Complete the Organizational Culture Assessment Tool for the healthcare organization or nursing practice you selected. Then, address the following:
What is the state of cultural/organizational readiness for quality improvement?
Is the organizational culture present for quality improvement?
Organizational Culture Assessment
Please evaluate each statement below writing number on Scale 1 – 5, thinking about your organization.
Answer with 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, and 5 = strongly agree.
1. I am at ease and comfortable when I’m around
others at work – regardless of their title,
position, or stature. 4
2. We evaluate the quality of the decisions we
make internally. 3
3. Work is shared based not on who “owns it,” but
rather on who is in the best position to get it
done. 4
4. I can be my whole self while at work and don’t
have to pretend to be someone I’m not. 5
5. I am given autonomy in my job. 3
6. We remove ‘silos’ and ‘boundaries’ at work; we
aren’t territorial. 4
7. If a process, procedure, approach is not
working, we can correct it with ease. 5
8. Everyone here is clear on what drives our
success as an organization. 3
9. We use tools and platforms internally to help us
collaborate and communicate more effectively.
10. The internal tools and technologies we use in
My Company are as good, if not better than the
ones our competitors use. 3
11. We welcome comments from others even if
they disagree with us. 4
12. We push past the “we’ve always done it that
way” objection. 3
13. We are evaluated on the core values that are
important to our success. 4
14. We care about making our community a better
place to live. 3
15. I get to exercise my creativity at work. 3
16. People know what other departments need from
them and share the right information at the right
time. 4