Patient Flow through the System (Chronic):
Here are some videos that would be good to review. I personally watched and selected them for you.
Chronic Disease
CDC Chronic: What is Chronic Disease
Chronic Care Management
This is a good super short video on what chronic care management is
Chronic Care Management Introduction (for Providers)| CCM Pays
This video should be watched second, as it goes into a few more details and will solidify your
understanding of the processes of chronic care management
CMS’s 2022 Final Rule for Chronic Care Management (What You Need To Know)
This is a good video to understand year-over-year changes to Medicare rates. Leverage your
knowledge from the MPFS assignment
A Common Path: Pancreatic Cancer
• Patient perspectives w/ details on a difficult to treat cancer type. The reason this video is good
is that the patients discuss their diagnosis and treatment
Your assignment is to write a paper (800-1000 words) and make a presentation (