For each of the following scenarios, indicate the type of love as described inSternberg’s theorythat seems closest to the example and briefly explain why.
Couple has been together for several years, still feel very close and connected emotionally, but do not always feel the same passion toward one another as they once did.
They have a strong sexual drive and a need for physical and romantic contact with each other, but do not feel very close to each other. They have not planned for their future together, and in fact have not even thought about any form of long-term commitment.
They have been married for a long time and still verbally proclaim their love for each other but admit to having lost much of the emotional connectedness, as well as the sexual desire that they once had.
After more than 6 years together, this couple is as “in love” as ever. They remain close and connected, very sexually and romantically in sync, and are completely committed to each other and to their relationship.
This couple has been together for only a couple of months, and although they feel they have become close and are connected emotionally, they have yet to become passionately involved or think about their future commitment.