My friend is a single mom with three kids. She has been battling stage 3 cancer for about a year now. Radiation has not helped and the cancer has only gotten worse. She has been going to full time work pushing through all of the sickness because she has kids to take care of. Now they have to do emergency surgery to hopefully get as much of the tumors out as possible and then start chemo right away. Her being a single mother and not getting any help from the father,already has her going check to check every month. Even though she will be getting disability while going through surgery and chemo, that is only 60% of her pay. She will not be able to survive and pay her bills. There’s nothing worse than going through cancer and losing their apartment and Car, because they couldn’t afford to keep up on payments. She does not want the go fund me to show her identity because she has not told her mom and dad. Her parents are old and her dad is going through cancer right now and he’s not doing good. She thinks that if he finds out that she has cancer and how bad it is, that that’s going to be the tipping point and It could kill him. So I’m trying to find a way to create a go fund me for her with all the important info but also hope that people understand why she does not want to show her identity.