Concept Essay
Your essay should:o Explain the biological foundations of your selected behavior (Stay factual, look at theevidence, include some information on the role of brain structures, hormones,evolutionary perspective, etc.). This part should make up approximately 40% of youressay.o Include a discussion of the behavior in the social context (Here, you can include yourown opinion. You could contemplate the following: How does this behavior benefithumans or animals today? What about a few hundred years ago? How about hundredyears from now? Are there/were there/will there be any risks associated with thisPage 2 of 31. Select one of these topics:• Biological foundations and social aspects of aggressive behavior• Biological foundations and social aspects of altruistic behavior• Biological foundations and social aspects of mating behaviorNote. This should be your title. Please do not alter the topic.2. Conduct Research – start early!Remember, the task is to educate readers on your topic, so conduct some thorough research.You may use your university library
or search tools such asGoogle scholar
or anything that will turn up some credible, scholarlyinformation. If you are unsure what that means, check out
-counts-scholarly-source for more information.After carrying out all the research, decide what information you are going to use. Pick at leastthree scholarly sources and summarize their main points and/or findings. Try to relate theinformation about the biological foundations of the behavior to some social aspects that youthink are interesting and/or important in the context.3. Create an OutlineCreating an essay outline will help you organize your thoughts and information. Once youorganize your thoughts, you will get an overall view of how your essay will look. This willhelp you group similar ideas together and eliminate unnecessary ones.5. Write Your EssayThe introduction to an essay is very important. The essay intro introduces readers to thesubject of the essay and indicates the areas of importance. Follow your introduction with theessay body paragraphs in which every paragraph discusses one main point. Conclude youressay with a summarizing paragraph that reminds readers of your essay’s main idea.