Relationships & Resiliency Module [30 points total]Assignment Worksheet – ECED 2205 Family & Community Relations – Kerry Youso, Instructor
View the “Relationships & Resiliency Content” posted in your course module.
The content will cue you when it is time to answer each of the following questions.
Follow instructions carefully, typing answers into grey text boxes
All answers are based on this course content and must show knowledge of course
content for full points earned.
Thoroughly answer all parts of each question with complete sentences.
You must use Microsoft Word!
Section 1: Introduction to Resiliency [3 points]
1. What was surprising to you? Explain.
2. What was difficult to hear? Explain.
3. What was hopeful? Explain.
Section 2: Resiliency Myths [3 points]
4. What is a common myth about resilience that you have subscribed to, you
have seen others subscribe to, or that you have not thought about before?
5. What is the actual truth related to that myth?
6. What might be a danger in believing this myth when working with infants,
toddlers, preschoolers and their families?
Section 3: Proactive Resilience Building [5 points]
7. What do you think are two of the most challenging protective factors to
provide children who are infants and toddlers as a professional working in early
education environments? List the factor, summarize the meaning, then explain
your reasons why you chose each one as a challenge.
List protective factor that is a challenge [1/2 pt]:
Describe how this is a positive protective factor [1 pt]:
Why you think it is a challenge [1 pt]:
List protective factor that is a challenge [1/2 pt]:
Describe how this is a positive protective factor [1 pt]:
Why you think it is a challenge [1 pt]:
Section 4: What Children Learn [3 points]
8. What on the handout list could be related to your answers and your chosen
protective factors you thought were a challenge (in above question)? Explain
an example of how you could use a suggestion on this list. What do children
Example from this handout you could use:
Describe how it relates to one of your challenges listed above:
What children learn from this:
Section 5: Trauma Informed Care in Early Education Settings [8 pts]
9. List at lease 1 protective factor you see in the story, based on the course
content learned. What is the evidence (how do you see this protective factor)?
What is one protective factor NOT present? What do you want to know?
Vignette #1:
Protective factor:
What is the evidence?
One protective factor NOT present:
What is something you do you not know about this child and family that you
might be curious about?
Vignette #2:
Protective factor:
What is the evidence?
One protective factor NOT present:
What is something you do you not know about this child and family that you
might be curious about?
Section 6: Application and Strategies [2 points]
10. Describe at least one strategy for connecting with children that seems to
come more naturally or be easiest for you.
11. What ideas do you have about why this strategy seems that way for you?
Section 7: More Applications and Strategies [6 points]
Describe at least one very specific example you can do in your work with
infants, toddlers or preschoolers, and families in early childhood education
programs to promote each protective factor.
Do not copy the general answers from the “What You Can Do” column of the
handout. Look at that column, and ask yourself, HOW? What is a very SPECIFIC
example of how I could do that for children in my care or their families?
12. Nurturing and Attachment:
13. Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development:
14. Parental Resilience:
15. Social Connections:
16. Concrete Supports for Parents:
17. Social & Emotional Competence of Children