In approximately 500 words, write an introduction to one (1) of these hominingroups: Australopithecus afarensis, Homo habilis, Ardipithecus ramidus.
Organize your essay into three paragraphs. First, introduce the basic information about
your group. Second, go into a little bit of detail on one aspect of this ancestor’s life that you
find interesting. Third, if you could talk to a member of this species, what questions would
you ask? What might you learn by asking those questions?
What aspects might be interesting? You might be interested in diet, hunting behavior,
social groups, language, tool use or relationships with other hominins that lived nearby at
the same time. Briefly describe what is know about this, and then, in paragraph three,
ask a question or two and explain how the information we find answering those
questions might shed light on this hominin.
Look at trusted online resources such as the Smithsonian Institution, the American
Museum of Natural History, or the California Academy of Sciences.