I will attach 5 replies of my classmates and I need to respond to them with a minimum of 75 words and one citation for each reply in APA format
Pornographic video, page 173
In my opinion, porn is considered cheating on your significant other because there is
lust for another human body. The fact that Charles is bored and also threatening to
give into temptation at work if his wife does not watch/participate in porn with him
(Clark, 1996) is a way for him crying out for help. She should not give into his desires,
as there is a better way that does not include porn. A study has shown that use of porn
doubles chance of divorce in the United States (Perry, 2018). Mark 5:28 quotes “But I
tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart” (Gideons, 2012). The couple need marriage counseling and
perhaps they should read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman that may spark
their relationship again.
My church did a great sermon on this subject several years ago. Yes, the pastor talks
about porn and sex. I will provide the link if anyone is interested in watching. Sex is a
special connection between two married people, and it should not go outside of the
Heavy petting, page 173
The dating college couple are “in love” and hope to get married once they are done with
college. Due to their commitments to wait for sexual intercourse until marriage, they
are finding it difficult not to intimately touch one another (Clark, 1996). Per 2 timothy
2:22 “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace,
along with those who call on the Lord out of pure heart” (Gideons, 2012). If they do love
each other, rather than just lusting for one another, they should respect each other’s
boundaries and stop having alone time in a private location.
Gay marriage proposal page 219
A man that grew up Christian and accepted Christ as his savior reports homosexual
desires and was asked to join in a marriage union by another man that attends the
same church (Clark, 1996). My own personal viewpoint is God loves, even those who
sin, as everyone was created in his image. We all have freedom of choice. I am not sure
what circumstances occurred to either man during childhood years to encourage
sexual desires for the same sex, but such desires cannot be turned off. So, whatever
choices these men make, according to Galatians 3:13, “Christ redeemed us from the
curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is
hung on a pole” (Gideons, 2012).
Lesbian schoolteacher page 219-220
The principal of the public school found out that a great teacher that works for her is a
lesbian (Clark, 1996). If the principal creates a condemning focus on this teacher, the
principal will certainly not be acting like a Christian. As proverbs 10:12 says “hatred
stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs” (Gideons, 2012).
Birth Control
I believe birth control has many important benefits rather than just used a “birth
control”. As a physician assistant, I prescribe it to teenage girls through older women,
for various reasons. Which should be used? I think it depends largely on who is asking.
The teenage girl that has terrible acne and abnormal cycle needs hormonal regulation.
The 30-year-old woman who has very heavy menstruation due to uterine fibroids,
needs hormonal regulation as well as possible surgery. Even for young married
couples, barrier birth control such as condoms could be considered to prevent
pregnancy if the couple is not ready for little ones yet. I would choose birth control, any
day, over abortion.
Government fund sex studies
I support government funded sex education, but not necessarily sex studies. I strongly
disagree with government funding for studies that involve a person changing gender
from who they biologically were born.
Vaccination against HPV
I absolutely support vaccination against (human papillomavirus) HPV, which is one of
the most common sexually transmitted diseases. HPV is a double stranded DNA virus,
that directly mutates squamous epithelial cells, specifically, the basal layer
(Mendelsohn et al., 2015). While there are many of us who are Christian and try to
follow the word of Christ, many do not. Some of us may not become Christian until we
are adults, after making terrible choices with our bodies. The HPV vaccine prevents
cervical and oropharyngeal cancer in woman and rectal and oropharyngeal cancer in
men (“FDA approves Merck’s GARDASIL 9 for the prevention of certain HPV-related
head and neck cancers,” 2020). Do I think 9 years of age is too young to give this
vaccine? Yes. But I do believe the benefits outweigh the risks because we are all
human and sin.
Wagner page 242 – Most of these questions were answered in last week’s discussion
board post, so I will not comment on these again today.
Clark, D. K. R. R. V. (1996). Readings in christian ethics volume 2: issues and
applications. Baker Book House.
FDA approves Merck’s GARDASIL 9 for the prevention of certain HPV-related head and
neck cancers. (2020). HEM/ONC Today, 21(13).
Gideons, I. (2012). The Holy Bible : new international version.
Mendelsohn, J., Howley, P. M., Israel, M. A., Gray, J. W., & Thompson, C. (2015). The
molecular basis of cancer (Edition 4 ed.). Saunders/Elsevier.
Perry, S. L. S. C. (2018). Till Porn Do Us Part? A Longitudinal Examination of
Pornography Use and Divorce. The Journal of Sex Research, 55(3), 284-296.
Introduction: Sex
Sex is human nature, and while many Christians would like to believe people are
waiting to have sex until marriage, it is not the reality. Therefore, birth control is
extremely important for women who do not wish to have a child. Some may view the
use of birth control as flouting God’s instruction for us to “be fruitful and multiply”
(Genesis 1:28). However, I believe every form of birth control has its benefits, some of
which extend further beyond preventing pregnancy. Condoms, for example, can
prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, which can cause cancer if left
untreated. Oral hormonal contraceptives are essential medications for many functional
or organic disturbances. So far, clinical effectiveness has been shown for treatment as
well as prevention of menstrual bleeding disorders and menstrual-related pain
symptoms.2 Particular oral contraceptives containing anti-androgenic progestogens
have also been shown to be an effective medication for the treatment of
androgenization symptoms, such as seborrhea, acne, hirsutism, and alopecia.2
In my opinion, the government should fund sex studies to promote sexual awareness
and understanding. A better comprehension of sex will foster safer sexual practices
and help us learn how to improve elderly sex drive or stimulation. Government funding
of sex studies would also lead to a better understanding of sexually transmitted
diseases, such as HPV. HPV causes warts and papilloma, which are associated with
cervical, anal, vaginal, culver, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers. Currently, there is no
treatment for the HPV virus itself, making the vaccine that much more critical to take.
Studies have shown that the vaccine provides close to 100% protection against
infections and pre-cancers caused by certain types of HPV.1 Giving the vaccine to boys
and girls between 9 and 12 years old can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers when
they get older.1
1. HPV facts: HPV vaccine facts: How long is the HPV vaccine good for? American
Cancer Society. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/infectiousagents/hpv/hpv-vaccinefacts-and-fears.html. Published 2021.
2. Schindler, A. E. (2012, December 21). Non-Contraceptive Benefits of Oral Hormonal
Contraceptives. PubMed Central (PMC).
Discussion Question 1
The overall view on cloning for the religious population is that it is unethical and
should not be done; however, it is not that black and white. According to Sullivan,
conservative Christians categorically oppose all cloning. He states that Jewish beliefs
permit therapeutic human cloning; the Buddhist tradition has no stated position on
human cloning, while Hindu and Muslim scholars variously voice strong objections and
cautious approval of cloning.5 Most theistic religions, such as Christians, strongly reject
reproductive cloning because they consider life to be a ‘gift’ from God. Christians
believe that bringing into being a new human through anything other than sexual
reproductions is an act against God’s creation or usurpation of the Creator’s
power.3 Buddhism teaches that life can come into being through supernatural
phenomena like spontaneous generation.
Discussion Question 2
Humans for thousands of years have felt the need to understand the world around
them and ultimately enhance and manipulate it to serve their needs.4 However, there is
always the question of whether that manipulation is ethical. As gene sequencing and
editing technologies have become more accessible and affordable, this issue is more
pressing. Gene selection naturally occurs in nature through natural selection, which
drives Darwinian evolution theories. Humans have been practicing artificial selection
for many years by selecting phenotypic traits when breeding plants and
animals.4 Although now new technologies allow genetic selection and
engineering of offspring, which is an influential debate among scientists and religion.
Philosopher Michael Sandel states that human genetic engineering is an attempt to
master nature and undermine our appreciation of human achievement and our sense
of life as a gift.5 However, not all offspring selection is negative. Breakthroughs in
genetic alterations of offspring have the promise to treat and prevent diseases passed
down through parental genes. Sandel argues that the use of human genetic
engineering for nonmedical purposes, like height, sex, and muscle strength, is
comparable to the hubris of Prometheus. In my opinion, there is a lot to benefit from
the genetic engineering of offspring. That said, I do understand how the legalization of
this sort of genetic modification could be abused.
Case Study: Pornographic Videos
In this case study, the husband is manipulating his wife into doing something she is
clearly uncomfortable with. He is threatening to cheat on her if she does not comply
with his demand to watch pornographic videos. After fourteen years of marriage, the
husband should have more respect for his wife and understand to take no for an
answer. Women should not be seen as objects to men, and men should not be taught
that women should be subordinate to them. While human sexuality is an important
part of God’s creation it is not the most important thing in life.1 Therefore, if his wife is
uncomfortable with his request, it should be respected. The husband would be
forsaking God’s will on the sacred vow of marriage if he commits adultery. “Thou shall
not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14).
Case Study: Heavy Petting
The bible teaches us that God designed sex and sexual intimacy for procreation and
confined to marriage between two people committed to each other. In this case study,
two soon-to-be-married individuals have been tempted to cross that sacred line. In my
opinion, the behavior of the couple is completely normal. However, in the eyes of a
Christian, it is seen as immoral. Throughout much of history, Christians have been
taught that marriage is the only appropriate channel for sexual expression, including
sexual and heavy petting. “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person
commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own
body. Or do you not know that your body’s a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom
you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify
God in your body” (Corinthians 6:18-20).
Case Study: Gay Marriage Proposal
The case study discusses a marriage proposal between two men of the church. The
man who is proposed to is uncertain that he can be in a homosexual relationship and
not forsake God. However, as a friend, I would remind him that many of the negative
scripture about homosexuality is irrelevant because they do not address today’s
homosexual lifestyles. Passages like Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, and Deuteronomy 23:18,
which condemn male homosexuality, occur during a discussion of God’s disapproval
of the fertility cults in the pagan communities surrounding the Israelites.1 I would tell
him to follow his heart and that the loving God he prays to should want him to be
Case Study: Lesbian School teacher
In this case study, a school teacher is discovered to be a lesbian by her principal. The
principal is not sure how to handle the situation. In my opinion, the teacher’s
homosexuality does not affect her student, parents, staff, or boss in any way
whatsoever. The principal has no right to threaten, question, or make the teacher feel
uncomfortable because she is a lesbian. The principal is acting inappropriately and
should be reprimanded. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. It is not an illness
nor something to be ashamed of regardless of your faith.
For many centuries, the Christian Church’s attitude toward human sexuality was
negative. Sex was for procreation, not pleasure, and women were considered property
to be owned by men. Though this tradition still influences many churches today, there
is a new understanding and appreciation for the homosexual community. A growing
number of biblical and theological scholars now recognize that scripture does not
condemn loving, responsible homosexual relationships.2 Therefore, gay men and
women should be accepted, just as they are in some Christian churches, and
homosexual relationships should be celebrated and affirmed
1. Clark DK, Rakestraw RV. Readings in Christian Ethics. Vol 2. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker
Books; 1996.
2. Eastman ED. Homosexuality: Not a sin, not a sickness part i. Religious Institute.
http://religiousinstitute.org/denom_statements/homosexuality-not-a-sin-notasickness-part-i/. Published 2020.
3. Frazzetto G. Embryos, cells and God. EMBO reports.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1299083/. Published June 2004.
4. Rothschild J. Ethical considerations of gene editing and genetic selection. Journal of
general and family medicine.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7260159/. Published May 29, 2020.
5. Wagner V. Biomedical Ethics. 5th ed. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven P
Reply 3:
Case Study: Pornographic videos1
Charles wants his wife Hannah to watch pornography with him, but she is
uncomfortable with it. Charles warns her that if his needs are not met, he may be
tempted to stray. This can be viewed as manipulation of Hannah which is a form of
emotional abuse. This could be dangerous territory in their marriage, however, it is just
as possible that Charles is not articulating his thoughts well and needs to talk out his
needs openly and honestly. The issue of pornography, mild or not, is frequently
debated among Christians. Viewing a sex tape could add a level of excitement to a 14year marriage, but only if both partners are on board with it and Hannah clearly is not.
Matthew 5:28 “But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her
hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”2
Charles and Hannah need to have deep and serious discussions about their
needs, wants, and expectations. Perhaps they can seek counseling through their
pastor or attend a marriage seminar as ways to deepen their marriage bond.
Case Study: Heavy petting1
Jeff and Cynthia are in love and plan to be married but are having sexual
encounters which are leading them closer to intercourse. The Bible is firm in its
teachings that sexual relations are to be confined to marriage where two people are
committed to each other.Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and
let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and
The readings for this module offer differing opinions on premarital sexual
relations, however the overwhelming majority concur that fornication and sexual
expression outside of marriage is against biblical teachings. Karen Lebacqz argues for
a new ethic for single people claiming that churches are run by and for married people
and that the church offers little support to singles. Richard J. Foster enforces this
notion by suggesting the church address sexuality with honesty when dealing with
single people because they too have sexual desires and needs. He suggests couples
develop a deeper intimate bond beyond the sexual relationship.1 Jeff and Cynthia do
have options. If they want to live truly Christian lives but continue to enjoy each other
sexually, they should marry, and soon. They can seek out the help of their respective
pastors or go to counseling together to pray for strength and guidance. If they were
raised in a Christian environment, perhaps their parents or married siblings have
advice they can give on how to remain celibate until they marry.
Romans 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life
and peace.”2
Jeff and Cynthia may choose to reread Genesis together. Pride was the main
temptation Satan used to get Adam and Eve to sin.
Case Study: Gay Marriage Proposal
Norman and Stan go to the same church. Norman has asked Stan to marry
him. Stan has struggled with his sexual orientation for years and has chosen celibacy
so that he may walk with God. Stan finds himself very attracted to Norman, however
the case study says nothing about love, only strong sexual desire. Newer translations
of the Bible are abundantly clear in considering same-sex relationships a sin, however
the word “homosexual” was not coined until the 20th century. In early versions of the
Bible, the term “malakos” was used which when translated from Greek means
“soft”. The RSV was the first version of the Bible in which the word “homosexual”
appears in 1946.3
Perhaps it is the interpretation of the various translations over
the centuries that deem LGBT love a sin.4 Dr. Andrew Fabich is correct in this week’s
video entitled “Malakos” in which he states, “if you train up a child against the way he
was made, then they’re going to go crazy and rewire their brain”. I do, however,
respectfully disagree with Dr. Fabich on this point; I do not believe being gay is a sin. I
believe punishing someone because of it is a sin.
1 Samuel 2:3 “Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance,
for the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed”.2
Case Study: Lesbian schoolteacher1
Public school principal Brenda may morally object to teacher Sarah’s sexual
orientation, but she cannot fire her or discipline her for it. Brenda also does not have
the right to “out” Sarah to the parents of Sarah’s students. In 2020 the Supreme Court
mandated job protection for LGBT teachers. In fact, it has ruled that all people in the
United States have equal-opportunity protections. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
sexual orientation, and gender identity.5 Mary seems to have lost her objectivity and
let her morals get in the way of the law. The book which this case study comes from
was published in 1996, prior to the workplace protection mandate in 2020 and prior to
the legalization of gay marriage in 2015. As an administrator at a public school,
Brenda should be aware of the laws protecting her staff and faculty and act
according. If she calls Mary out because she’s lesbian, Brenda is opening her school
district up to a lawsuit. Brenda should speak with a counselor or her pastor so that
she can come to terms with the fact that Mary’s sexual orientation is none of Brenda’s
2 Corinthians 13:11 “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration,
encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace
will be with you.”2
Question 1: Which form of birth control should be used, if any?1
We know how God feels about children and procreation.
Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him”.2
Genesis 1:28 “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and
God spoke these words to Adam and Eve, the first two people on earth, and we
did exactly what He instructed in this instance; there are now 7.8+ billion souls on
Earth. Birth control is not specifically discussed in the Bible. Many Christians feel the
followingpassage refers to birth control. It is about Onan, who upon Judah’s order, had
intercourse with his sister-in-law but withdrew before ejaculation. This displeased
God and he killed Onan.
Genesis 38:6-10 “And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name was
Tamar. And Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and The
Lord slew him. And Judah said unto Onan, go in unto thy brother’s wife, and marry her,
and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and
it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother’s wife, that he spilled it on the
ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he
did displeased the Lord: wherefore he slew him also.”2
Was Onan killed because he did not impregnate his brother’s wife or
because Onan went against the order? Theologians differ in their opinions on this
passage, but because birth control is not addressed outright in the Bible, it is doubtful
that was the reason for God’s displeasure with Onan. Norman Geisler believes this
passage is saying that birth control is “wrong when it is used for selfish reasons”. He
goes on to say that neither birth control or even sterilization are wrong if done to help
an emotionally or psychologically overburdened wife who already has too many
children.6 Birth control methods which hormonally prevent ovulation, barrier methods,
or the rhythm method are acceptable to many Christians while methods which nullify
implantation such as an intrauterine device are considered to some to be abortive.
Question 2: Should the government fund sex studies?1
We have all read “news” story about how the federal government funds
questionable sex studies and it horrifies us that our tax dollars are going to fund such
crazy studies. The silly stuff seems to be what makes headlines, the “sciency” stuff is
buried in the back pages. Recent science studies have included the risk aspects of
sexuality, HIV and AIDS prevention and management, prevention of sexual
abuse/assault/trafficking, sexualization of girls, methods to prevent sexually
transmitted diseases, and a myriad of studies which focus on disease prevention.
Thirty years ago, when reading a scientific journal, the majority of research
would have included exclusively male subjects. Alternatively, many studies may not
have mentioned the sex or gender of the subjects, meaning the research was also
likely conducted solely in males. At that time, scientists actively excluded women and
female animals from research. Although Congress passed a law in1993 requiring the
inclusion of women in government-funded clinical research, it was not until January
2016 that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began requiring researchers to
consider sex as a biological variable (SABV) in preclinical work in animals, tissues, and
cells.7 Because of research that incorporates and analyzes sex as a biological variable,
we have begun to understand why certain conditions, disorders, and diseases occur
disproportionately in women or affect women and men differently.
So, yes, I believe the government should fund sex studies in the interest of
public health, however it would be prudent to establish more stringent guidelines as to
where and on what the research money is being spent.
Question 3: Should we vaccinate against HPV?1
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted
disease in the U.S. with more than 40 variants. HPV can cause cancer of the cervix in
women (up to 99% of cases),8 cancer of the penis in men, and oropharyngeal cancer in
both sexes. The CDC reports that almost every sexually active person who is
unvaccinated will contract HPV at some point in their lifetime. Yes, we should
vaccinate against HPV. It can save lives. The vaccinations are recommended in
children at age 11-12 but can begin at age 9. The age at which the vaccinations
should occur is probably the issue at heart with Christian parents. Parents who are
committed followers of Christ can be skeptical of a vaccine they view as specifically
intended for sexually active teens, however they should realize their children will not be
teens forever. Parents should do their homework and realize that sexual intercourse is
not the only means of transmission. HPV can be contracted via fomites, fingers,
mouth, and skin.9 It can be transferred from mother to child during pregnancy and
childbirth, and while nobody wants to think about the possibility, HPV can be
transferred through child sexual abuse.10 All parents want to keep their children
safe. Vaccinating against HPV is analogous to putting a seatbelt on your child.
James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from
the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change”.2
1. Clark D, Rakestraw R. Readings in christian ethics volume 2: Issues and
applications. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic; 1996.
2. King james bible. London, England: Church of England; 1611.
3. Andrews E. The 1946 project: Basic bible doctrines of the christian
faith. Cambridge, OH: Christian Publishing House; 2016.
4. Gnuse RK. Seven gay texts: Biblical passages used to condemn
homosexuality. Biblical theology bulletin. 2015;45(2):6887. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0146107915577097. doi:
5. Albrecht P. U.S. supreme court extends title vii coverage to gay and transgender
employees. National Law Review. 2020;22(88).
6. Geisler N. Christian ethics: Contemporary issues and options. 2nd Edition ed. Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Academic; 2010.
7. Clayton JA. Applying the new SABV (sex as a biological variable) policy to research
and clinical care. Physiology & behavior. 2018;187:25. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.08.012. doi:
8. CDC: Reasons to get hpv vaccine. 2020.
9. Petca A, Borislavschi A, Zvanca ME, Petca R, Sandru F, Dumitrascu MC. Non-sexual
HPV transmission and role of vaccination for a better future. Experimental and
therapeutic medicine.
2020;20(6):186. https://search.proquest.com/docview/2463056781. doi:
10. Ryndock EJ, Meyers C. A risk for non-sexual transmission of human
papillomavirus? Expert review of anti-infective therapy. 2014;12(10):11651170. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1586/14787210.2014.959497. doi:
Reply 4:
Case study 1: In the first case study that talks about the pornographic videos, what
Charles is not grasping when it comes to the fundamental principle or principles
regarding sex in marriage is that by watching pornography he is giving into the lust
feelings of the flesh and also he is committing adultery. Also, the way Hannah could
help is getting him in contact with a counselor or therapist or maybe she could speak
with him about other ways they could spice up their sexual life.
Case Study 2: In this case study involving the dating college students that are
performing “heavy petting” on each other to relieve their sexual pressure, is a very
interesting case study. In the bible multiple different chapters and verses you see
where God says to be fruitful and multiply but also in 1 Corinthians 7:2 is says ” But
since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his
own wife, and each woman with her own husband.” With that verse due to the fact they
are not yet married they should not even be “heavy petting” each other since it is
technically considered sexual immorality.
Case Study 3: In this case study regarding a Gay marriage proposal as a friend of Stan
first I would not judge his decision because we all have sinned and come short of the
glory of God, but I would go over certain scriptures with such as Leviticus 18:23 where
it says “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Now
ultimately the decision is up to Stan and as his friend I am in no place to judge his
decision because every person has sinned before and no sin is greater than another
Case Study 4: This case study was about a Lesbian school teacher and Brenda who is
the principal has an issue with Sarah’s sexual orientation. In this situation especially
since Sarah keeps her work life and personal life separate I do not think that Brenda
should inform the parents. Brenda’s Christian convictions show be more of trying to
share her knowledge on the subject as a Christian, but to not judge Sarah for her
choice of sexual orientation and also not to show any malintent towards her. God loves
us all and he died for all of our sins and no sin is greater than the other, so as
Christians even though we may have a difference of opinion on a subject we should
inform them about how God looks at whatever the subject may be and do it with love
and kindness.
Wagner pp: 241-242
Chapter 1
Q1: In chapter 1 it seems like some believe that the beginning of life is when the
embryo has formed more rather than when the egg and sperm first combine. Then
there are also some who believe that the beginning of life is when the sperm and egg
first combine especially since the embryo now has formed a new genotype.
Q2: Depending on a person’s belief the decision on to what the degree the government
should regulate scientific research can differ. When it comes to ethical decisions about
research and medical practices that may impact an entire society maybe having a
counsel of believers and also a counsel of government officials would be the best to
help make these ethical decisions.
Chapter 2
Q1: This questioned asked if religion and science are always at odds when it comes to
human cloning? Which in the text there is one case which was the first successful IVF
treatment in 1978 where the Catholic church believed the procedure to be unnatural
and sacrilegious to due the feralization taking place outside of the body, which shows
religion and science on opposing sides. Whereas in viewpoint 1 that talks about Leon
Kass who is a professor in bioethicist, biochemist, and physician, he believes that
human cloning is unethical due to the fact that it turns procreation into manufacturing
and if people are manufacturing kids it would be very hard to control what is done with
those children. So, just from those two examples it shows that science and religion are
not always on opposing sides when it comes to human cloning.
Which form of birth control should be used if any?
So the ultimate birth control would be abstinence which is 100% effective, but also
some woman use other birth controls to control extremely painful period symptoms.
Also if a person is not going to abstain from sex until marriage then to avoid pregnancy
out of wedlock then other forms of birth control would be a good option. Now which
one should be used comes down to many different factors which is why an individual
should consult a medical professional before choosing which one.
Should the government fund sex studies?
So, sex is supposed to be an intimate moment between a husband and wife. Now in
regard to studying sex I think that becomes a very controversial issue especially as a
Christian coming from the scripture 1 Corinthians 7:2 which says ” But since sexual
immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and
each woman with her own husband.” Now some may say what if they are studying a
husband and wife which is a valid point especially if using 1 Corinthians 7:2 but also
you have to look at the flesh part of it would a research honestly say that they are not
lusting while doing the study and also what is the difference from a research
conducting sex studies and someone who watches pornography. Overall it becomes a
very complex and intricate debate depending on a person’s ethical approach.
Should we vaccinate against HPV?
I do not see a problem with having a vaccine for HPV especially since overtime it can
cause other medical issues such as cervical cancer.
Works cited
Clark, D. K., & Rakestraw, R. V. (1994). Readings in christian ethics. Baker.
Wagner, V. (2008). Biomedical ethics. Greenhaven Press.
World Wide Publications. (1976). The holy bible: King James Version.
Pornographic Videos:
To begin, no Hannah should not cooperate, especially if it makes her feel
uncomfortable. To help Charles there is but one answer: he must turn the church that
he is “active” in. The fundamental principle that Charles blatantly missed is that
according to the Bible, lusting for another outside of your spouse is all but a form of
adultery in itself as it is said in Matthew 5:28, “But I say to you that everyone who looks
at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”2 In
the least, the lust experienced could possibly lead to giving into the temptations he
spoke of. The ability to fix the solution is within Charles’ grasp, but he must seek it out
himself if he truly wishes to not only stay faithful to Hannah, but also to his religion.
Heavy Petting:
The most applicable and obvious moral issue involved within this case is rather
subjective. This being celibacy. The term itself defines as being sexually abstinent
outside of marriage. It is the essence of the many Christian religions that we follow to
state that temptation and lust should not be given into prior to marriage as is said in 1
Peter 2:11, “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions
of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.”2 In this specific example it is entirely
debatable whether or not heavy petting can be regarded as violating the concept of
celibacy. Considering it is an act of sexual nature at heart, I would argue that it is in
violation of the concept of celibacy, thus evoking a moral quandary that is
inappropriate for Christians.
Gay Marriage Proposal:
In this specific scenario, I would advise Stan to not only turn to God, but also his pastor
within his church. The pastor would be able to give him not only the guidance, but an
abundance of assistance that he is in desperate need of. He states that he wishes to
live for God. It would seem that Norman is not respectful of those desires since he is
attempting to manipulate the words of the Lord in the Bible to his own benefit. I would
also inform Stan that he must hold firm within the love of the Lord if he wishes to not
give into temptation.
Lesbian Schoolteacher:
Brenda should most definitely only pray and keep quiet in regards to Sarah. Sarah
specifically stated that she pledges to not bring her personal life to work around
children. This would be the only possible route that could be ventured upon to argue
that she should be fired. Sarah is being respectful about her orientation in her private
life and in her private time. She is a professional at work, and has acted accordingly.
Brenda’s convictions should have nothing to do with Sarah’s employment. Brenda’s
beliefs are that of her own and Sarah’s hers. Perhaps the most beneficial action, not
only in a professional sense but also a religious one, would be to simply pray for her
and respect her all the same as you previously did. It is not very Christian to spread
hatred or contempt let alone hate an individual simply for sinning. We have all sinned
at least once and some more than others. Are we to hate thy neighbor or love thy
1. Different forms of birth control have different layers of efficacy and all emit
somewhat different effects within the body. There are methods that: hormonally
disrupt your normal menstrual cycle using estrogen and progestin, surgery to
remove your sexually capable organs, implanting a device such as IUD that
produces inflammation due to copper that kills sperm and eggs, physically block
the fertilization pathway such as condoms or diaphragms, or concepts surrounding
abstinence during fertile periods. From a religious perspective the best form of birth
control for an unmarried woman is abstinence. If the woman is married, then there
may be a litany of reasons as to her decision making, and at the end of the day it is
between her, her spouse, and God.
2. I am not sure that the government needs to step in and publicly fund sexual
research. While there is a fair share of concepts that have not been fully unearthed
such as male contraceptives and other general sexual health related topics, these
are not some of the primary needs we have as a society. The funding for other
departments would be drawn from, or there would be a tax of some form to assist
with the funding. Currently, there are a litany of arguments about which department
has too much and too little funding with there resorting to no real correct answer. I
do not feel that creating another medium of funding would help the overall issue
that has been staring us down.
3. Currently there does exist a vaccine for HPV that many are taking. It is generally
recommended that anyone from ages 9-26 should take the vaccine. HPV is actually
the leading case of cervical cancer within women.1 Untreated forms of HPV strains 16
and 18 are responsible for the development of cervical cancer in women. One is also
able to form cancer in other areas of the body such as the throat as is more common
for men. While those strains are responsible for the development of cervical cancer, it
is not always a one hundred percent chance it will occur. It is but a high risk scenario.
1. Zhang S, Xu H, Zhang L, Qiao Y. Cervical cancer: Epidemiology, risk factors and
screening. Chin J Cancer Res. 2020;32(6):720-728. doi:10.21147/j.issn.10009604.2020.06.05
2. Hengeveld N. Access your bible from anywhere. BibleGateway.com: A searchable
online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.
https://www.biblegateway.com/. Published 1993. Accessed March 30, 2022.