Addiction and The Brain
Go to:
1. Select “Basic Neuroscience”
– select “Neurons Transmit Messages In The Brain”
a. Draw a neuron. Label each part of the neuron.
– select “Crossing The Divide”
b. List three new things that you learned about how neurons communicate:
c. Write two questions that you have:
2. Go back to “Neuroscience”
– select “Addiction: Genetics & the Brain”
– then select “The Reward Pathway”
a. What are the components of the reward pathway?
b. What is the reward pathway responsible for?
3. Select “Explore: Drugs of Abuse”
a. Choose at least three different drugs to learn about.
4. Select “Meth Mouse”
a. Interact with the activity. Explain the effects of Methamphetamine.
5. Select “Social Environment Impacts the Reward Pathway”
– select “Monkey SlideShow”
a. What were the conclusions of the monkey study?
b. What is your opinion on this? Have you witnessed this in your life or people you know?
6. Further explore this website and explain 2 additional information that you learnt about your neurons.