STEP 1: Your discussion post is to choose one of your OWN behaviors that you would like to modify, using the conditioning principles you learned about in the text and from the videos and class. Consider bad habits you might be interested in changing, such as biting your nails, procrastinating, not exercising, etc. You can utilize principles of classical or operant conditioning, recruit others to help you, employ successive approximations, and shaping and modify schedules of reinforcement in order to improve your life. Your initial post should be an explanation of how you will change your behavior, the type of conditioning you will use, and the methods and procedures you will use to execute your behavior change. You should explain the process of shaping the behavior and utilize any or all appropriate vocabulary. YOU DO NOT NEED AN ADDITIONAL EXTERNAL SOURCE/WEBLINK AS YOU USUALLY DO, but instead your post will be scored on you ability to use the concepts learned in class (reinforcement, positive negative reward punishment etc) NOTE: If you have a pet or a child and want to try to change their behavior (or I suppose a coworker, boss whomever is possible too-that would be fine as long as you use your power to change behavior for good and not evil…. STEP 2: respond to the posts of at least one of your classmates. In your responses be sure to offer suggestions that might be useful in helping your classmates succeed in changing the behavior they are attempting to modify. Again you do not need an external source or weblink but rather you need to clearly show you understand and can use the terms in operant and observational and classical conditioning.