Choose a question you are interested in about children. Design a research study to answer your question. Refer to your textbook readings on the scientific method and research methods and designs that would best fit your study. Remember in developing your design, Children’s Research Rights. An example of a research study question is, does interaction with animals produce happier moods in children? For every part of the scientific method be sure to provide an answer, that is, the observation, the hypothesis, study (experiment) structure, variables and how you would conduct the experiment, while remaining ethical with your research.
Read Chapter 1 in the Textbook
Read the
Unit 1 Lecture
View the TED Talk:
What do babies think?
Supplemental Resources
Lifespan Development, Lazzara (2020): Chapter 1: Intro to Lifespan Development
Experimental research methods video playlist (4 videos, 24:35 total)
Non-experimental research methods video playlist (4 videos, 19:24 total)