Part I: Revisiting your Ethical DilemmaIn your opinion.
Let’s revisit the example you shared in our first discussion about an ethical
dilemma or situation that you’ve faced. Describe this example and present
your reasoning for your response using the ethical principles and theories that
we’ve learned in the course. How did you respond differently? How did you
respond similarly? 250 words
Part II: Analysis of an Ethical Issue(500 words)
Apply what you know.
Our topics in this week’s readings are often viewed as controversial, emotionally rooted,
and rife with ethical issues. Choose one of the following topics, one which you have
strong feelings about:
Assisted reproduction
Stem cell research
Next, respond to the following questions:
What is the ethical dilemma(s) inherent in the topic chosen?
Which ethical principles and theories might apply? Be sure to identify and
define each principle or theory.
Using the ethical principles and theories you’ve identified, apply these to
support an ethical decision in two ways. First, select a decision which you
would not personally agree with. Next, select a decision which is consistent
with your personal beliefs.
How would you assist the patient with decision-making on your chosen topic?
Be sure to describe the ethical decision-making process.
How might personal values influence the behavior of the healthcare
professional? How would you guard against having your personal values
influence your behavior?