This investigation will assist psychologists in gaining a deeper understanding of the psychological variables which impact human memory performance. (outline provided)
I. Introduction
a. This investigation focuses on determining how self-efficacy, social pressure, and expectations
influence memory performance.
b. These Statement: This investigation will assist psychologists in gaining a deeper understanding
of the psychological variables which impact human memory performance.
II. A Review of the Literature
a. The effects of self-efficacy, social pressure, and expectation on memory performance have been
investigated in recent research.
III. Research Question
a. Does self-efficacy have an effect on participants’ memory performance? Does the presence of
social pressure and expectation affect participants’ memory performance?
IV. Experiment Objective
a. The primary aim of this study is to examine the effect of self-efficacy, social pressure, and
expectation on memory performance. The memory performance of participants will be evaluated
using a short-term memory assignment.
V. Hypothesis
a. This experiment tests the idea that an individual’s memory performance is influenced by self
efficacy, social pressure, and expectations. It is anticipated that various combinations of selfefficacy, social pressure, and expectations will have varying effects on memory performance.
Participants with higher self-efficacy, lower social pressure, and higher expectancy are predicated
to have superior memory performance than those with low self-efficacy, higher social pressure,
and lower expectancy.
VI. Methodology
a. There will be 100 participants between the ages of 18 and 60 in the investigation. The participants
will be designated randomly to one of three conditions: self-efficacy, social pressure, or
expectation. The investigation will be carried out in the context of a psychology lab. Participants
will be given a collection of words to memorize as part of a memory task. The participants will
then be required to recall as many words as feasible. Participants will be asked to rate their
confidence in their memory performance and the amount of external pressure they felt following
each trial. There will e an analysis of the results to determine if there is a significant performance
difference between the three conditions based on the hypothesis and practical experiment.
VII. Performance
a. This investigation focuses on determining how self-efficacy, social pressure and expectations
influence memory performance. Self-efficacy is a persons’ confidence in their ability to complete
a given endeavor successfully. Social pressure is the influence of a peer or group on an
individuals conduct. Expectation is the prospect of a particular result. Memory performance
involves the recall and processing of information. This investigation is significant because it
sheds like on how the mind functions, as well as how surroundings influence psychological
memory performance. It is essential to comprehend how an individual’s environment influences
their ability to remember and assimilate information. This investigation will assist psychologists
in gaining a deeper understanding of the psychological variables which impact human memory