Introduction to the Assignment
Topic for the assignment: Technology and the Art of Caring
Technology and the art of caring are the focus of the content for this week. The nurse is the provider of care, the patient is the receiver of care and technology is a means to providing care. Nurses are not able to work without the integration of all three areas. Many times, nurses are focused on the tasks such as the computer, the IV pumps, monitors, passing medications, assessments, etc. Yes, there are a lot of things to do!
Review the Overview lecture, part 3 for content related to the assignment
Complete the assigned readings
Review the grading rubric BEFOREcontinuing with the assignment.
You may write using first-person pronouns for this assignment.
Personal Perspective
Provide 2 examples that relate to your thoughts.
As a nurse leader (administrator or educator), how do you coach other nurses to blend the art of caring and the use of technology into their practice? Include at least 2 ideas or suggestions based on the literature.
Provide a brief summary of the content of the assignment.