TWO community resource visits.
Interview & Visit:Early in the course, find two places in the community to visit that will work for your schedule! If you do not interview someone for any reason, you may still complete and submit this project. Earning an “A” grade will require a visit and interview.
Link to Sign-Up sheet
for your resource so students are not contacting the same people.
Description of Assignment:
Identify and visit 2 resources in your community that support children ages birth to five and their families.
Interview a leader, manager, or licensed professional of the organization. Identify and describe everything listed in the grading criteria. (Create your own interview questions based on what the assignment requires.) Make sure you interview a person who works with programming or services related to Birth-5 children.
Interview Questions:Write your own questions, but here’s a tip. You only need the information in the grading criteria, so make those items into your questions.
If visiting a large organization with multiple programs, like Catholic Charities, choose just one program within that organization to focus on. Do not take up more than 20 minutes of their time.
Obtain flyers, brochures, pamphlets, etc. from each resource organization. Study their website. Call or email to set up an interview.
You may choose the method to display your information (Slides, written, video (less than 5 minutes total), charts.). The information should be well organized, look professional, and submitted via D2L in one of the accepted file formats.
Services offered
Mission, successes, and challenges of the work
Information, Links, and contact information