15. Developmental Psychology
16. Personality
Personal Reflections
:My goal in this class has been to provide you with a broader understanding of psychology, both as a scientific approach to studying human thought and behavior and as a vehicle for gaining insights into yourself and others. We covered a diverse set of content, ranging from the biological bases of behavior, to perspectives on cognition and reasoning, to child development, to theories of personality, and finally to clinical psychology and the treatment of mental illness. Your job for this response paper is to:
1. Reflect on the relevance of this course (or the lack thereof) to your life your understanding of the world around you. You can do that by answering both of the following questions:
2a. Was any course content particularly enlightening or spark your curiosity to learn more?
3. If, however, your answers to 2a and 2b are a resounding “no” and you don’t think anything in the class provided any additional insight to your understanding or outlook on the world, that’s fine too! I appreciate your honesty. In that case, just write a bit about why you think the class did not alter any aspect of your thinking and what the you feel the field of psychology could do to provide more valuable insights about human cognition and behavior.