Topic: Writer’s Choice
Paper Details:
attached is an essay to be presented on PowerPoint.
Design evaluation tools to accompany your project.Locate peer-reviewed articles discussing evidence-based nursing practice.Design evaluation tools to accompany your project N4685 Capstone
Module 5: Capstone Project – Presentation and Evaluation Instructions
NOTE: You will create two new electronic files for this assignment instead of typing directly into
this document.
Overview: Capstone Project – Presentation and Evaluation
Your project should represent high-quality work – something you would expect to see in a
professional setting. Perhaps your employer will be interested in facilitating its use in a real-life
You will upload your PowerPoint for grading. You will also upload the forms or documents you
would use for evaluation (two evaluation tools will be created) of your information dissemination.
These might be in the form of informal observation records and/or formal tests or
questionnaires. (This evaluation portion will be submitted as one Word document. See below for
all that must be included). There is a separate portal for each portion of the assignment.
Design evaluation tools to accompany your project.
Locate peer-reviewed articles discussing evidence-based nursing practice.
Design evaluation tools to accompany your project
Rubric – Project Presentation
Accurate (70 Points)
Required References
(10 Points)
Boyd 21-22
Accurate presentation
of content with
between facts and
opinions; well
organized with in
text citations for
useful sources (at
least 9). 10-15
content slides with
speaker notes.
Essential information
is included but
speaker notes and/or
slides lack depth and
need additional
content and/ or
lacking in text
citations for useful
sources. Outside the
Errors in content
specific information or
lack of references
prohibit use in
professional setting
(70 Points)
(50 Points)
(0 Points)
required 10-15
content slides.
All 9 references
Less than 9 required
(10 points)
(0 points)
N4685 Capstone
Attractive (10 Points)
appropriate for setting
with no spelling or
grammar errors;
designed with
appropriate use of color,
graphics, and fonts. Up
to 5 points will be
deducted if images
used are not cited. No
APA errors in
One or more spelling or
grammar errors; design
missing graphics and/ or
inappropriate fonts. Up to
5 points will be deducted
if images used are not
cited. 1-2 APA errors in
(5 Points)
Design or
errors prohibit
reading or
content and if images
used are not cited. 3
or more APA errors in
(0 Points)
(10 Points)
Appropriate (10 Points)
Developmentally and
age appropriate for
audience; within the
appropriate time frame
(clock time 20-30
(10 Points)
Not Developmentally and/ Project inappropriate
or age appropriate for
for profession use as
entire target audience
not developmentally
and/ or inappropriate time
or age appropriate for
frame for content delivery
audience; and / or
(5 Points)
project length is too
short or too long
(0 Points)
Rubric – Project Evaluation
Evaluation (50 Points)
Professional (10 Points)
Boyd 21-22
evaluation tool(s) to
assess both quality of
presentation and
achievement of
(50 Points)
evaluation tool(s) to
assess either
quality of
presentation or
achievement of
Evaluation tool(s)
inadequate for
effective assessment
of both components
Professional format
without spelling errors
(this includes
evaluation forms)
Includes evaluation
summary paragraph.
Format with spelling
and/ grammar errors
and/ or missing
evaluation forms.
Missing evaluation
summary paragraph.
(10 Points)
(5 Points)
(0 Points)
(25 Points)
Errors in formatting
and/ or spelling and
grammar prohibit use in
professional setting
(0 Points)
N4685 Capstone
Grid (20 points)
APA Format (20 points)
Grid is present,
complete, with
accurate SMART
objectives; and APA
references specific to
the topic
(20 points)
Contains errors, is
inaccurate, or missing
required information
with missing grid
Grid not included
in submission
(0 points)
(10 points)
Title page and
Errors in Title page
reference page listed in and/ or Reference
APA format with a
page including
minimum of nine peer inaccurate information
and APA errors
reviewed sources
Title page includes
errors and
references with
inaccurate format;
(0 Points)
(1-10 Points)
(20 Points)
The written portions for Assignment 2 and 3 are due Saturday night (see details below).
However, you will plan and present by Wednesday night in order to have your evaluation tools
that you create available to distribute to the audience and address results for the Module 5
Discussion Boards. You need audience feedback to finalize the written portion of the
PowerPoint Portion of Assignment (Assignment 2):
You will submit a Power Point presentation containing a title slide, 10-15 slides each with
comprehensive content demonstrating use of your peer-reviewed sources, and reference
slides. Remember to include a source for each image or graphic included on the slides; this is
easiest done directly on the slide under or next to the image. Your “talking points” are
considered speaker notes and should contain 20-30 minutes of “talk time.” Information read
directly from the slide should be included in the speaker notes. We recommend you time
yourself while reading your speaker notes to determine if your presentation is within the 20-30
minutes for content. Your speaker notes should be written exactly as you would be speaking
to your audience. You do need to include citations in your speaker notes. Be sure to include
all of your references on the reference slide(s).
Evaluation Portion of Project (Assignment 3):
(This will be one document with all of the following included in that document)
Title Page
Create a title page according to the standard for the UTA College of Nursing.
Evaluation (2 Tools are required – one for quality and one for content)
You may create a new Word document for most of the types of evaluation tools you would
use, such as tests, questionnaires, charts for observations notes, etc. Create two evaluation
tools. Include all in the same file as separate pages with clear headings and instructions
Boyd 21-22
N4685 Capstone
designating the use of each tool.
Other types of evaluation tools you might use are databases or spreadsheets. It is important
that you design such tools so that you need only to upload and submit one file, though, so if
you use a combination of Word documents and spreadsheets, copy/paste the contents of the
spreadsheets into the Word document to create a single file.
Evaluation form requirements: You must submit two evaluation forms. One form will
address evaluation of content (example: a post-test or survey, audit form) and one form will
address quality (rate the presentation, speaker, and environment; consider using a Likert
scale). Remember you will create both forms for this assignment. Do not copy forms
from other sources. Include the time, place, and who you presented presentation. Also,
discussion on the methods you used to evaluate your project. Include why the method, how
you will use the results, and plans for improvement.
You will include the full completed grid from Module 3. Please be sure to make any needed
changes based on feedback from your coach.
Evaluation Paragraph
You must include at least a paragraph (minimum 100 words) to discuss the methods to evaluate
your Project. Include why the method you have chosen to evaluate the project is appropriate.
Include in your paragraph how will you will take results from the evaluation and change or
improve the presentation.
Reference Page
Create a formal reference page including all of your nine (or more) references from your
project. Please be sure to use formal APA format. Refer to your APA manual for any
Boyd 21-22
Capstone Project
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Promoting patients’ health in healthcare is medical practitioners’ professional and ethical
duty. Therefore, medical providers such as nurses must properly administer medications to
safeguard patients’ health. However, medical errors are still a silent but prevalent cause of loss of
lives within the country (Rohde & Domm, 2018). Nurses are considered the most likely
healthcare group to commit medical errors in healthcare. Different factors normally undermine
nurses’ professional and ethical conduct. For instance, nurses are core in ensuring patients are
properly attended to. As a result, they are much more prone to fatigue which alters their decisionmaking capabilities.
The primary audience targeted by this capstone project is nurses. Subsequently, the
project’s information will be discussed in a clinical setting to reach the audience efficiently. A
common cause of medication error in nursing is a heavy workload (Koyama et al., 2020). Nurses
normally serve multiple roles within lengthy durations to enhance patient safety. Therefore, their
capabilities of delivering medications as prescribed are disrupted across varying clinical levels.
Besides, presenting the project’s information in clinical settings can help nurses actively
participate in the dissemination processes. As a result, they will be capable of understanding the
information within first-hand accounts regarding the cause and impacts of medication errors.
Equally important, the setting can integrate other groups of healthcare providers into knowing
how to minimize medication errors within their practices.
Disseminating the project’s information to the targeted audiences will help minimize the
consequences of medication errors. Concerning the American Nurses Association, nurses have
the duty of sustaining the safety of patients. Therefore, nurses’ knowledge of the benefit of
implementing careful drug administration processes like double checking a drug’s label before its
administration is significant (Koyama et al., 2020). Furthermore, they will be capable of
protecting their professional reputations and those of their institutes, knowing to intervene
against issues caused by medication errors. Legal cases involving medication errors are quite
costly. As a result, by learning how to optimize healthcare services, healthcare providers can
avoid any legal risk. Most importantly, it can improve the efficiency of treatment procedures,
enhancing patients’ satisfaction.
1. Following
Impacts of medication errors on
Patients experiencing terminal
Rasool, M. F., Rehman, A. U., Imran, I.,
all the
Abbas, S., Shah, S., Abbas, G., Khan, I.,
Shakeel, S., Ahmad Hassali, M. A., &
Hayat, K. (2020). Risk factors associated
will be
with medication errors among patients
familiar with
suffering from chronic disorders. Frontiers
the effects of
in Public Health, 8.
Factors contributing to medication
errors in nursing
✓ PowerPoint 20
✓ Handouts
✓ Videos
Kerari, A., & Innab, A. (2021). The
influence of nurses’ characteristics on
medication administration errors: An
integrative review. SAGE Open Nursing, 7,
Legal impacts of medication errors
Aly, N. A., El-Shanawany, S. M., &
Ghazala, A. M. (2020). Ethico-legal aspects
and ethical climate: Managing safe patient
care and medical errors in nursing work.
Clinical Ethics, 15(3), 132-140.
2. After the
The prevalence of a medication
✓ Lectures
✓ PowerPoint minutes
the targeted
Tabatabaee, S. S., Ghavami, V., Javan-
audience will
Noughabi, J., & Kakemam, E. (2022).
✓ Handout
be capable of
Occurrence and types of medication error
sorting types
and associated factors in a reference
teaching hospital in northeastern Iran: A
retrospective study of medical records. BMC
Health Services Research, 22(1).
Types of prescriptions that are
notorious for medication errors
Zarea, K., Mohammadi, A., Beiranvand, S.,
Hassani, F., & Baraz, S. (2018). Iranian
nurses’ medication errors: A survey of the
types, the causes, and the related factors.
International Journal of Africa Nursing
Sciences, 8, 112-116.
Level of medical errors’
Mulac, A., Taxis, K., Hagesaether, E., &
Gerd Granas, A. (2020). Severe and fatal
medication errors in hospitals: Findings
from the Norwegian incident reporting
system. European Journal of Hospital
Pharmacy, 28(e1), e56-e61.
3. Following
Technical strategies for limiting
✓ Video
medication errors
✓ Lecture
Salar, A., Kiani, F., & Rezaee, N. (2020).
of the
undefined. International Journal of Africa
✓ Handouts
Nursing Sciences, 13, 100235.
The importance of training nurses
shall know
to mitigate medical errors
Mohammadipour, F., Farzi, K., Toulabi, T.,
for limiting
Heidarizadeh, K., & Heydari, F. (2020). The
effect of blended learning on the rate of
medication administration errors of nurses
in medical wards. Iranian Journal of
Nursing and Midwifery Research, 25(6),
Roles of the administration in
restricting medication errors
Ahsani-Estahbanati, E., Sergeevich
Gordeev, V., & Doshmangir, L. (2022).
Interventions to reduce the incidence of
medical error and its financial burden in
health care systems: A systematic review of
systematic reviews. Frontiers in Medicine,
Koyama, A. K., Maddox, C. S. S., Li, L., Bucknall, T., & Westbrook, J. I. (2020). Effectiveness
of double checking to reduce medication administration errors: a systematic review. BMJ
quality & safety, 29(7), 595-603.
Rohde, E., & Domm, E. (2018). Nurses’ clinical reasoning practices that support safe medication
administration: An integrative review of the literature. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(34), e402-e411.