This assignment is a compilation and revision of the milestones into a presentation that serves as your final project submission.
Remember to use the
Final Project Template PPT
to complete this submission. Be sure to address all the critical elements in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document in your template, and to incorporate the feedback that you have received on your presentation throughout the course.
If you wish to change the design of this presentation,
click on the design tab and select a different design.
Choose a design that offers your audience an easy-toread display with good contrast and clean fonts. You
may wish to adjust the font size depending on your
Delete this text before submitting your presentation.
Office name goes here.
• Utilize the information from Milestone One to
create your introduction.
• Be sure to utilize speaker’s notes for your
presentation. Delete this text before
submitting your presentation.
Office name goes here.
Desired Result & Barriers to Results
• The titles of these slides are merely guides.
You may add more slides if you wish and
change the slide titles. You may change the
format of this slide by going to the home tab
and clicking on “Layout.” Delete this text
before submitting your presentation.
Office name goes here.
Predisposing Factors
• You may change the titles of any of these
slides by clicking on the text above. These
titles are merely a guide. Delete this text
before submitting your presentation.
Office name goes here.
Enabling Factors
Office name goes here.
Reinforcing Factors
Office name goes here.
Administrative & Policy Factors
Office name goes here.
Theoretical Framework &
• Slides 8–13 will be utilized for Milestone
Three. You may leave these template slides in
your Milestone Two submission. Delete this
text before submitting Milestone Three.
Office name goes here.
Justification of Theoretical
Office name goes here.
Goals and Objectives
Office name goes here.
Strategies for Engagement
Office name goes here.
Intervention Activity
Office name goes here.
Office name goes here.
• Your introduction and conclusion slides may
have titles other than “introduction” and
“conclusion.” Consider changing these titles to
more interesting phrases. Delete this text
before submitting your presentation.
Office name goes here.
Office name goes here.
PHE 425 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
In your future work in the field of public health as public/community health specialists, you may be asked to provide background and application information in
order to plan and implement a public health program. To do this, you will need to understand both theoretical and practical concepts covered in the Certified
Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination. You must be able to explain how to acquire needs assessment data, write program goals/objectives, and apply
theory to practice. Furthermore, you must be able to use appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies, procedures,
and interventions that are conducive to the health of individuals and communities.
For your final project, you will create a modified program planning presentation, including a small-scale needs assessment. You will begin by selecting an issue
from the following public health topics:
CDC: Smoking and Tobacco Use
CDC: Overweight and Obesity
CDC: Skin Cancer
Next, you will select a target population that exhibits a public health need related to your chosen topic. You will conduct a needs assessment using the PRECEDEPROCEED model to acquire a greater understanding of the population’s needs in the context of this topic. You will then use that information to develop a
program plan for supporting and promoting the improvement of health for the community. This modified program plan will be submitted as a presentation in
which you will elicit buy-in for your public health program plan. For example, you may need to elicit buy-in from community participants or the stakeholders that
will approve and/or fund the public health program, depending on the audience for your presentation.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules One, Three, and Five. The final submission is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Choose appropriate theoretical frameworks and models in planning approaches to implementing public health programs
Develop goals for public health programs that are logically derived from needs assessment data
Devise effective and culturally responsive communication strategies that incorporate community participation in the promotion of public health
Plan programs that address education for public health issues using relevant public health methods and strategies
Select a public health issue from the list provided and develop a modified program plan in the form of a presentation. Everything in your presentation should be
geared toward promoting the need to address the identified problem for the target population, as well as your program plan for doing so. Therefore, it is crucial
that you include all the critical elements listed below and do so using appropriate terminology and formatting to meet the needs of a public health audience.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Introduction: In this section, you will introduce the public health need and the population your program will address.
A. Identify your selected healthcare issue and justify why implementing a program is necessary to address this problem.
B. Describe a target population (e.g., age, sex, gender) that would be affected by your chosen healthcare issue.
II. Needs Assessment: In this section, you will apply a public health model (PRECEDE-PROCEED) to your target population based on the public health issue
you selected.
A. Explain the desired result of the program for the selected target population.
B. Prioritize among the population issues and behavioral and environmental determinants that are barriers to achieving the desired results.
C. Explain the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that can affect the behaviors and environmental factors that you identified.
D. Explain the administrative and policy factors that influence what can be implemented in a public health program related to this issue.
III. Program Planning: In this section, you will illustrate how your program plan would be implemented to address the public health topic for your selected
A. Describe the theoretical framework you have chosen for implementing your public health program.
B. Explain how the theoretical framework would be used to implement your public health program.
C. Justify why this theoretical framework is appropriate for your public health program, using specific examples.
D. Construct goals and objectives for a simulated program plan targeting the selected population. Justify your goals with specific data from the
needs assessment.
E. Describe strategies for how the target population will be engaged in the planning process, including the key parts of your communication
F. Discuss the intervention activity that will be included within your public health program.
G. Incorporate evidence that supports your intervention and engagement strategies as culturally appropriate for the selected population.
IV. Presentation: Ensure that your program plan presents relevant information in an appropriate format for the intended public health audience. For
instance, the content should be effectively balanced between what is shown on the presentation slides and what is found in the presenter notes.
Milestone One: Identify Health Issue and Target Population
In Module One, you will create a draft of the introduction portion of the final project. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Needs Assessment Draft
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of the needs assessment portion of the final project. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Program Plan Draft
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of the program plan portion of the final project. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Program Planning Presentation
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Module Due
Identify Health Issue and Target Population
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Needs Assessment Draft
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Program Plan Draft
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission: Program Planning
Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your program planning presentation should be 10–15 slides and should follow APA guidelines for references and citations. Slides
should be clear and engaging, and the presenter notes should include all necessary and relevant information to address the critical elements.
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Proficient (85%)
Needs Improvement (55%)
Not Evident (0%)
Introduction: Meets “Proficient” criteria and Identifies the selected healthcare Identifies the selected healthcare Does not identify the selected
Healthcare Issue demonstrates sophisticated
issue and justifies why
issue and justifies why
healthcare issue or justify why
understanding of why
implementing a program is
implementing a program is
implementing a program is
implementing a program is
necessary to address this
necessary to address this
necessary to address this problem
necessary to address this
problem, but justification is
cursory or illogical or contains
Describes a target population that Does not describe a target
would be affected by the chosen population that would be affected
healthcare issue, but description by the chosen healthcare issue
is cursory or illogical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains the desired result of the Explains the desired result of the Does not explain the desired result
Assessment: makes cogent connections
program for the selected target program for the selected target of the program for the selected
Desired Result between the desired result of population
population, but explanation is
target population
the program and the
cursory or illogical
healthcare issue affecting the
target population
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes a target population
demonstrates sophisticated
that would be affected by the
understanding of the target
chosen healthcare issue
population and how or why it is
affected by the chosen
healthcare issue
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Prioritizes among the population Prioritizes among the population Does not prioritize among the
makes cogent connections
issues and behavioral and
issues and behavioral and
population issues and behavioral
among the population issues environmental determinants that environmental determinants that and environmental determinants
and behavioral and
are barriers to achieving the
are barriers to achieving the
that are barriers to achieving the
environmental determinants desired results
desired results, but prioritization desired results
that are barriers to achieving
is illogical
the desired results
Enabling, and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains the predisposing,
Explains the predisposing,
makes cogent connections
enabling, and reinforcing factors enabling, and reinforcing factors
among the predisposing,
that can affect the behaviors and that can affect the behaviors and
enabling, and reinforcing
environmental factors identified environmental factors identified,
factors and the behaviors and
but explanation is cursory or
environmental factors
illogical or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain the predisposing,
enabling, or reinforcing factors that
can affect the behaviors and
environmental factors identified
and Policy
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains the administrative and Explains the administrative and
Does not explain the administrative
demonstrates sophisticated
policy factors that influence what policy factors that influence what or policy factors that influence what
awareness of the
can be implemented in a public can be implemented in a public
can be implemented in a public
administrative and policy
health program related to this
health program related to this
health program related to this issue
factors that influence what can issue
issue, but explanation is cursory
be implemented in a public
or illogical or contains
health program related to this
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes the theoretical
demonstrates sophisticated
framework chosen for
understanding of the
implementing the public health
theoretical framework
Describes the theoretical
framework chosen for
implementing the public health
program, but description is
cursory or illogical or contains
Does not describe the theoretical
framework chosen for
implementing the public health
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Explains how the theoretical
demonstrates sophisticated
framework would be used to
understanding of how to use implement the public health
the theoretical framework to program
implement the public health
Explains how the theoretical
framework would be used to
implement the public health
program, but explanation is
cursory or illogical
Does not explain how the
theoretical framework would be
used to implement the public health
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Justifies why the chosen
Justifies why the chosen
makes cogent connections
theoretical framework is
theoretical framework is
between the theoretical
appropriate for the public health appropriate for the public health
framework and why it is
program, using specific examples program, but justification is
appropriate for the public
cursory or illogical or does not
health program
include specific examples
Does not justify why the chosen
theoretical framework is
appropriate for the public health
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Constructs goals and objectives Constructs goals and objectives
Does not construct goals and
Planning: Goals demonstrates sophisticated
for a simulated program plan
for a simulated program plan
objectives for a simulated program
and Objectives ability to construct goals and targeting the selected program targeting the selected program, plan targeting the selected program
objectives for a program plan that are justified with specific
but goals and objectives are not
that are logically derived from data from the needs assessment all relevant, realistic, or justified
needs assessment data
with specific data from the needs
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Describes strategies for how the Describes strategies for how the Does not describe strategies for
Planning: How makes cogent connections
target population will be
target population will be engaged how the target population will be
the Target
between strategies to engage engaged in the planning process, in the planning process, including engaged in the planning process
Population Will the target population and the including the key parts of the
the key parts of the
Be Engaged communication strategy
communication strategy
communication strategy, but
description is cursory or illogical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Discusses the intervention
Discusses the intervention activity Does not discuss the intervention
demonstrates sophisticated
activity that will be included
that will be included within the
activity that will be included within
ability to determine an
within the public health program public health program, but
the public health program
appropriate intervention
discussion is cursory or illogical
activity for a chosen healthcare
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Incorporates evidence that
makes cogent connections
supports the intervention and
between the intervention and engagement strategies as
engagement strategies and the culturally appropriate for the
evidence that supports the
selected population
strategies as culturally
appropriate for the selected
Does not incorporate evidence that
supports the intervention and
engagement strategies as culturally
appropriate for the selected
Meets “Proficient” criteria and Presents relevant information in Presents information in an
Does not present information in an
demonstrates sophisticated
an appropriate format for the
appropriate format for the
appropriate format for the intended
ability to present relevant
intended public health audience, intended public health audience, public health audience
information in an appropriate and information is effectively
but information is not all relevant
format for the intended public balanced between slides and
or is not effectively balanced
health audience
presenter notes
between slides and presenter
Incorporates evidence that
supports the intervention and
engagement strategies as
culturally appropriate for the
selected population, but not all
evidence is relevant or logically
Articulation of Submission is free of errors
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar, related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
spelling, syntax, or organization
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-toread format
Submission has major errors
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization spelling, syntax, or organization that
that negatively impact readability prevent understanding of ideas
and articulation of main ideas