley, B. (2016). Childhood trauma and neighborhood-level crime
interact in predicting adult posttraumatic stress and major depression symptoms. Child
Abuse & Neglect, 51, 212–222.
Stensrud, R. H., Gilbride, D. D., & Bruinekool, R. M. (2019). The childhood to prison pipeline:
Early childhood trauma as reported by a prison population. Rehabilitation Counseling
Bulletin, 62(4), 195–208.
PSY 790 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric: Literature Review
In Module Two, you submitted a paper on potential resources. For this milestone, you will take this information and develop a literature review. In your capstone
research proposal, you will develop a well-organized research concept paper that lays the foundation for a solid plan to implement research. You will address a
relevant problem that aligns with your focus within the field of psychology. You may choose a problem that reveals a gap in our understanding and requires you
to provide an explanation of psychological phenomena and variables. Or it may be an applied problem that directly involves the psychological well-being of
individuals, communities, or organizations. One major section of this proposal is a literature review. If you refer to your Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
document, you will see that this is one of the required sections of your proposal. Completing this milestone will provide you with a solid foundation for your
capstone project.
Note about the Final Project: The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject
research for this project. It is not necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE
Institutional Review Board in order to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.
Prompt: Analyze the scholarly debate on the theory and research related to your research questions or intervention. The literature review should not be a
collection of summaries. Rather, it should be organized according to the message you want to convey, and it should appropriately synthesize the literature into
your message. This suggests that you will draw from multiple sources in order to best communicate your points. Organize your review so that it provides a logical
argument for the background of your proposed research and how your research fits into the big picture.
In your submission, be sure to include the critical elements listed below.
Clearly state your research questions or intervention.
Evaluate how your chosen topic fits into the field of psychology.
Synthesize previous scholarly research related to the topic, research questions, or intervention.
Compare and evaluate the studies and resources discussed in the literature review.
Connect gaps in the overall research to argue for the necessity of the chosen research questions or intervention.
Discuss how the existing body of research helps the chosen research questions or intervention address real-world problems and implications for the
general public.
Organize the literature review according to your message and synthesize the literature into the message.
Include a conclusion that ties together the literature addressed and reiterates the connection to the research questions and the main argument.
Ensure that the submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a five- to seven-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Critical Element
State Research Question
Evaluate Topic Fit to Field
Meets Expectations
Clearly states the research questions or
Evaluates how the chosen topic fits into
the field of psychology
Synthesize Research
Synthesizes previous scholarly research
related to the topic, research questions,
or intervention
Evaluate Studies
Compares and evaluates the studies and
resources discussed in the literature
Address Research Gaps
Connects gaps in the overall research to
argue for the necessity of the chosen
research questions or intervention
Review Contribution of
Existing Research
Discusses how the existing body of
research helps the chosen research
questions or intervention address realworld problems and implications for the
general public
Organize and Align
Literature Review to
Organizes the literature review according
to the message and synthesizes the
literature into the message
In Progress
Evaluates how the chosen topic fits
into the field of psychology, but
evaluation is cursory or contains
Synthesizes previous research related
to the topic, research questions, or
intervention, but not all research is
scholarly or peer-reviewed
Compares the studies and resources
discussed in the literature review, but
does not effectively or accurately
evaluate them
Connects gaps in the overall research
to argue for the necessity of the
chosen research questions or
intervention, but some relevant or
pivotal gaps were not addressed
Discusses how the existing body of
research helps the chosen research
questions or intervention address realworld problems and implications for
the general public, but discussion is
cursory or has gaps in logic
Organizes the literature review
according to the message and but
improvements can be made in the way
the literature is synthesized into the
Does Not Meet Expectations
Does not clearly state the research
questions or intervention
Does not evaluate how the chosen topic
fits into the field of psychology
Does not synthesize previous scholarly
research related to the topic, research
questions, or intervention
Does not compare or evaluate the studies
and resources discussed in the literature
Does not connect gaps in the overall
research to argue for the necessity of the
chosen research questions or
Does not discuss how the existing body of
research helps the chosen research
questions or intervention address realworld problems and implications for the
general public
Does not organize the literature review
according to the message or synthesize
the literature into the message
Develop Synthesizing
Includes a conclusion that ties together
the literature addressed and reiterates
the connection to the research questions
and the main argument
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Includes a conclusion that ties the
literature addressed and reiterates the
connection to the research questions
and the main arguments, but
connections are unconvincing or
conclusion does not effectively connect
to literature
Submission has minor errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization with room for
Does not include a conclusion that ties
together the literature addressed and
reiterates the connection to the research
questions and the main argument
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
PSY 790 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
As the final step in your journey toward your master of science degree in psychology, you will complete a capstone project that integrates the knowledge and
skills you have developed in previous coursework and over the duration of the term by creating a research concept paper and professional presentation that will
be developed for an identified target audience. You will also reflect on your journey through the psychology program and how you plan to position yourself
professionally. The capstone project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold to the final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Six. The final capstone project will be submitted in Module Nine.
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. There are three separate components of the project, but
they all operate together to make up the whole capstone experience and are not assessed separately. You will be evaluated on all three components as a unit in
determining whether you have demonstrated proficiency in each outcome. Your instructor will guide you through this process, keeping a running narrative of
your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the course outcomes as you progress through the class. Your work is expected to meet the highest professional
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Advocate for and extend psychology’s role and responsibility in promoting agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and
Adapt to shifting demands and ill-structured problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of various information and
potential courses of action
Design, conduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as well as the psychological well-being of
individuals, communities, and organizations
Integrate psychological theories, methods, and research to generate new knowledge and promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals,
communities, and organizations
Incorporate empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts to promote agency and the psychological
well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Protect the integrity and professional responsibility of psychology through the demonstration of ethical comportment in all aspects of the profession
For the capstone project, you will first develop a research concept paper that introduces your topic, research question, literature review, research methodology,
and ethical considerations. You will also submit a presentation that should be developed for your identified target audience, as well as a personal and
professional reflection.
The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is not
necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in order
to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.
Capstone Component 1: Research Proposal
For the first of three capstone components, you will develop a well-organized research concept paper that lays the foundation for a solid plan to implement
research. First, you must choose a relevant problem that aligns with your focus within the field of psychology and with how you plan to position yourself
professionally. You can choose a problem that has a gap in our understanding and then provide an explanation of psychological phenomena and variables. Or you
can choose an applied problem that directly involves the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, or organizations.
The following sections should be included:
1. Introduction/Problem. This should describe the problem (which may be a research problem or an applied problem), the purpose of the research, and
the significance of the research. If your research topic is related to a gap in knowledge, you should clarify what is known and where the conflict or gap in
knowledge exists. If you choose an applied problem, identify the issue to be addressed and include an accurate and detailed overview of the issue. In
general, include all information that you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for understanding your chosen research
topic, including a theoretical framework or the theory that is guiding your proposal.
This section should address your research question(s). Consider the following questions: What is the purpose of the proposed research? How does the
purpose reasonably fit within the research problem? Further, what are the assumptions and potential limitations associated with the identified problem
or gap in knowledge or applied problem?
This section should also discuss your target audience, such as academics, mental health professionals, organizations, and so on. (This may be a broad
audience for research that is oriented toward contributing to theory or a specific organization or community for research that is focused on addressing
applied problems and interventions.) Discuss your target audience in relation to this proposal and why your research would be relevant for this
audience. For example, in what way would your research help address how we understand a phenomenon or help an organization address a critical
Your target audience will depend on your area of study. For example, for students on a general track in this degree program, your research concept
paper might center on researching a general issue in the area of psychology. If you have a concentration in child and developmental psychology, your
proposed research must focus on a specific psychological need or issue surrounding children, adolescents, and/or teens. If you have a concentration in
industrial and organizational psychology, your proposed research must focus on factors contributing to the advancement of an organization’s
performance through application of psychology.
2. Literature Review. This section is an analysis of the scholarly debate on the theory and research related to your research question. The literature review
should not be a collection of summaries. Rather, it should be organized according to the message you want to convey and appropriately synthesize the
literature into your message. This suggests that you will draw from multiple sources in order to best communicate your points. Organize your review so
that it provides a logical argument for the background of your proposed research and how your research fits into the big picture.
3. Research Design. This should include a detailed plan to collect and analyze data, as well as highlight the types of sources you would use. You may choose
a qualitative or quantitative approach. However, your choice of method, design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and overall process should be
justified and logically fit with your research question(s). Proposals that involve implementation of interventions will have a program evaluation
component that must include research design.
This section will also require you to discuss the reliability and validity of your measurements. Finally, you should consider how you will operationalize or
measure the main concepts/variables you are researching and include a description of your data sources.
4. Ethical Considerations. This should include a thorough explanation of the ethical considerations related to the topic and to your proposed study. Your
explanation should address the ethical ramifications of the problem, the population under study, the data-collection instruments and their analysis, and
so on. This section should incorporate peer-reviewed literature as well as relevant codes of conduct (i.e., the American Psychological Association).
5. Conclusion. In this final section of the text, you will summarize your study and explain why your proposed research is significant, highlighting the
practical implications of your potential findings for your target audience(s). This section should also include an analysis of your research’s potential
contribution to the field of psychology.
Guidelines for Submission: Your research concept paper should be 15–20 pages long and should follow American Psychological Association (APA) style. It should
include a title page, a table of contents, references, and (if applicable) appendices. In the “real world,” there are usually no page-length requirements, so the
given page range is a suggestion, and you should use your professional judgment regarding the length of your paper. You may include illustrations, photographs,
graphs, charts, and other non-textual materials as needed to support your research concept, but please be sure to format all of these in APA style. Refer to the
module resources and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (required in previous courses) for guidance in APA style formatting.
Capstone Component 2: Presentation
For this component, you will develop a presentation that articulates a convincing need for the proposal you have developed. The presentation should be
engaging and appealing to your target audience(s). You should envision yourself giving this presentation before your target audience(s). This could be, for
example, a boss, fellow scholars at a conference, or a grant provider.
This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the problem you have identified and the need to conduct research or implement and evaluate an
intervention. Remember that you are seeking support of the proposal, so knowing your audience and tailoring your message to them is crucial.
Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person, you must create a self-sustaining presentation. A narrated presentation is strongly suggested. The
presentation should adhere to the principles of an effective presentation, and all of your sources should be cited properly. There is no minimum or maximum
number of slides required. You should use your judgment to create a presentation of appropriate length that will convey all of the necessary information while
keeping the attention of your audience.
Capstone Component 3: Professional Reflection
For the final component of your capstone, you will write a three- to five-page paper in which you discuss the process and outcomes of this project, the
experience of giving and receiving feedback from peers, and how you incorporated feedback from your instructor. You will also touch briefly on how your
coursework culminated in the capstone project and what you can take from this project into your workplace. This may include discussions of unforeseen
problems or obstacles and any surprises. The paper should also discuss your identified strengths and problems that you encountered while completing the
project. Finally, the paper will examine how the capstone project will be useful in the job market or in furthering your education.
Some of the issues that you could address in this final component of this capstone may include:
Overall, what was your capstone experience like?
Reflect on the significance of the capstone in relation to your own experience at SNHU.
What connections do you see between your capstone and your academic program?
How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
What is your take on the value and role of psychology in the incorporation of empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of
Milestone One: Resource Collection
In Module Two, you will collect potential peer-reviewed resources for your proposal. Summarize the literature in a three- to five-page paper. Discuss how each
resource relates to your research questions or intervention you have chosen. In this paper, you may summarize each article in preparation for the synthesis you
will do as part of Milestone Two. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this
submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should utilize throughout the course.
Milestone Two: Literature Review
In Module Four, you will provide a five- to seven-page paper integrating your review of the existing research and theory and tying it to your fully developed
topic. You should have incorporated feedback to revise your research questions and support for the basic or applied study. This literature review should focus on
relating the existing theory and research to your project. The literature review is not just a summary of research articles. This milestone will be graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric. If you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a
resource you should utilize throughout the course.
Milestone Three: Methodology, Design, and Data
In Module Six, you will revise your chosen methodology, design, and data-collection tools as needed. Also, define the process from the selection of participants
(and stakeholders as applicable) through data collection to data analysis, including any limitations, delimiters, and assumptions. Include all ethical
considerations. Paint a picture of the entire process to show how you will conduct the study. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. If
you have any questions after reading the feedback for this submission, reach out to your instructor. Remember that your instructor is a resource you should
utilize throughout the course.
Capstone Project Submission: Research Proposal, Presentation, and Professional Reflection
In Module Nine, you will submit your full capstone project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It
should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be evaluated with the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
This rubric will be applied to all three components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible Indicators of Success” are examples
for you and the instructor of the types of concepts to look for to demonstrate proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as
guides for illustrating how your capstone embodies the outcome. All outcomes are weighted equally.
PSY-790-01: Advocate for and extend psychology’s role and responsibility in promoting agency and the psychological wellProficient
Not Proficient
being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify relevant issues within his or her area of specialization?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to effectively communicate a need or gap related to well-being?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively connect possible solutions to the well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify the implications of a specific issue in relation to the psychological well-being of individuals,
communities, and organizations or of a gap in our understanding of psychological phenomena?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify key stakeholders and/or users from relevant individuals, communities, and organizations?
PSY-790-02: Adapt to shifting demands and ill-structured problems by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and
Not Proficient
appropriateness of various information and potential courses of action
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in knowledge?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select relevant and appropriate resources to guide efforts in addressing a specific problem or gap?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically assess and evaluate the extent to which the potential data are valid and reliable?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify limitations, assumptions, and biases associated with the identified problem or gap in knowledge?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to persuasively argue for addressing a specific problem or gap in knowledge?
PSY-790-03: Design, conduct, and evaluate research through the lens of its potential to advance knowledge in psychology as
Not Proficient
well as the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to develop informed research questions that have direct applications for promoting the psychological wellbeing of individuals, communities, or organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to evaluate and synthesize existing research for the purpose of advancing knowledge in psychology?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify limitations, assumptions, and ethical considerations in existing research and the impact of that on
the student’s project?
PSY-790-04: Integrate psychological theories, methods, and research to generate new knowledge and promote agency and
Not Proficient
the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess an issue or gap in knowledge by critically evaluating the relevance, priority, and appropriateness of
various explanations, related information, and possible courses of action?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify and integrate relevant theories to generate new knowledge or promote agency and psychological
well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to select appropriate research methods, designs, data-collection tools, and data-analysis tools?
PSY-790-05: Incorporate empathy, reflectivity, and an appreciation for collaboration and diversity of perspectives into efforts
Not Proficient
to promote agency and the psychological well-being of individuals, communities, and organizations
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to offer a perspective to others in a manner that demonstrates empathy and appreciation for others’ views?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to critically reflect on and integrate the work of others (including instructor and peer feedback and published
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to incorporate diverse perspectives?
PSY-790-06: Protect the integrity and professional responsibility of psychology through the demonstration of ethical
Not Proficient
comportment in all aspects of the profession
Possible Indicators of Success
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to assess research plans for their ethical ramifications and make resulting adjustments that maintain the
integrity of the investigation and protect the psychological well-being of others?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify ethical ramifications and needs in others’ work?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to connect ethical adjustments and mitigation efforts with appropriate ethical guidelines?
Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to identify the ethical considerations associated with the individuals, communities, and organizations most
likely to be affected by the identified gap or problem?