US stress and anxiety background. The study will discuss US stress and anxiety demographics and statistics. It will also illuminate anxiety’s long-term effects. The paper will also provide breathwork-based short- and long-term treatments.
Breathwork as a solution. The study will present breathwork as an effective way to treat stress and anxiety among US residents. The report would also discuss the approach’s efficacy and its projected results. The study would also include evidence from historical and current studies to justify the use of breathwork to address the issue.
Thesis statement- Breathwork is a powerful intervention for acute anxiety as well as chronic stress and anxiety. Effect of short-term practice of breathing exercises on autonomic functions in normal human volunteers.
Table 1: Required Elements of the Capstone Project Paper
Title page
See sample on last page of this document.
The abstract is a concise summary (150-250 words) of the main sections of the paper. It
should be written last!
Table of
The TOC should include major headings and subheadings, as needed.
Tip: Microsoft Word has a Table of Contents feature.
Introduction As in the proposal, the introduction of the paper should set the stage for the project by
providing a brief overview of the topic and rationale for the project. It should include a
statement of the problem at or near the beginning; don’t keep your reader in suspense
regarding the purpose of the project. After clearly articulating the problem, the
introduction should provide sufficient background information so the reader can
understand what follows.
This section should elaborate on the statement of the problem presented in the
of the
introduction. Thoroughly describe the nature of the problem; including your rationale for
believing the problem exists. Describe how the project will address the problem, and
clearly state the goals and scope of the project. These goals must align with the
literature review and the methodology.
The literature review should be a greatly expanded version of the one written for the
proposal. It should both summarize and synthesize the relevant literature. It should
include a minimum of 15 references that are fairly current. The majority of the literature
reviewed should have been published within the last 10 years, and come from peerreviewed journals. It is perfectly acceptable, and indeed advisable, to cite seminal,
foundational studies in your area of focus that may be >10 years old. Edited texts or
textbooks may also be appropriate source material. Web sites should be used with
caution. Refer to APA guidelines for how to use in-text citations of the articles you
This section should detail what you did. The reader should be able to essentially
of the
replicate your project based on what is included in this section. You should include the
IRB approval and status (whether exempt, expedited, full review)
Type of study or research design employed .
Parameters of your study population (sample size, relevant participant
information and demographics, etc.)
Materials and methods (types of qualitative or quantitative data collected, data
collection procedures / protocol, statistical or other methods used to analyze
Analysis and results – Including gender and cultural considerations.
Tables and figures – these must be referred to and described in the text.
This section serves as the discussion and conclusion section of the paper. It should
briefly recap the purpose of the project, as well as summarize and contextualize the
major findings/outcomes. This is the “so what?” part of the paper – the place where you
explain why the outcome matters. What is the impact of the project, what are its
limitations, what have you learned, and what are the next steps?
A minimum of 15 cited references is required. All cited sources, not just those from the
Literature Review, should be included in the references section and formatted according
to APA Guidelines. Only those sources that were cited in the paper should be included,
i.e., if you read a paper, but did not cite it, you should not reference it.
The appendices contain supplementary material, i.e., information that is not essential,
but that the reader might find useful for developing a deeper understanding. Appendices
can also include high-volume data tables, descriptions, lists, survey questions, etc.
Figure 1: Capstone Grading Rubric
Content Categories
Introduction (10 points)
Is the reason for this project adequately described?
Does the introduction provide a complete overview of the targeted
group or organization?
Does the introduction provide information on why this project is
beneficial to this organization?
The Description of the Problem (20 points)
Is the problem clearly defined?
Are goals clearly described and why they were chosen to guide the
Was a complete overview of the environmental context of the capstone
Were organizational challenges addressed?
How were goals and objectives chosen to measure the impact of the
Is the design adequate for achieving the stated objectives?
Review of the Literature/ Research (20 points)
Was relevant research reviewed?
Did the overview of the research literature provide a critique of the
literature that informs this project?
Description of the Project (20 points)
Does the paper provide a complete overview of the implementation of
the project- describing strengths as well as weaknesses of the project?
Are the results presented completely with appropriate measures of
success and failure in implementation?
Conclusions and Lessons Learned from the Project (20 Points)
Are the conclusions reasonable, given the overview of the project?
Is the project critiqued with lessons learned whether the project is
deemed successful or a failure?
What recommendations are made for next steps as a result of this
Oral Defense (10 points)
Was the project presented clearly and succinctly?
Did the defense clarify the rationale for the capstone project?
Did the defense make recommendations for future application and
learning? Including any gender or cultural considerations.
Total Score