For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the implementation plan, which includes considerations for ethics, recruitment practices, and a plan for how you will collect your data. Please note that you will not explain how to analyze your data in this section, but rather how you will go about collecting the data.
The following components must be addressed:
Explain how you will ensure your research is conducted in an ethical manner
Include a copy of an informed consent that will be included for participants of your research proposal project (see pp. 202–203 for a sample)
Literature Review
Literature Review
Obesity has been a major public health concern, especially in middle-aged adults in
healthcare. Its severe effects on people’s well-being and health and its economic struggles make
it necessary to have effective strategies to manage the condition. Nurses are integral in providing
comprehensive care and in addressing obesity. There is a need to comprehend various literature
on the effects of obesity and nurses’ role in managing the disease to create evidence-based
guidelines and interventions. The literature review seeks to assess the effect of obesity on
middle-aged adults in healthcare and analyze nurses’ role in managing the condition. By looking
at scholarly sources and assessing their facts, the assessment will give insights into the
significance and effectiveness of various nursing interventions, challenges, and opportunities. It
will also show the correlation between obesity and mental health. The assessment will help
develop initiatives and strategies that strengthen nurses’ role and capacity to manage obesity and
enhance health outcomes.
Correlation between Obesity and Mental Health
The first research question assesses the correlation between adult patients’ mental health
outcomes and the disease. Various sources have assessed the complicated relationship. For
example, Liu et al. (2022) did a study to assess the effect of obesity on mental health in middleaged adults, and it was realized the relationship was bidirectional. This means that obesity
increases one’s risk of mental health issues, while mental health issues increase one’s chances of
suffering from obesity. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they show the connection
between physical and mental health based on obesity. Analyzing the literature’s validity is vital
since Wu et al. (2022) did a systematic assessment and meta-analyses of research focusing on the
link between mental health outcomes and obesity. The outcomes showed consistent evidence
indicating obesity was directly linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The
research also indicated a need for further studies to improve the understanding of the potential
moderators and underlying elements that define the relationship.
Opportunities and Challenges resulting from implementing Nursing Interventions
The next research question examines the opportunities and challenges resulting from
implementing interventions to manage obesity. Various sources indicate the facilitators and
barriers to implementing a nursing-led intervention. For example, Lukewich et al. (2022) did a
study to assess healthcare professionals’ opinions on implementing nursing-led interventions.
Opportunities were identified, including patient-centered care strategies and interprofessional
collaboration. Challenges were also identified, including a lack of training, limited resources, and
time constraints. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they make one comprehend the
practical elements of using interventions led by nurses in managing obesity. The literature’s
validity is ensured by assessing the information and results derived. Saarikko et al. (2023) did a
mixed-method study to assess the relevance of nursing interventions in managing the condition.
Patients and healthcare professionals provided positive feedback, thus supporting the
effectiveness of the strategies. There was a need for more research to discuss challenges
stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions and ensuring they are sustainable in the
long term.
Nurse-led Motivational Interviewing in Managing Obesity
The last research question looks at the impact of nurse-led motivational interviewing on
those with obesity. Various sources have analyzed the treatment strategy and its effectiveness in
managing patient weight. For instance, Nwiloh (2022) did a study assessing standard care and
nurse-led motivational interviewing. It was realized that those who underwent nurse-led
motivational interviewing significantly reduced their weight and showed improved outcomes
compared to those who underwent standard care. The study is relevant since it indicates nurseled intervention in dealing with obesity. When assessing the literature’s validity, Coyne &
Correnti (2014) assessed various research on nurse-led motivational interviewing in managing
obesity. Despite the optimistic outcomes in behavior change and weight loss, there needed to be
more in the quality of the methodology used in some analyses. This demonstrates the need for
more research in the area.
Validity and Relevance
The studies assessed give insight into the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults and
nurses’ role in managing the condition. The studies focus on nurse-led strategies, their
opportunities and challenges, and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Despite some studies showing positive results and strengthening the argument that nurse-led
interventions are effective, others illustrate gaps in study design and indicate the need for more
studies to identify and deal with factors preventing implementation. The relevance of the studies
in handling the study hypothesis and questions is relevant. The sections align with the research
questions while giving insight into the topic. The studies used to show the effectiveness of nurseled motivational interviewing, facilitators and barriers in implementing them, and the correlation
between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Unique Contribution and Gaps
Various contributions have resulted from the literature review. The first is the
relationship between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is a need for a holistic strategy
that considers patients’ physical and mental requirements when managing the condition. The
finding shows the significance of integrated treatment strategies focusing on the complicated
relationship between mental health and obesity. The literature also examines the opportunities
and challenges stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions. Time constraints, limited
resources, and lack of training are some barriers, and patient-centered treatment strategies and
interprofessional collaboration are the identified opportunities. Comprehending them can guide
nurses in creating guidelines and strategies that improve health facilities in managing the
condition. The literature underlines the significance of nurse-led interventions like motivational
interviewing in dealing with the issue. The effectiveness of the treatment strategy in dealing with
weight loss and providing better health outcomes is indicated in the literature.
Obesity in middle-aged adults is a major health concern, thus the reason it is vital to look
at nurses’ role in its management. The assessment has outlined the impact of obesity, the
usefulness of nurse-led treatment strategies, the opportunities and challenges in enforcing them,
and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is proof in the literature
supporting the connection between obesity and mental health outcomes. Studies and systematic
assessments have revealed proof of the correlation between the disease and various cognitive
health issues. Still, the sophistication of their connection underlines the need for more
investigations on possible moderators. Utilizing nurse-led treatment strategies in dealing with the
disease is hindered by issues like a lack of training, limited resources, and time constraints.
Studies have indicated various opportunities that may result in improved health outcomes, like
using patient-centered treatment strategies and interprofessional collaboration. Comprehending
the opportunities and challenges can lead to the creation of improved initiatives and guidelines to
improve nurses and health facilities in dealing with the disease. The review also highlighted the
efficacy of nurse-led motivational interviewing as a treatment strategy. Systematic reviews and
random trials showed positive results in behavior change and weight loss, but there were
limitations stemming from the quality of methodologies and the study design utilized. This
indicates a need for additional research.
Coyne, N., & Correnti, D. (2014). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve chronic
condition self-management: what does the research show us?. Home Healthcare
Now, 32(1), 56-63.
Liu, W., Yang, C., Liu, L., Kong, G., & Zhang, L. (2022). Bidirectional associations of vision
loss, hearing loss, and dual sensory loss with depressive symptoms among the middleaged and older adults in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 225-232.
Lukewich, J., Martin-Misener, R., Norful, A. A., Poitras, M. E., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Asghari,
S., … & Tranmer, J. (2022). Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in
primary care: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1-34.
Nwiloh, M. O. (2022). Utilizing Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Compliance
with Self-Care Among Hispanic Adults with Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and
Saarikko, J., Axelin, A., Huvinen, E., Rahmani, A. M., Azimi, I., Pasanen, M., & Niela-Vilén, H.
(2023). Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable
internet-of-things (SLIM)-intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol
for a quasi-experimental trial. PloS one, 18(1), e0279696.
Wu, Q., Feng, J., & Pan, C. W. (2022). Risk factors for depression in the elderly: an umbrella
review of published meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Journal of Affective