Please see attached word document.
Please complete blank concept map, use the sample concept map provided to complete
document. The disorder to complete the concept map is for pericardial effusion.
Student’s Name: ________________
Color Key for Boxes:
Risk factors=blue (sideways arrow)
Diagnostics= purple
Usual clinical manifestations=orange (oval)
Patient’s manifestations= green (down arrow)
Patient’s Diagnosis:
Student’s Name: ___________________________________
Problem #1:
Problem #2:
Short term Goal:
Short term Goal:
Long term Goal:
Long term Goal:
5 Nursing Interventions:
5 Nursing Interventions:
Outcome (Evaluation):
Outcome (Evaluation):
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Problem #3:
Short term Goal:
Long term Goal:
5 Nursing Interventions:
Outcome (Evaluation):