***Respond to 3 peer post. Posts are attached.****
Original discussion question: Describe the fundamental principles of servant leadership. Present two qualities of servant leadership and explain how they support interprofessional communication in providing patient care.
The fundamental principles of servant leadership are grounded in a commitment to leading
others by serving them. This type of style enhances employee satisfaction and fosters commitment to an organization
through a sense of feeling important and valued. The qualities of leadership that drive a collective sense of purpose
between servant leaders and followers are: Listening, Empathy, Healing, Awareness, Persuasion, Conceptualization,
Foresight, Stewardship, Commitment and Building Community. All of these qualities are integrated by the servant
leader and adopted by those who follow in order to succeed in accomplishing the shared mission and vision. “They
serve to build followers through servitude in order to fulfill an organization’s mission.” (Thomas, 2018.)
The two qualities of servant leadership that I chose are listening and persuasion.
Listening: Listening is the most fundamental quality of servant leadership since it is vital to all aspects of success. A
good leader not only listens, but also hears what is being conveyed by followers. Listening requires authentic presence
and a cognitive understanding of the needs of others. Followers feel valued when ideas and concerns are well received
by the leader.
Persuasion: Persuasion is a subtle method of allowing others to realize that their outlook is unified with others through
a common cause or objective. Persuasion is imperative to integrating the personal perceptions of followers with the
vision of the leader until everyone shares a collective perspective.
Servant leaders have the focus to serve, but the desire to lead. By serving leaders meet the goals of an organizations
mission through the guidance and mentorship of their followers (Thomas, 2018). Employees under servant leadership
tend to feel more valued and supported which leads to a feeling of satisfaction with their position and the organization
themselves (Thomas, 2018). It is said that servant leaders “transcend personal self-interest and aspire
to fulfill the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of others with the ultimate goal of making others independent
and with a desire to serve others (Gutierrez-Wirsching, Mayfield, Mayfield, & Wong, 2014, p. 1236). Servant leaders
possess ten qualities of which two are awareness and building community. Servant leaders have a distinct awareness of
how the actions and reactions of themselves aa well as individuals have an impact on those around them (Thomas,
2018). If a leader conducts themselves in a way that is mindful of others with a positive vibe it will carry through other
members on the team. A servant leader understands the value of respect amongst members in order to benefit the
greater good of the community (Thomas, 2018). A nursing unit is like its own little community and when the leader
shows respect and values everyone on the team it goes a long way to promoting a general sense of community amongst
fellow staff
Servant leadership principals directs its focus on the ability of the individuals to succeed and
then subsequently on the success of the mission. The servant leader serves those who follow
their lead and collectively with their team serve an organization or mission (Grandolfi & Stone,
2018). Servant leaders base their practices on the ways of Jesus by meeting the needs of
others. They empower human growth and help the development of others in the health care
profession. When leaders chose to practice servant leadership are in a helping profession,
especially in the field of nursing where we aim to help sick or ill individuals.
The qualities that servant leaders exhibit is empathy by listening to and understanding others’
emotions and needs, such that they cognitively adopt followers’ psychological perspectives and
exhibit warmth, compassion, and forgiveness in their relationships; this characteristic in turn
helps create a fraternal, compassionate, and trusting atmosphere, in which people feel
accepted, even if they make inadvertent mistakes (Lininuesa-Langreo, Ruiz-Palomino, & ElcheHortelano, 2018).
Healing is another quality of servant leadership which allows for healing to be done on a more
holistic level. This can entail having deep conversations and supporting the emotional health of
others. Robert Greenleaf’s theories include characteristics of mentoring and coaching so that
they too can become servant leaders (Lininuesa-Langreo, Ruiz-Palomino, & Elche-Hortelano,
Servant Leadership in Patient Care
Institutional Affiliations
Servant Leadership in Patient Care
Principles of Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a vital aspect of healthcare delivery, encompassing several benefits
to quality of care, such as facilitating inter-professional communications. Servant leadership is
highly debated across industries and professions. The conceptual idea of servant leadership has
to do with the consistent involvement of team members to contribute to task-related decisions.
Principles of servant leadership characteristically define the leader as a listener and an aware
actor, an empath, and problem solver. Other qualities include foresight, stewardship, persuasion,
and commitment to building and growing the community (Sherman, 2012). In patient care, such
qualities encourage more focus on patient needs, more attention to quality aspects of care, and an
enthusiasm for collaborating towards developing new better methods of practice.
Two Qualities of Servant Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Servant leaders have high levels of emotional intelligence and excellent coordination
skills that make them useful in effecting interagency cooperation. Such leaders show better
communications skills due to their listening and persuasion capabilities (Neill & Saunders,
2008). As such, most servant leaders in the healthcare industry end up as stewards for essential
initiatives. Furthermore, such leaders are excellent team workers and are involved in many
decision-making forums that deal with the improvement of healthcare practice. Servant leaders
are also open thinkers and are receptive to new ideas and facilitate the development of new
technologies and methods of practice.
Authentic Humility
Healthcare industry involves a service that is vital to human existence, and that requires
much care. Regulations and routines for practice guide health providers towards enhancing
human life and improving public health. Servant leaders thus encompass all participants in
healthcare service who consider such laws as supreme and acknowledge the possibility of
enhancing health provision. As such, servant leaders get to understand and cope with regulations
even when working under pressure and are thus exemplary personalities in healthcare contexts
(Neill & Saunders, 2008).
Sherman, O. R. (2012, Apr 16th). “Servant Leadership in Nursing.” EmergingRNLeader.
Retrieved from https://www.emergingrnleader.com/servant-leadership-in-nursing/
Neill, M. W., & Saunders, N. S. (2008). Servant leadership: Enhancing quality of care and staff
satisfaction. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(9), 395-400.