respond to teachers question:
Thanks for your thorough post. You chose a randomized controlled trial for the research design. That is a general description of a true experimental design. Of the true experimental designs discussed by Creswell and Creswell (2018) or Meltzoff and Cooper (2018), which one would you use? The options are the Posttest-Only Control Group design, the Pretest-Posttest Control Group design, and the Solomon Four-Group design.
It would have been nice to identify the internal and external threats to validity by their official names as given in Chapter 8 of the Creswell and Creswell textbook or Chapter 6 of the Meltzoff and Cooper ebook. A measure of the intensity of depression symptoms is the dependent variable. The confounding factors you mentioned could be accounted for in the statistical analysis if the researcher collects data on medication use and prior exercise habits, and includes them as covariates.
Regarding ethical issues, you identified several things that should be addressed in the study. I would have liked to see the numbers of the applicable standards, especially those from Section 8, as you discussed each one, such as 8.01 for IRB approval, 8.02 for informed consent, 4.01 for maintaining confidentiality, and 8.07 which is about deception but also states that researchers cannot “deceive prospective participants about research that is reasonably expected to cause physical pain or severe emotional distress” (American Psychological Association, 2017, p. 11). Another ethical consideration for the proposed experimental study would be 8.08, which is debriefing.