NURS 8302 Leading Organizations for Quality Improvement InitiativesPracticum Assignment: Organization Meeting Summary
Preparation to begin your DNP Project begins with the meeting with an organization to explore a
gap in practice or a practice change that you might address as your DNP Project. Preparing for
this meeting includes following the instructions in your NURS 8302 course and reviewing the
guidelines for your practicum assignment 1. Address the following in a 4–5-page paper using
the APA 7 template for writing graduate papers found at
Identify the organization, location, and participants at the meeting. Indicate the role each
person plays in the organization.
A: Grady Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. Scarlett Leigh RN, MSN (DNP Mentor),
Rebecca Chatman RN (Quality Nurse), Terri Peterson RN, Chistopher Lentz
(Director of Burn Unit).
How did you first approach the organization?
A: I have been on staff at the academic hospital for 6 years.
Why did you select this organization?
A: It is a teaching hospital and a level I trauma center.
Does the organization have a key person for the organization who oversees students
doing DNP projects?
A: Terri Peterson is the key person in the education department for students.
If there is no key person, who represented nursing and/or nursing students at the
Describe the DNP Project
Describe exactly what you did to explain the DNP project process at Walden University.
A: I made copies of the DNP Project Process Introduction and handed it out at the
meeting. My mentor received the entire DNP project manual previously.
What questions did the participants have and how did you respond?
A: Apart from my mentor, everyone wanted to know what they could do to help the
process go smoothly as possible for me. My response was that I will have specific
things I need, and I will communicate with them at that time.
How did you and the organization identify possible gaps in practice or practice changes
that might be addressed by the DNP project.
A: The organization was very professional and not blaming any discipline
specifically for the increase in HAPI’s in the hospital. They did identify the skill
and education were keys areas that they would like to see focused on in the
Describe the gap or problem and cite two sources that justify the gap or problem in
What approach (clinical practice guideline, staff education, quality improvement initiative)
did you discuss to address a practice gap or practice change?
A: The project will be a quality improvement initiative.
What questions did the organization representatives have, and what were your
A: How will your project help decrease the number of HAPI’s on the unit? How will
you educate the staff?
How does the proposed practice change support positive social change, diversity,
equity, and inclusion?
Project Team
Who would be the key stakeholders and potential team members (e.g. organization
leader, project mentor) for a project to address gap in practice or practice change?
A: Organization leader, project mentor, quality nurse, Unit director, Unit Medical
Director, staff nurses
Next Steps
Describe the information that you provided to the organization regarding the next steps
in the process.
What questions were asked?
What responses did you have?
What decisions were made?
Explore three sources of current evidence (no older than five (5) years) that could support the
project initiative. You may include the two citations you cited under the Describe the DNP
Project section.
Evidence Type
Sample, Sample
size, Setting
Findings that help address the gap
in practice or practice change
Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the meeting.
What would you have done differently?
What additional information do you need before you meet with your faculty advisor in
NURS 8702, project mentoring course.