1Moral Distress in Nursing Presentation PPT
General Guidelines:
Create a nursing situation (must be original; meaning there should not be any two presented in
class that are the same as any other student) which illustrates moral distress related to a clinical
problem that an advanced practice nurse is likely to encounter in practice. Ensure to define and
explain how the scenario meets the definition of moral distress and that the problem as identified
in the nursing situation is supported by evidence-based literature. Describe the personal,
professional and organizational factors that are the causes of moral distress within the case
scenario from the perspective of the APN. Analyze current interventions and strategies to address
the identified issue of moral distress in the created nursing situation at the personal, professional
and organizational level. Differentiate moral distress from other common responses to ethical
situations encountered in practice (moral uncertainty, dilemma, conflict and residue).
1. Presentation should be between 10-15 slides.
2. Each content slide should be succinct and have no long paragraphs to read.
3. Utilize notes pages may be utilized for explanation if needed and to expand on subject area to
cover all criteria on rubric.
4. Use pictures to enhance presentation.
Content Criteria: (see below)
1. Nursing situation clearly describes and explores moral distress related to an ethical
practice issue from the perspective of an advanced practice nurse which is linked to
current best practice, research and literature.
2. Analysis & Evaluation of Moral Distress is clearly demonstrated as an ethical issue from
the perspective of the advanced practice nurse within the nursing situation
3. Personal, professional, and organizational causes of moral distress are explained and
clearly illustrated using the nursing situation.
4. Recommendations on Effective Interventions and Strategies from a personal, professional
and organizational perspective are demonstrated and explained using the nursing
5. Explores the differences between moral distress and moral uncertainty, dilemma, conflict
and residue from the perspective of the advanced practice nurse.
6. Writing Mechanics and Formatting Guidelines are clear and the concept of moral distress
from the perspective of an advanced practice nurse is well supported using evidencebased research and literature throughout the presentation.
PowerPoint Presentation Rubric
Nursing situation
clearly describes and
10-15 pts
5-9 pts
0-4 pts
explores moral distress
related to an ethical
practice issue from the
perspective of an
advanced practice nurse
Nursing situation
identifies, describes and
demonstrates a
understanding of moral
distress as an ethical
practice issue and
dilemma from the
perspective of an
advanced practice nurse
Nursing situation
identifies, describes, and
demonstrates a somewhat
understanding of moral
distress as an ethical
practice issue and
dilemma from the
perspective of an
advanced practice nurse
Nursing situation
identifies, describes, and
demonstrates an unclear
understanding of moral
distress as an ethical
practice issue and
dilemma from the
perspective of an
advanced practice nurse
Analysis and Evaluation
of Ethical Dilemma
10-15 pts
Presents an insightful and
thorough analysis of
moral distress using a
clinical practice issue that
is well supported with best
practice and current
research which relates
specifically to the role of
APN versus a bedside
nurse is illustrated using
the nursing situation.
10-15 pts
Exceptional exploration of
personal, professional and
organizational causes of
moral distress is presented
and illustrated using the
identified nursing
5-9 pts
Presents a somewhat
thorough analysis of moral
distress using a clinical
practice issue that is
somewhat but not clearly
supported with best
practice and current
research and somewhat
relates to the role of APN
versus a bedside nurse.
0-4 pts
Little to no analysis of
moral distress using a
clinical practice issue
that is not well supported
with best practice and
current research and fails
to show a specific link to
the role of APN versus a
bedside nurse.
5-9 pts
Appropriate but somewhat
vague exploration of
personal, professional and
organizational causes of
moral distress is presented
and illustrated using the
identified nursing
5-9 pts
Appropriate explanation of
effective interventions and
strategies from a personal,
professional and
organizational perspective
are provided to address
moral distress as
illustrated in the nursing
situation which are
somewhat linked and
supported by evidence
0-4 pts
Little to no exploration
of personal, professional
and organizational
causes of moral distress
is presented and
illustrated using the
identified nursing
0-4 pts
Limited explanation of
effective interventions
and strategies from a
personal, professional
and organizational
perspective are provided
to address moral distress
as illustrated in the
nursing situation which
are not clearly linked
and/or supported by
Personal, professional,
and organizational
causes of moral distress
are explained and
clearly illustrated using
the nursing situation
Recommendations on
effective interventions
from a personal,
professional and
perspective are
demonstrated and
explained using the
nursing situation
10-15 pts
Sophisticated explanation
of effective interventions
and strategies from a
personal, professional and
organizational perspective
are provided to address
moral distress as
illustrated in the nursing
situation which are clearly
linked and supported by
evidence based best
practice and literature.
Explores the differences
between moral distress
and moral uncertainty,
dilemma, conflict and
residue from the
perspective of the
advanced practice nurse.
Links ethical dilemma
of moral distress to
Course Readings and
Additional Literature &
Research (15%)
Writing Mechanics and
Formatting Guidelines
including correct
references and APA
Total 100 pts
10-15 pts
Integrated and full
descriptions of how moral
distress differs from the
other ethical responses of
moral uncertainty, moral
dilemma, moral conflict
and moral residue from
the perspective of the
advanced practice nurse.
10-15 pts
Makes appropriate
connections between
identified ethical and
moral issues from both
sides; supplements
presentation with
relevant and
thoughtful research
and documents all
sources of information.
8-10 pts
Demonstrates clarity,
conciseness and
correctness; no
paragraphs to read on
slides; utilizes notes on
each slide to expand;
APA formatting is
appropriate and
writing is free of
grammar and spelling
based best practice and
5-9 pts
Somewhat integrated but
not full description of how
moral distress differs from
the other ethical responses
of moral uncertainty,
moral dilemma, moral
conflict and moral residue
from the perspective of the
advanced practice nurse
5-9 pts
Makes appropriate but
somewhat vague
connections between
identified ethical and
moral issues from both
sides; supplements
presentation with some
relevant and thoughtful
research and documents
all sources of information.
4-7 pts
Occasional grammar or
spelling errors, but still
a clear presentation of
ideas; lacks
organization. Slides
contain too much text
to read
evidence based best
practice and literature
0-4 pts
Limited to no description
of how moral distress
differs from the other
ethical responses of
moral uncertainty, moral
dilemma, moral conflict
and moral residue from
the perspective of the
advanced practice nurse
0-4 pts
Makes inappropriate or
little connections
between identified
ethical and moral issues
from both sides;
supplements presentation
with some relevant and
thoughtful research and
documents all sources of
0-3 pts
Many deficiencies on
grammar, spelling, or
APA formatting. Slides
have paragraphs to
read and are not
concise or notes on
each slide are not