Write 1 sentence in which you summarize the research question. Write 1-3 sentences in which you summarize the authors’ claim.Write 4-6 sentences in which you describe the method the authors used, focusing on what it was like to be a participant in this study and explaining the experimental manipulation(s) (independent variable) and measurement(s) (dependent variables) used in the study.Write 1-3 sentences in which you summarize the data that the authors use to support their claim. Make sure to clearly explain how these data support the authors’ claim.Identify the most important plot or table (give the page number and name, e.g., “Figure 2, p. 205”), andwrite 4-6 sentences describing the findings as they are presented. For a plot, this will likely involve describing the x- and y-axes, if there are different groups of participants, what do the bars or the points represent, etc. For a table, this will likely involve describing what’s in the rows, what’s in the columns. Make sure to clearly explain how this plot or table communicates the key finding.Write 4-6 sentences in which you consider alternative explanations for the data reported. Make sure to clearly explain how this explanation contrasts with the authors’ claim. Received: 4 January 2018
| Revised: 10 July 2019 | Accepted: 26 August 2019
DOI: 10.1111/desc.12905
Preschoolers find ways to resist temptation after learning that
willpower can be energizing
Kyla Haimovitz1 | Carol S. Dweck2 | Gregory M. Walton2
Department of Psychology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Psychology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA
Children’s tendency to delay gratification predicts important life outcomes, yet little
Kyla Haimovitz, Department of Psychology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Email: kylah@sas.upenn.edu
specific strategies. The present research investigated the effect of exposing children
Funding information
National Science Foundation; John
Templeton Foundation, Grant/Award
Number: 59558
task. Children exposed to a storybook character who struggled with waiting, but
is known about how to enhance delay of gratification other than by teaching task‐
to a model who experiences the exertion of willpower as energizing. In two experi‐
ments, 86 4‐ to 5‐year olds were read a story that represented the exertion of will‐
power as energizing or a control story before taking part in a delay of gratification
eventually found it energizing, spontaneously generated more delay strategies, which
enhanced delay. By promoting the search for effective strategies, this approach pro‐
vides a promising direction for efforts to foster self‐regulation early in development.
effectively resist their impulses in the face of temptation while oth‐
ers struggle? And how can we influence these processes to promote
Decades of research show that measures of self‐control adminis‐
better self‐control in early childhood?
tered in early childhood are strong predictors of major life outcomes.
Past research conceptualizes childhood self‐control as an abil‐
Young children with greater self‐control – the regulation of thoughts,
ity rooted in neurocognitive processes (e.g., Tabibnia et al., 2011), or
feelings, and actions in service of enduringly valued goals – are better
more commonly, as skill. This conception has led to the creation of
prepared to enter school, showing higher math and literacy scores in
early‐childhood curricula that include a focus on developing self‐reg‐
kindergarten and early elementary school (Blair & Razza, 2007; Bull
ulatory skills through practice in regular, developmentally appropri‐
& Scerif, 2001; Eisenberg, Duckworth, Spinrad, & Valiente, 2014;
ate activities. These systemic and school‐wide reforms have yielded
McClelland, Morrison, & Holmes, 2000; Valiente, Lemery‐Chalfant,
promising results (Diamond, Barnet, Thomas, & Munro, 2007; Lillard
Swanson, & Reiser, 2008), better social functioning (Duckworth,
& Else‐Quest, 2006; Rybanska, McKay, Jong, & Whitehouse, 2018;
Quinn, & Tsukayama, 2012; Eisenberg et al., 1997; Fabes et al., 1999;
Sasser, Bierman, Heinrich, & Nix, 2017; see Diamond & Lee, 2011;
Maszk, Eisenberg, & Guthrie, 1999), and fewer health problems (e.g.
for successful but mixed results of such reforms, see Blair & Raver,
Daly, Egan, Quigley, Delaney, & Baumeister, 2016; McClelland et
2014). In the present research, however, we conceptualized self‐con‐
al., 2000). Childhood self‐control also predicts greater professional
trol as not just a skill or ability but also as rooted in a belief system
success, better health, less drug use, and less criminality in adult‐
that encourages children to (or discourages them from) searching for
hood (Caspi, Wright, Moffitt, & Silva, 1998; Daly, Delaney, Egan,
effective strategies to meet self‐regulatory challenges. That is, apart
& Baumeister, 2015; Heckman, Stixrud, & Urzua, 2006; Mischel,
from how good people are at resisting temptations, their success in
Shoda, & Rodriguez, 1989; Moffitt et al., 2011), above and beyond
self‐regulating may also be determined by their understanding of
childhood IQ and socioeconomic status and with effects of simi‐
self‐control. For instance, is it possible to resist temptations? Will
lar magnitude (Moffitt et al., 2011). Moreover, Moffitt et al. (2011)
resisting temptations tire you out or energize you? Such beliefs serve
showed that the more children improved their self‐control in child‐
as a mental model that helps people make sense of their experiences
hood, the better their outcomes in adulthood, even when control‐
facing self‐regulatory challenges and that can help them plan and
ling for their initial levels of self‐control. The importance of these
execute their corresponding behaviors (see Yeager & Dweck, 2012).
effects raises a pressing question: How do some children come to
We wondered if there are ways to represent willpower to young
Developmental Science. 2020;23:e12905.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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children that would help them develop self‐control even without in‐
troducing new skills or task‐specific strategies.
This question is in part derived from one relevant area of past
research relating to how children (and adults) understand personal
attributes. For example, viewing intelligence as fixed versus mal‐
leable can create different approaches to learning in students (e.g.,
Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007; see Mueller & Dweck, 1998;
Yeager & Dweck, 2012). Those who view intelligence as a quality
that can be developed, relative to those who view it as fixed, tend to
approach learning experiences with more adaptive strategies, such
as maintaining or increasing effort when they encounter difficulty
(e.g., Blackwell et al., 2007; Hong, Chiu, Dweck, Lin, & Wan, 1999;
see Burnette, O’Boyle, VanEpps, Pollack, & Finkel, 2013).
What ways of understanding self‐control might promote an
adaptive search for self‐control strategies? Past research with col‐
lege students shows that those who think of willpower as a limited
and easily depleted resource exhibit declines in self‐control as they
Research Highlights
• Preschoolers were read a story that represented the use
of willpower as energizing, or a control story, before par‐
ticipating in a delay of gratification task.
• Children exposed to a storybook character who struggled
with waiting, but eventually found it energizing, spon‐
taneously generated more delay strategies, and delayed
• Results suggest children’s self‐control is dependent not
just on skills, but on underlying frameworks that can
motivate children to actively seek out ways to exert
• By promoting a search for effective strategies, such ap‐
proaches to self‐control may provide promising directions
for intervention.
take on a series of difficult tasks. By contrast, people who think of
willpower as not so limited and even as self‐energizing find ways
to sustain self‐regulatory efforts over time (Job, Dweck, & Walton,
2010; Job, Walton, Bernecker, & Dweck, 2015; Miller et al., 2012).
Storybooks are a common vehicle to transmit and draw attention
In adults, these are called limited and non‐limited resource theories.
to cultural beliefs and lessons about how people think and act (e.g.,
The latter agree that, ‘If you have just resisted a strong temptation,
Bal & Veltkamp, 2013; Dodell‐Feder & Tamir, 2018; Kidd & Castano,
you feel strengthened and can withstand any new temptations’. This
2013; Miller, Wiley, Fung, & Liang, 1997; Oatley, 2016; Tsai, Louie,
past research addressed an influential model of self‐control, which
Chen, & Uchida, 2007). Indirect priming of messages communicated
argues that, as people engage in acts of self‐control, they in fact de‐
in a storybook has also been shown to be more effective at increas‐
plete a limited resource, making it harder to exert control on a sub‐
ing delay of gratification, compared with direct instruction to wait
sequent task (Baumeister, Vohs, & Tice, 2007). However, this model
(Kesek, Cunningham, Packer, & Zelazo, 2011). Thus, we thought sto‐
has seen mixed results and been called into question in recent years
ries might be a useful way to model this understanding of willpower
(e.g. Carter, Kofler, Forster, & McCullough, 2015; Friese, Loscelder,
for young children. We embodied a conceptualization of willpower
Gieseler, Frankenbach, & Inzlicht, 2018). Job et al. (2010) showed
as energizing in a storybook character: a child who experiences wait‐
that it is chiefly those who believe that willpower is limited who show
ing as difficult at first but eventually finds waiting strengthening and
diminished self‐control when they encounter later difficulties. This
is the case both when beliefs about willpower are measured as an
This approach draws on past research. For instance, one study
individual difference and when they are manipulated experimentally,
found that fourth‐ and fifth‐grade children exposed to an adult
demonstrating their causal effects. Individual differences in will‐
model who expressed a preference for delayed rather than imme‐
power beliefs also predict important outcomes in the real world, such
diate rewards subsequently endorsed similar choices (Bandura &
as grades in demanding school settings (Job et al., 2015). Notably,
Mischel, 1965). Yet, modeling the mere choice to wait may not, on
the belief that exerting willpower is energizing is more common in
its own, equip children with beliefs that help them persevere when
some cultural contexts, than the view that willpower depends on
waiting is difficult. It may also be important to convey that experi‐
a limited, easily depleted resource, a view relatively common in the
encing difficulty while waiting need not mean that one cannot keep
United States (Savani & Job, 2017). The existence of strong cultural
waiting – that difficulty can also be energizing. Consistent with this
differences in a belief system that predicts important life outcomes
theorizing, but focused on math learning, Schunk, Hanson, and Cox
further underscores the importance of understanding how these
(1987) exposed fourth‐ to sixth‐gradechildren to a model who first
belief systems develop and what factors may promote the develop‐
struggled and then succeeded in learning a math exercise. Children
ment of more adaptive beliefs early in life.
who saw this model later performed better on a similar math exer‐
In early childhood, children may not yet have well‐formed beliefs
cise than children exposed to a model who performed well without
about willpower. But they may still approach self‐control demands
initially struggling. Similarly, Leonard, Lee, and Schultz (2017) found
in different ways. How might research on willpower theories with
that infants exposed to an adult who struggled with and succeeded
adults inform ways to enhance children’s self‐control? The current
in using a set of toys persisted longer trying to get their own toy to
research tested whether exposure to a model in a storybook who ex‐
function, compared to those who saw an adult use the toy with ease
periences exerting willpower as energizing would inspire preschool‐
(see also Klein & O’Brien, 2017; Lin‐Siegler, Ahn, Chen, Fang, & Luna‐
ers to search for self‐control strategies in the face of temptation.
Lucero, 2016; Schunk & Hanson, 1989; Zimmerman & Blotner, 1979;
| 3 of 10
Zimmerman & Ringle, 1981). These studies illustrate how responsive
If these hypotheses were supported, it would suggest how ex‐
children can be to models who illustrate the process of overcoming
posure to a model who experiences struggling with self‐control as
energizing can empower young children to strive to self‐regulate.
Extending these past literatures, the present research tests the
impact of a storybook model who chooses to delay gratification,
overcomes struggles in self‐control, and finds this process energiz‐
ing. We hypothesize that exposure to this model – even without ex‐
posure to concrete strategies for delaying gratification – will lead
children to seek out ways to make waiting easier (and perhaps more
energizing or enjoyable) for themselves. By trying out strategies,
2 | E X PE R I M E NT 1
2.1 | Methods
2.1.1 | Participants
children may be more likely to find strategies that are effective and
In all, 43 4‐ to 5‐year olds (58% female) in a university‐affiliated
thus delay longer. Past research suggests that using a diversity of
laboratory preschool in the San Francisco Bay Area participated.
strategies spontaneously in the delay of gratification task relates to
Sample size was based on what was needed to detect an effect of
greater delay, and that such strategy use increases with age (Carlson
80% power, using effect sizes from similar manipulations of story‐
& Beck, 2009). If children do indeed try out strategies while waiting,
books to encourage challenge seeking in the same population, which
without modeling or instruction in specific strategies for self‐con‐
found an average effect of d = 0.86 (Master, 2011). One initial par‐
trol, it would suggest that children develop self‐control not merely
ticipant was excluded because a fire drill interrupted the experiment.
by being taught skills or by imitating or trying harder, but instead as
The mean age of our participants was 4.5 years, ranging from 48 to
active and strategic agents.
61 months (SD = 3.76 months). We chose to focus on this age range
We examined this hypothesis in the context of delay of gratifi‐
to match previous research on the delay paradigm (e.g., Mischel et
cation, an especially important marker of self‐control (Duckworth,
al., 1972, 1989), and because children may start developing knowl‐
Tsukayama, & Kirby, 2013; Mischel et al., 1989). Most studies that
edge of which strategies are effective for delaying gratification be‐
have successfully manipulated delay of gratification have involved
tween ages 4 and 5 years (Mischel & Mischel, 1983). All participants
the provision of specific techniques to delay, such as providing
were fluent English speakers. The participants attended a part‐time
children task‐specific cognitive strategies (e.g., look away from the
(8–20 hr/week) play‐based nursery school in an upper‐middle class
marshmallow, Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970; ‘imagine the marshmal‐
community; however, the school provides 20%–25% of children with
low as a cloud’; Mischel & Baker, 1975). Other work suggests that
financial aid so as to diversify the economic status of the student
providing children with a personal or group identity associated
body. Approximately 38% of students in the school was identified by
with self‐control can increase delay (e.g., a Superman cape, Doebel
parents as multi‐ethnic/racial and 64% students as of one race/eth‐
& Munakata, 2018; Karniol et al., 2011; Toner, Moore, & Emmons,
nicity. Of the latter, approximately 62% was Caucasian, 14% Asian,
1980; see White & Carlson, 2016; White et al., 2017 for similar ex‐
9% Indian/South Asian, 8% Hispanic, 6% Middle Eastern, and 2%
amples). Instead, we used a model to represent the idea that exerting
African American.
self‐control can be energizing.
Classroom teachers distributed and collected parent permis‐
In two experiments, which used different comparison conditions
sion forms during drop off and pick up. Children whose parents
(a neutral control in Experiment 1 and a successful waiting control in
had given consent were approached by one of several female re‐
Experiment 2), we tested whether exposure to a storybook charac‐
searchers and asked if they wished to participate. These research‐
ter who experiences the exertion of willpower as energizing would
ers had previously acted as classroom assistants so that children
prompt children to become more resourceful in their own efforts to
could become familiar and comfortable with them before being
delay – that is, to spontaneously make more distinct efforts to help
asked to participate.
themselves delay – and whether this increase in strategic behavior
would mediate longer delay.
Secondarily, if children do make more strategic efforts, would
2.1.2 | Procedure
they then come to use more effective strategies, which, in turn,
Participants were randomly assigned to hear one of two story‐
would contribute to a longer delay? To test this, we measured the
books about a child going through his or her day (referred to by
proportion of time children distracted themselves from the temp‐
the participating child’s name and matching their gender in an ef‐
tation as an observable measure of effective strategies for delaying
fort to increase relatability; see Master, 2011). Both stories con‐
gratification. This measure was derived from past research suggest‐
tained the same simple illustrations. In the experimental condition,
ing that children’s delay is facilitated by non‐consummatory or ‘cold’
the story conveyed the idea that exerting self‐control can be en‐
strategies such as distraction that reduce the salience of the con‐
ergizing (e.g., ‘Lucy waited and waited and it was hard. But the
summatory or ‘hot’ aspects of the temptation (Mischel, Ebbesen, &
longer she waited, the stronger she felt!’, ‘I can keep on going’,
Zeiss, 1972; Peake, Hebl, & Mischel, 2002; see Metcalfe & Mischel,
Lucy thought. ‘If I can wait a few minutes, then I can keep wait‐
1999). Importantly, we were careful not to introduce such delay
ing’). This idea was highlighted through two concrete examples in
strategies in the content of the storybooks.
which the main character waited to open a present and waited to
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get ice cream. We embodied the aspects of a non‐limited theory of
2013). The experimenter also did not make any reference to the
willpower in a storybook character who encountered two differ‐
storybooks during the delay task. After giving the child the treat,
ent situations because children have difficulty generalizing broad
all children explored a novel toy with the experimenter to end on a
lessons or principles beyond the particular situation in which they
positive note regardless of which treat they received.
learned them (e.g., Holyoak, Junn, & Billman, 1984). This generali‐
zation process is facilitated using concrete examples that children
can relate to their own experiences (Chen, Yanowitz, & Daehler,
2.1.3 | Dependent measures
1995). In an effort to increase children’s engagement with the
Children were videotaped while waiting, allowing two blind raters to
story, the main character chanted the mantra ‘Keep on keeping on’
later code the strategies children used to delay gratification.
several times and the participating child was encouraged to chant
We coded the total number of discrete strategy bouts – how many
along. To avoid any harmful effects of introducing the idea that
times children tried a distinct delay strategy. A given strategy could
willpower is a limited resource, control‐condition children heard a
be coded as more than one ‘bout’ if it was used more than once in‐
story with the same structure and plot (opening a present, going to
dependently, that is, if these uses were separated by time and by
get ice cream), but one that did not highlight waiting or represent
another strategy attempt. Delay strategies were behaviors that
self‐control as energizing. In this condition, children were similarly
children appeared to use as a means of entertainment, distraction,
encouraged to chant a positive mantra but it was unrelated to
or motivation while waiting. These included a mixture of strategies
waiting (‘I love Sunday, Sunday, Sunday’). Both stories were posi‐
that have been considered effective in past experimental and cor‐
tive in content and neither described any specific strategies found
relational research, such as children distracting themselves from the
in previous research to help children delay gratification (e.g., dis‐
temptation (e.g., covering their eyes, turning away from the treat)
tracting oneself from the treat, thinking about the ‘cold’ qualities
and strategies that have been considered ineffective in past re‐
of the treat; see Metcalfe & Mischel, 1999). Notably, while previ‐
search, such as focusing on the temptation (e.g., touching, staring at
ous research has not tested whether chanting is itself an effective
the treat). We also included strategies that have not been examined
waiting strategy, it could potentially serve as one, perhaps espe‐
in as much detail as to their causal effectiveness in past research
cially chanting about waiting. We thus explore whether condition
(e.g., telling a story, singing a song), but that have been observed in
effects (e.g., on children’s strategy use) extend beyond increasing
some past research (Carlson & Beck, 2009) and seemed likely in‐
children’s chanting behavior. See Supplementary Material for full
tended to make waiting easier.1 Coders also separately coded the
story texts.
number of times children chanted the mantra they learned in their
Next, we administered the delay of gratification task. If chil‐
respective storybooks to account for potential alternative explana‐
dren resisted an immediate treat (e.g., two gummy bears), they
tions, and ensure that chanting was not included in the strategy bout
could obtain a preferred later treat (e.g., three gummy bears; see
Mischel & Baker, 1975). Specific treats were assigned based on
That measure of strategy bouts was meant to capture children’s
parents’ prior ratings of the child’s preference. The delay task
search for strategies, so we looked at how many distinct times chil‐
was introduced as a new game with no connection to the story
dren tried something. We additionally wanted to capture whether
and, while listening to the story, children were unaware that they
children actually devoted more time to potentially more effective
would complete the delay task. First, children were given a bell
strategies. We thus coded the proportion of time children spent using
and the experimenter explained that the experimenter would need
distraction strategies (i.e., directing their attention away from the
to leave the room, but that any time the child rang the bell, they
temptation, as opposed to looking at, touching, or smelling the treat
would bring the experimenter back into the room. After the child
or bell), as an observable measure of effective strategies for delaying
practiced bringing the experimenter back in the room by ringing
gratification (Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970; Mischel et al., 1972; Peake
the bell, the experimenter then took out the pair of larger and
et al., 2002). This measure was derived from past research suggest‐
smaller treats and placed them on the table in front of the child
ing that children’s delay is facilitated by non‐consummatory or ‘cold’
where they were left visible during the entire period. The exper‐
strategies such as distraction that reduce the salience of the con‐
imenter explained that if the child waited until the experimenter
summatory or ‘hot’ aspects of the temptation (Mischel et al., 1972;
came back on their own, they could have the larger treat, but if
Peake et al., 2002; see Metcalfe & Mischel, 1999). As noted, we did
they did not want to wait, they could ring the bell any time to
not introduce such delay strategies in the content of the storybooks.
bring them back, they could have the smaller treat. Once the child
Two coders rated approximately 30 videos each, with 10 of those
answered three questions assessing the child’s understanding of
videos randomly selected to be coded by both coders to assess reli‐
the game, the experimenter left the room without specifying a re‐
ability. The intra‐class correlation coefficient was high for both num‐
turn time, and returned either when the child rang the bell for the
ber of strategy bouts (ICC = 0.95) and proportion of time spent using
smaller treat, or after 13 min (see Supplementary Material for full
distraction strategies (ICC = 0.98).
experimental script). The delay procedure was designed to avoid
Delay of gratification – the total amount of time children waited
demand characteristics; the experimenter manifested indifference
for the larger reward – was recorded by the experimenter via
as to whether or not the child chose to wait (see Duckworth et al.,
| 5 of 10
F I G U R E 1 For both experiments, Panel (a) shows the mean number of strategy bouts in each condition; Panel (b) shows the mean
amount of time children spent using distraction strategies, with percentage of total time listed above each bar; and Panel (c) shows the mean
amount of time children spent delaying gratification. Error bars represent ±1 SE of the mean
2.2 | Results
We found support for each of our three hypothesized main ef‐
fects: Children who heard the storybook that conveyed that will‐
power can be energizing exhibited more overall strategy bouts
(M = 21.61, SD = 13.73) than control participants (M = 10.40,
SD = 9.30), t(41) = −3.02, p = .004, η p 2 = 0.19, 95% CI [−18.54,
−3.87] (Figure 1a). They also spent a greater proportion of time
distracting themselves from the temptation (Proportion M = 0.38,
SD = 0.25; Minutes: M = 4.73, SD = 3.29) than control participants
(Proportion: M = 0.16, SD = 0.17; Minutes: M = 1.86, SD = 2.13),
t(41) = −3.34, p = .002, η p 2 = 0.21, 95% CI [−0.34, −0.07] (Figure 1b).
And they waited 47% longer (M = 10.57, SD = 4.67 min) than chil‐
dren who heard the control storybook (M = 7.20, SD = 6.00 min),
t(41) = −2.07, p = .045, η p 2 = 0.10, 95% CI [−399.65, −4.87] (see
F I G U R E 2 Total number of strategy bouts mediates the effect
of condition on delay of gratification time in Experiments 1 and 2.
Standardized coefficients are reported. Note: *p < .05, **p < .01,
***p < .001
Figure 1c). Additionally, given the irregular distribution of delay
task waiting time, we considered two alternative tests of signifi‐
of experimental condition on delay time was significant, β = .31,
cance. First, we ran a Mann–Whitney U test, a nonparametric test
SE = 0.15, p = .045, R 2 = .09. After controlling for total strategy
that does not assume a normal distribution. Results support the
bouts, the condition effect on delay time was no longer significant
conclusion that participants in the experimental condition tended
(β = −.02, SE = 0.11, p = .86), indicating full mediation. The signif‐
to wait longer than those in the control, U = 152.5, Z = −2.14,
icant indirect effect of condition through strategy bouts, β = .33,
p = .032. Second, a survival analysis found again that participants
SE = 0.10, was confirmed with a bootstrapped sample of 10,000
in the experimental condition outperformed those in the control,
bias corrected confidence interval (BCCI) of 95% [.1390, 0.5395]
χ 2 = 4.30, p < .05, with 74% of participants waited the full time in
(see Figure 2). To ensure that our results were not dependent on
the experimental condition, while 45% did so in the control. These
analytic decisions, when we include chanting in the strategy bouts
main effects were all consistent with our hypotheses that seeing
count, all results remain the same. The effect of storybook condi‐
a model who finds struggling with waiting to be energizing would
tion on strategy bouts was still significant, t(41) = 2.97, p = .005,
engage more strategically in an effort to delay, spend more time
η 2 = 0.18 and the mediating relationship with delay time also held
using effective strategies, and ultimately delay longer.
(β = .30, SE = 0.15, p = .045, reduced to β = −.03, SE = 0.12, p = .81).
Next, we examined whether the changes in strategy use ac‐
These findings support our key hypothesized mediation that chil‐
counted for the greater delay time among children who heard
dren exposed to a model who experiences struggling with waiting
the storybook condition. The total number of strategy bouts pre‐
as energizing were motivated to search for possible strategies to
dicted longer delay, β = .77, SE = 0.11, p < .001. The total effect
help themselves wait, and in doing so, waited longer.
6 of 10
2.3 | Discussion
(Experimental M = 0.79, SD = 0.11; Minutes: M = 8.88, SD = 3.30;
Control M = 0.65, SD = 0.21; Minutes: M = 5.47, SD = 3.79),
In Experiment 1, exposure to a model who at first struggled to wait
t(41) = −2.85, p = .007, ηp 2 = 0.17 (Figure 1b). Finally, experimental
but came to find this energizing led preschoolers to behave more
participants waited 38% longer (M = 11.23, SD = 3.53 min) than con‐
strategically and this increased their delay of gratification. However,
trol participants (M = 8.15, SD = 5.12 min), t(41) = −2.30, p = .026,
it is possible that just the focus on waiting in the experimental story‐
ηp 2 = 0.12, 95% CI [−184.61, −80.17] (Figure 1c). Nonparametric
book contributed to these results (see Bandura & Mischel, 1965). To
tests confirmed these results: Mann–Whitney U = 152.5, Z = −2.14,
further isolate the effect of the energizing conception of willpower,
p = .032, and Kaplan–Meier χ 2 = 4.38, p < .05, with 77% of partici‐
Experiment 2 used a new control storybook that also described a
pants waited the full time in the experimental condition, while 48%
model waiting successfully but lacked the message that struggling
did so in the control.
with willpower can be energizing.
Turning to mediation analyses, we found that the total number
of strategy bouts predicted longer delay, β = .52, SE = 0.13, p < .001.
3 | E X PE R I M E NT 2
3.1 | Methods
3.1.1 | Participants
The total effect of experimental condition on delay time was signif‐
icant, β = .37, SE = 0.15, p = .018, R2 = .13, and after controlling for
total strategy bouts, the condition effect on delay time was no longer
significant (β = .20, SE = 0.13, p = .14), indicating full mediation. The
indirect effect of strategy bouts, β = .16, SE = 0.08, was confirmed
with a bootstrapped sample of 10,000 BCCI of 95% [.0231, 0.3544]
In all, 43 participants of 4‐ to 5‐year olds (51% female) attending the
(see Figure 2). Including chanting as a strategy did not change the re‐
same university‐affiliated laboratory preschool with the same de‐
sults – the treatment effect on discrete strategy attempts remained
mographic background and recruitment procedures as Experiment
the same when we include chanting in the strategy bouts measure,
1. Mean age was 4.89 years (SD = 5.54 months), ranging from 48 to
t(41) = −2.33, p = .025, ηp 2 = 0.11, 95% CI [−14.61, −1.04], as did the
67 months.
mediating relationship with delay time (β = .34, SE = 0.15, p = .026,
reduced to β = .17, SE = 0.14, p = .22). 2
3.1.2 | Procedure
In Experiment 2, participants were randomly assigned to hear either
the experimental story from Experiment 1 or a new control story.
3.3 | Exploratory analyses combining Experiments
1 and 2
Waiting was mentioned an equal number of times in the two sto‐
Finally, although we were admittedly underpowered to detect a
rybooks, and the main character successfully waited in the same
serial mediation relationship (see Bullock & Ha, 2011; Thoemmes,
situations (opening a present, getting ice cream; see Supplemental
MacKinnon, & Reiser, 2010), we combined results from Experiments
Material for full story texts). Pilot participants (N = 30 adults) rated
1 and 2 to tentatively explore whether the data supported the full
the main characters as waiting an equal amount of time, with equal
theoretical model: if the storybook condition led children to try
success, and viewed the two stories as equally positive (all ts < 1.1,
more strategy bouts, which translated into a greater proportion of
ns). However, whereas the experimental story highlighted how the
time using effective distraction strategies, and thus led to longer
main character experienced exerting self‐control as energizing (e.g.,
delay. We tested this model using bootstrapping procedures recom‐
‘the longer you wait, the stronger you feel’), the control story did not
mended for smaller samples (Fritz & MacKinnon, 2007; Preacher &
introduce this conceptualization of willpower as difficult but even‐
Hayes, 2008).
tually energizing; the main character simply waited successfully. To
The aggregated data supported the full serial mediation model.
help keep children engaged, participants in each condition chanted
Controlling for an indicator of study to account for any differences in
the respective mantras of each condition as in Experiment 1. Delay
sample or procedure in the two studies, the experimental storybook
of gratification, strategy bouts, and time spent pursuing effective
led children to try more strategy bouts, B(83) = 0.37, SE = 0.10, p < .001,
distractions strategies were measured using the same procedure as
95% CI [.1691, 0.5778]. Strategy bouts then led to a larger proportion
in Experiment 1. Two blind raters coded the strategy measures reli‐
of time spent using distraction strategies, B(82) = 0.244, SE = 0.08,
ably (ICCs from 0.92 to 0.99).
p < .01, CI [.0888, 0.3998], as did condition, B(82) = 0.21, SE = 0.07,
p < .01, CI [.0729, 0.3449]. Strategy bouts then predicted greater delay
3.2 | Results
time, B(81) = 0.54, SE = 0.09, p < .001, CI [.3529, 0.7237], as did propor‐
tion of time using distraction strategies, B(81) = 0.46, SE = 13, p < .001,
Once again, experimental participants made more discrete strategy
CI [.1935, 0.7284]. While the total effect of condition on delay was
attempts (M = 19.22, SD = 11.59) than control participants (M = 12.2,
significant, B(83) = 0.33, SE = 0.11, p < .01, CI [.1164, 0.5465], once
SD = 10.09), t(41) = −2.08, p = .043, η p 2 = 0.10 (Figure 1a). In the
accounting for mediators, the effect of condition on delay time was no
course of generating strategies, experimental participants also spent
longer significant, B(81) = −0.008, SE = 0.09, p = .93, ns, CI [−0.1841,
a greater proportion of time using (effective) distraction strategies
0.1683]. The individual indirect effect of condition through number
| 7 of 10
brief storybook manipulation, the possibility for understanding such
recursive processes points to the need for several streams of future
research. These include longitudinal studies that track children's de‐
velopment of self‐control approaches and strategies, and ultimately,
longitudinal field experiments that test persuasive means of promot‐
ing adaptive, self‐sustaining approaches to willpower (see Walton &
F I G U R E 3 Serial multiple mediation models for Experiment
1 and 2 combined. Standardized coefficients are reported. Note:
*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
Wilson, 2018), ones that can alter children's trajectories.
Another question for future research is how the approach to
self‐control as energizing, and the associated search for strategies,
is naturally socialized. Literature on the development of implicit
theories of intelligence would suggest that modeling and lan‐
of strategy bouts was significant, B = 0.20, BCCI [.0981, 0.3262], as
guage from parents and teachers play a likely role (e.g., Haimovitz
was the indirect effect through strategy bouts and then proportion of
& Dweck, 2016; Gunderson et al., 2013; cf. Haimovitz & Dweck,
distraction strategies, B = 0.04, BCCI [.0128, 0.0959], and through pro‐
2017). Cultural products and advertising can also communicate
portion of distraction strategies alone, B = 0.10 BCCI [.0335, 0.1963]
views of willpower as limited or self‐energizing (such as advertise‐
(see Figure 3).
ments for the necessity of sugary cereals or candy bars for frequent
See Tables S1 and S2 in the Supplementary Material for more
energy boosts; or the depiction of frequent breaks as necessary
exploratory analyses on the frequency and condition differences in
for sustaining effort). As noted above, past research that demon‐
delay for each strategy.
strates how exerting willpower is thought to be energizing more in
some cultural contexts (like India) than in others (the USA; Savani &
Job, 2017) implies that there are differences in cues across cultures
4 | G E N E R A L D I S CU S S I O N
about willpower, perhaps cyclically reinforcing individual beliefs.
What kinds of cues are salient to young children? For instance, are
The present studies suggest that the message that exerting will‐
there differences in early‐childhood experiences between children
power can be difficult but energizing can influence children's gen‐
in India and the USA that contribute to cultural differences be‐
eration and use of delay of gratification strategies. Exposing children
tween adults by conveying messages analogous to our storybooks,
to a storybook model who struggled to wait but came to experience
such as in interpersonal communications or in media (e.g., story‐
this as energizing led them to make more distinct efforts to help
books, children's television)? Future research could learn from such
themselves delay, to spend a greater proportion of time using effec‐
differences to inform theory about how culture and development
tive strategies, and to delay longer. We also found support for the
intersect, and to build applications that foster more adaptive ap‐
hypothesized mediation: the message that exerting willpower can
proaches to willpower, even in a culture like the United States that
be energizing led children to approach a self‐control challenge more
may predominantly endorses limited theories of willpower (Savani
strategically, which accounted for their increased time spent delay‐
& Job, 2017).
ing gratification.
These findings also lend support to our core theoretical assump‐
These results highlight how self‐control may develop not just as a
tion that children are active, strategic agents. It could have been the
set of skills to learn through repeated practice on challenging tasks,
case that hearing the treatment storybook simply led children to
as examined in past research (e.g., Diamond et al., 2007; Mischel
infer that waiting is possible, and thus to just grit their teeth and try
& Baker, 1975; Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970), but through a general
to wait out the time out without giving much thought toward trying
approach to willpower that encourages children's generation and
to make waiting easier or more energizing. If so, children might have
use of self‐control strategies. Our focus on encouraging children's
tried to wait longer but not searched for ways to make waiting easier.
search for effective self‐control strategies makes an important ad‐
Of course, some children may have done so. However, the studies
vance. This approach to self‐control may be a critical, yet under‐
found that many children searched for effective strategies. Indeed,
studied, way in which early‐childhood self‐control develops and
the mediation analyses suggest that in continuing to try strategies
predicts later outcomes beyond self‐control skills alone. If children
children then tended to include more effective strategies as they
learn to approach willpower as self‐energizing, can this develop into
sought to delay gratification.
a more general tendency to search for strategies and be resourceful
Some limitations of the studies warrant discussion as well. First,
across multiple novel self‐regulatory situations? There may also be
because we did not measure children's beliefs about willpower before
important relationships between self‐control strategies and skills. A
and after the manipulation, we cannot differentiate various possible
tendency to search for strategies appropriate for a given situation
changes that contributed to these effects. For instance, although we
could, for instance, help children learn strategies that are effective
balanced the amount of waiting represented in both the experimental
for them in which situations, thus building skills that make it easier
and control stories to rule out simply priming or modeling waiting, we
to exert self‐control. While the current study does not attempt to
do not know whether we primed an existing idea that willpower is en‐
measure or manipulate long‐term or generalizable outcomes with a
ergizing, rather than introduced a new idea about willpower. We find
8 of 10
both possibilities interesting and compatible ideas that future research
could explore through measuring beliefs about willpower, which may
We use the term strategy with the assumption that the highly activated
goal to get the bigger reward is driving their behavior in this paradigm,
in line with past research (e.g., Mischel & Ebbesen, 1970; Mischel et al.,
1972; Yates & Mischel, 1979).
While we measured delay strategies in terms of bouts to more fully
capture the dynamic nature of children's behavior, when we exam‐
ined a simplified count of total unique strategies that participants
used in exploratory analyses, experimental condition still predicted a
greater number of unique strategies used, study 1: t(41) = 2.28, p < .05,
η2 = 0.11; study 2: t(41) = 2.17, p < .05, η2 = 0.10.
not be feasible in preschool students, but could perhaps be measured
in older children. Another limitation of the current studies is that they
relied on measures of observable behavior alone. While behavioral
measures seem appropriate for the age group of interest, and pro‐
vide the best metric of self‐regulatory success, future research may
examine strategy use and its underlying cognitive mechanisms using
other means, like self‐report (see Kushnir, Gopnik, Chernyak, Seiver, &
Wellman, 2015).
Additionally, to design the manipulation, we translated research on
adults’ beliefs about willpower into a form that young children could
understand by embodying the core elements in a storybook charac‐
ter: someone who struggles with waiting at first, but still chooses to
wait and finds that energizing. Although we believed these elements
to be the minimum necessary to communicate a parallel and impactful
idea to children, it could leave open the possibility that one of these
elements was more important. While it would be possible to include
different aspects of these elements in control conditions, we worried
that conveying that willpower is, for instance, difficult (without also
conveying that it can be energizing) could have confirmed or induced
a limited theory and reduced delay, so we opted not to do so in initial
testing. Future work could try to tease these elements apart to see if
simply seeing someone struggle with willpower would be helpful on its
own (or conversely, harmful).
5 | CO N C LU S I O N S
This research provides exciting implications for the advancement
of theory and application of self‐control research. These results
suggest the promise of conceptualizing children's self‐control
as dependent not just on the development of self‐control skills
through practice, but on underlying beliefs that motivate children
to actively seek out ways to exert self‐control as they face novel
self‐regulatory challenges. By understanding how children come
to generate self‐control strategies at a young age, we may have
the potential to improve children's self‐control with far‐reaching
Funding was provided by a National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship to the first author and the John Templeton
Foundation. Thanks to Stephanie Reeves, Melissa Powell, Maya
Kratzer, Toke Odimayomi, Nicole Ruiz and Priya Shankar for help
with data collection and coding and to Angela Duckworth for her
comments on the manuscript.
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available
at https://osf.io/st6pu/.
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How to cite this article: Haimovitz K, Dweck CS, Walton GM.
Preschoolers find ways to resist temptation after learning
that willpower can be energizing. Dev Sci. 2020;23:e12905.
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