Cultural competency is essential in today’s healthcare field. Diversity among healthcare professionals and patients is found within most all healthcare settings. It is important to create a diverse workplace environment to be effective in a healthcare setting.
Imagine you are a healthcare advocate working in a large medical facility. Part of your role is to encourage cultural competence and diversity among all healthcare professionals and staff. You have a meeting with the Human Resources team to discuss the lack of cultural diversity among employees. Your job is to assess the demographics of the organization and present your findings to the Human Resources team.
Your health organization, Rasmussen Health Clinic, is located in the city where you currently reside. You provide general medical care to the community. There are roughly 100 employees within the organization. Positions within the organization include all administration, physicians, healthcare professionals, and staff. The
demographics are as follows:
Demographic Percentage
Male – 51%
Female – 46%
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and response:
Angelica Garciashe/her/hers
an hour ago, at 5:00 PM
As a healthcare advocate comparing the demographics between Rasmussen Health Clinic and my community, I can confirm that the demographics do not align. Although the percentages of males and females are in alignment, a significant discrepancy is that Hispanics make up a 37.54% of the population in Chicago Heights (World Population Review, 2023). Whereas the clinic has 12%. This group also makes up an employment rate of 60 in my community and are more likely to only graduate high school than to obtain a bachelor’s degree (World Population Review, 2023). Hispanics also make up 31.29% of poverty. So, a few things I would look at are what types of careers is this population going into because healthcare seems to lack resources, like professional translators and providers and medical assistants fluent in Spanish, to overcome language barriers that could help improve the quality of care. If there were more Hispanic healthcare workers, the Hispanic population in itself would feel like there is someone who can relate or understand their ways of culture and traditions. This would also improve the quality of care. I would also look into what obstacles are stopping this population from furthering their education to possibly becoming a healthcare employee. For example, many Hispanics in my community already have had their first job by the age of 14, working with their parents to learn a trade. Many of those in poverty, that are trying to dig their way out of the poverty hole will immediately start work to bring in income to their family home. So, to put a stable paycheck on hold or cutting down to part-time for a college education most of the time isn’t possible.
World Health Population. (2023). Chicago Heights, Illinois Population 2023.…