Reflect on responses to the presented scenario. It should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know.
Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your current knowledge and beliefs. Discuss the main points of the debate, what stance you take, support that stance, and discuss the opposing argument. Also, discuss an ethical theory that would apply to defend your view.
To complete each scenario assignment:
1. Complete the entire scenario.
2. Fill out the template attached below, ask your professor for details on submission.
3. Compose the last question on the template reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:
Week 7 Scenario and Reflection Essay
Your Name Here
West Coast University
PHIL 434: Medical Ethics and Issues
Dr. Nancy Tosh
The Date Here
Week 7 Scenario and Reflection Essay
Write your introduction. Tell us what the paper is about. Provide a solid paragraph. If you
use any sources here, be sure to cite them. The correct in text citations for the resources I have
provided below are: (Pence, 2021) or (Pence, 2021, p. #) if you are quoting for the textbook. For
the presentation, the correct in text citations are: (Tosh, n.d.) if you are not quoting. You must
include a timestamp in the citation when quoting the video (Tosh, n.d., 1:21) if the quote starts
one minute and 21 seconds into the video. The video doesn’t provide a timeline, so you must
time it yourself. I suggest always paraphrasing rather than quoting. If you use more than one
video from the class, then you must distinguish between in your paper. Put the sources in
alphabetical order (as I have here) and use n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc. in citations. If you only use one
video, only use n.d. (not n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc.).
The second paragraph should cover how you feel about the topic and why. Consider the
following questions. Did you have any views on the issue prior to viewing the scenario? If so,
what were they? Did they change over the course of listening to the arguments? If so, how?
The third paragraph should cover which of the four responses offered in the scenario,
which do you think is the most ethical and why. This is where you need to be sure to support
your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum
of one theory of ethics to defend your stance. Refer back to the material covered in Week 1.
The last paragraph is your conclusion. Tell us what you learned and how this experience
might have changed or informed your stance on the topic. While you don’t necessarily need to
refer to research here, supporting your opinion with credible sources (proving you have made an
informed opinion) is best. Remember that your final paper must be 1-2 pages long.
Pence, G. (2021). Medical ethics: Accounts of ground-breaking cases (9th ed.). McGraw Hill
Tosh, N. (n.d.-a). Annual ethics symposium: Evolving ethics: Public health and HIV/AIDS
[Video]. Canvas@WCU.
Tosh, N. (n.d.-b). Week 7: Ethical principles of public health – presentation [Video].
I have provided the proper formatting for the textbook and the scenario video. The
correct in text citations for the resources I have provided below are: (Pence, 2021) or (Pence,
2021, p. #) if you are quoting for the textbook. For the presentation, the correct in text citations
are: (Tosh, n.d.) if you are not quoting. You must include a timestamp in the citation when
quoting the video (Tosh, n.d., 1:21) if the quote starts one minute and 21 seconds into the video.
The video doesn’t provide a timeline, so you must time it yourself. I suggest always paraphrasing
rather than quoting.
If you use more than one video from the class, then you must distinguish between in your
paper. Put the sources in alphabetical order (as I have here) and use n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc. in
citations. If you only use one video, only use n.d. (not n.d.-a, n.d.-b, etc.).
APA 7 is different from APA 6. Here is a website covering some key differences: Regarding references, these are
the most common mistakes I see:
You made errors in capitalization of titles in your references. In APA, standard
capitalization rules are followed everywhere but in titles of articles in references. In
those, only capitalize the first word of the title, the first word after a colon in the title, and
proper nouns. You also made errors in italicization. Italicize the title of the article (unless
it is followed by journal information — then italicize journal title and volume).
City/state of publisher not listed in references in APA 7.
Replace “Retrieved…from” with website title in APA 7. Website title follows article title.
Do not have both website title and “Retrieved…from.”
When you reference an article from a website and have no author, the reference follows
this order: Article title in italics. (date). Website Title. Website URL. Use the article title
(not the website title) in your citations.
Be sure to delete all this and other informational material included here from the template before
you turn it in. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.