Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityCollege of Nursing
Nursing Management and Education Department
First Semester- Health Informatics (NUR 351)
Course Requirement: Homework Assignment (1) Guidelines
ILO covered:
1.2: Discuss the trends and issues related to health informatics in nursing profession
1.3: Recognize methods and technologies relevant to health informatics.
3.2 : Exhibit self-directed lifelong learning using health informatics.
Description of project: Each student will be asked to:
A. Critique on the computer development and technology evolution in healthcare since
2000 to 2023 (the Era of artificial intelligence in healthcare and different disciplines).
B. Critique on the health informatics best practices in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia till 2023.
Maximum grade: 10%
Guidelines to students:
1. Prepare the assignment in a word document and submit it for evaluation with minimum
number of pages not less than 3 pages and font 12 with space 1.5. and time new romans
2. Follow the APA referencing with updated references not less than 2018.
3. Avoid plagiarism to avoid grade loss.
Date of Submission and presentation: End of 4th week
Course Coordinator
Dr Sally Mohammed Farghaly – 2023/2024
Health Informatics Individual Homework Assignment Grading Rubric
Excellent Work
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
__20__ Points
__10__ Points
__5__ Points
0 Points
-Follows all requirements for the -Follows all requirements for the
-Conveys well-rounded
-Major points of topic are mostly
knowledge of the topic.
covered in the required assignment
-Excels in fully presenting what is areas.
known and updated about the
-Knowledge of topic is partially
-Key information is missing from
2 or more assignment areas.
-Knowledge of topic is general
and does not cover all the
required assignment areas.
Flow of Content
__20__ Points
__5__ Points
0 Points
-Information flows in logical and -Information flows in logical and
interesting sequence.
interesting sequence.
-Easy to read, follow, and
-Easy to read, follow, and
understand throughout.
understand through most of
-Captures the reader’s attention. presentation.
-Organization, sequence, and
flow of presentation are difficult
to follow at times.
-Information is difficult to read or
understand in a few areas.
-Paper is not well organized.
-Information is difficult to read,
understand, and follow
throughout most of the paper.
__20__ Points
__10__ Points
__5__ Points
0 Points
-Concisely explains the topic.
– Consistently analyzes
information, offers insight, and
draws conclusions.
-Excels in presentation of ideas.
-Scholarly work.
-Explains the topic.
-Presents information about the
-Some analysis, insight, and
conclusions offered.
-Scholarly work.
-Major aspects of the topic are
presented, but content lacks
insight and analysis.
-Information is basic.
-Major aspects of the topic are
missing or inadequate.
-Lacks insight, analysis, and
-Reader gains little
understanding of the topic.
__10__ Points
__5__ Points
0 Points
Clarity, Critical
Writing Composition __20__ Points
(Spelling, Grammar,
Sentence Structure) -An occasional error may occur,
but writing, grammar, spelling,
__10__ Points
-Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may -Frequent errors (4-5 errors)
occur with spelling, grammar,
occur with spelling, grammar,
Associate Professor Dr/ Sally Mohammed Farghaly- 2023
-Numerous errors (>6 errors)
occur with spelling, grammar,
Total Points
APA Format
Excellent Work
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
transitions, readability, and
transitions, and sentence structure
sentence structure are essentially but are not consistent throughout.
error free.
-Errors do not interfere with the
readability or comprehension of
transitions, sentence structure,
and readability throughout.
transitions, and sentence
structure, throughout, which
make it very difficult to read and
understand the information
__10__ Points
__2__ Points
0 Points
-Information gathered from a
-Information gathered
variety of nursing journals and
from a variety of relevant
nursing and/or medical
organization websites.
-Includes a minimum of 10 current
-Includes a minimum of 10
references within the last 5 years.
current references within the last -Includes at least 5 nursing journal
5 years.
-Includes at least 7 nursing
-Uses more than 2 textbooks.
journal articles.
-No more than 2 textbooks used.
-Information gathered from a
variety of relevant sources. (Not
all are professional sites).
-Provides at least 10 references.
-References are greater than 5
years old.
-Fewer than 5 professional
journal articles.
-Uses multiple textbooks.
-Not all references are
appropriate; not from scholarly
-Fewer than 10 references used.
__10__ Points
__2__ Points
0 Points
__5__ Points
__5__ Points
Total Points
-An occasional error may occur, -Some minor errors (1-3 errors) may -Frequent errors (4-5 errors) occur -Numerous errors (>6 errors)
but the paper is essentially error- occur with APA format, but errors
with APA format throughout the occur with APA format
free, following APA format in the are not consistent throughout the paper.
consistently throughout the
body of the paper and reference paper.
paper, indicating that little effort
was placed on understanding the
format guidelines.
Associate Professor Dr/ Sally Mohammed Farghaly- 2023