General information
Identify aTechnology Project pertinent to their practice environment.
This project as a whole Part I and II , must include:
Executive Summary; Description of Project;
Rationale Topic chosen;
Research-supported by evidenced based recent literature;
Project Clinical Goals & Objectives;
Market/Financial Project Analysis;
Plan for Evaluation;
Plan for Alternative Assumptions & Strategies.
Include how this project is applicable to the present Healthcare system in terms of the issues of healthcare access, quality & cost. Include 2 MSN Essentials.
The whole project: Minimum 10 pages, double spaced,
Maximum 15 pages, double spaced, APA format.
Part 2:
Financial Proposal analysis (4 points)
Alternative plan of actions (4 points)
Proposed project plan to include: (8 points)
o Project activities
o Timeline
o Budget
o Evaluation Plan
Web-based medical camps for orthopaedic patients
Lexania Matos
Florida National University
Health Care Informatics
Professor Jacqueline Alonso
May 20, 2023
Web-based medical camp for orthopaedic patients
Due to population outbursts in various societies, nursing experts are gradually
becoming required to give medical care to vulnerable and minority groups in society. Nurses
are required to manage a variety of critical health conditions that afflict ethnic and cultural
minorities. To continuously provide and dispense services to every neighbourhood and social
group while also being able to meet medical demands, the healthcare industry has several
obstacles due to the population’s wide-ranging diversity (Schweickert, 2020). With the help
of this project, many nurses will have a significant opportunity to give care to communities
that need it.
Enhancing healthcare outcomes and treatment quality requires a healthcare system
that is aware of cultural diversity. Healthcare services should be available to those who are
poor and vulnerable. Medically underserved communities are usually found in areas with
large minority populations, which brings together several location-related disadvantages and
high poverty rates. Due to this, receiving healthcare is nearly impossible. The best option for
improving the delivery of health services to the underserved within a community would be a
web-based service (Wasserman et al., 2019). I intend to use this project to reach members of
the general public who have been or have not yet received an orthopaedic condition
diagnosis. It is necessary to implement protocols and technology to make the patient
experience with this project great.
The Rationale for the Topic Chosen
There are many concerns about the wide range of services offered by the healthcare
sector because there are still many people who do not have access to any medical care and
who, due to their remote locations, cannot receive enough care from medical professionals
and volunteer organizations (Schweickert, 2020). This is the justification for considering
web-based medical camps as a potential response to the growing demand for healthcare
services, especially in underserved regions or those minority groups in remote areas. This
modern tactic can be utilized to increase awareness and address the medical needs of
orthopaedic patients because numerous illnesses affect our body’s musculoskeletal system
and necessitate clinical care from a doctor or other healthcare professional.
The implementation of this kind of healthcare service will be difficult since technological
equipment is expensive, and maintaining that technology is also expensive. There are
unquestionably issues with running online medical camps. These include but are not limited
to, the overuse of care brought on by pointless telemedicine consultations and the disrespect
for patients’ problems and issues. According to a survey by IESE and Telefonica, 80% of
doctors and 70% of patients would be open to the concept of using online medical camps
(Ripollés, 2022). A medical camp of this kind would provide a solution to certain problems
the healthcare industry is having with serving underserved populations and minority groups.
Evidenced-based recent literature
Although ICT developments have recently increased interest in e-medicine, the
concept is not new. The topic’s main source, one of the oldest examples of telemedicine, is
the “Radio Doctor” cover illustration from the 1924 Radion News Magazine. Perhaps one of
the applications described in the scientific literature was the effort for telephone radiologic
picture transmission between West Chester, Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a
distance of 24 miles. In the 1970s, telemedicine projects started to proliferate and the first
real-time applications were detailed. In Arizona’s remote Papago Indian Reservation, for
instance, the STARPAHC Project made an effort to introduce telemedicine (Alshakka, 2021).
In the 1980s, applications for E-medicine that are exclusive to certain specialities
started to arise, such as telepathology, which was originally proposed in 1986. Radiology was
the field that established the first digital medical imaging standard, which resulted in the 1992
release of the DICOM specifications. The number of telemedicine applications started to rise
significantly in the 1990s due to the accessibility of the Internet, reasonably cheap
computers, and digital imaging technologies. The first transatlantic robotic surgery,
performed in 2001 by a surgeon in New York on a patient in Strasbourg, was most certainly
the most recent technological development in telemedicine (Wang et al., 2022).
Three orthopaedic physicians conducted 410 teleconsultations throughout two years,
according to a 1997 report by Lambrecht et al. In 43% of the patients, examination and
treatment of fractures, ligamentous injury, joint oedema, or infection, postoperative
evaluation, and dislocation evaluation and therapy were the reasons for teleconsultation.
Teleconsultations lasted an average of 12.8 minutes. There were no negative results, and the
authors’ last recommendation was that telemedicine might be an option in cases where
orthopaedic doctors are not available (Lambrechts, 2023).
An analysis of teleconsultation in orthopaedics was presented in a prospective study
by between two cities separated by 150 miles. In 10 cases, the purpose of consultations was
to determine the diagnosis; in 14 cases, it was to discuss clinical management; and in the
remaining five cases, it was for follow-up. Most consultations took between 11 and 15
minutes. Doctors at the time considered the video’s quality to be good. This is crucial to note
since while video and sound quality used to be an issue due to the development of
technology, it is now less of a concern. But because every place has unique characteristics,
using telemedicine for this purpose may be complicated by issues with video and voice
quality. Additionally, this was one of the first trials to report data on patient satisfaction; 87%
of patients rated the procedure as good or very good, with the remaining patients rating it as
satisfactory (Foni et al., 2020).
The cost-effectiveness of remote care orthopaedics is well documented in the medical
literature. A randomized clinical trial was conducted by Buvik et al. to assess the financial
viability of telemedicine for distant orthopaedic consultations. They have demonstrated
annual savings of 18,161 euros per 300 consultants due to, among other things, transportation
expenses and employee absenteeism. Due to patient travel costs, this cost gap was noted
(Buvik et al.,2019). Atanda Jr. et al. published a study in which such an economic evaluation
was made. It’s interesting to note that in this instance, the cost reductions were computed for
both the healthcare system and the patient. Despite these encouraging findings, it’s critical to
realize that these facts may differ in other situations (Jungbauer et al., 2022).
WHO defines telemedicine as “the delivery of health care services, where distance is
a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication
technologies (ICT) for the exchange of valid information for the diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education
of health care providers, all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals “, (Brown
& DeNicola, 2020).
Medical camps are crucial for increasing awareness and providing a point of care for
people who have been diagnosed. Patients can receive testing and free medical consultations
at these camps. With the improvisation as an online-based medical camp, what would be
examined is the patients’ need for testing as well as consultation with the already diagnosed
patients with different conditions.
Clinical Goals
The main objective of this research project is to increase understanding of cultural
norms, medical support systems, and equal opportunities for minority groups to get highquality medical care. By utilizing modern communications and technology in an array of
medical procedures and treatments, the initiative also aims to introduce the use of web-based
medicine to assist areas without access to medical services. The research also intends to
develop a novel method of teleconsultation and continuous monitoring of orthopaedic
patients receiving clinical care.
Accessibility, Quality and Cost of web-based medical Camps
The term “accessibility” is very broad. It tries to describe how simple or difficult it is
to acquire healthcare in the context of healthcare. It would be described in the context of a
client as the extent to which they face physical, financial, physical, or cultural barriers to
accessing necessary care. Access to care for the underinsured and uninsured has received a
lot of attention recently. But when it comes to accessing the convenience of receiving care,
financial factors provide a necessary but insufficient foundation. As the focus shifts away
from financial difficulties, additional elements enter the picture that has an impact on access
to healthcare services (Schweickert, 2020).
The primary benefactors of telemedicine are the medically underserved,
institutionalized, and physically isolated, especially elderly and inner-city residents. Since
the medical camp would only need the patient’s smart device, the requirement for travel as
well as related expenses and other problems involved with the process of receiving care could
be avoided. After consulting with specialists online, patients would only need to be referred
to or transferred to be treated at the medical centres when it is deemed required (Schweickert,
Comparing distinct sets of inputs and outputs is necessary for economic analysis.
System attributes must be carefully defined in terms of their quantitative and qualitative
capabilities to achieve this. Once a definition has been established, there are several different
ways to do economic analysis, each of which addresses a different cost-related issue. The two
methods that are most frequently employed are cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) and costbenefit analysis (CBA).
Due to rising costs and the need for responsibility, more and more individuals are
concerned about the quality of healthcare. While structural, procedural, and outcome
indicators have historically been used to assess quality, there is currently more emphasis on
outcomes to determine the connection between medical treatments and/or costs and health
status. Two dimensions of quality, namely the technical and interpersonal, are of particular
relevance to e-medical camp. The technical part of quality covers the care process and its
outcomes. Quality can be increased by limiting exposure to unnecessary diagnostic
procedures and testing.
Project activities.
The nursing practice goes beyond training in terms of giving actual healthcare to the
impoverished. The telemedicine technologies that allow nursing professionals to provide
medical care through online clinics are where the true innovation resides.
I must collaborate with an IT professional to develop an effective website for me for
my endeavour to be successful. The website will give users general knowledge about
orthopaedic conditions. The clients would sign up on their portals, where they would then go
on to identify the symptoms they would be experiencing. The website’s working routine
would include the patient’s input, which would call for a follow-up from my end. The patient
would automatically be connected to care once the symptoms indicate a need because the
website would be a user-phase to service provider encryption.
As part of the implementation, I will first visit the designated population to inform
them about the website’s use and to identify any members who have orthopaedic disorders.
To raise awareness and make people understand why they should use the website, I will
provide pre-diagnosis education to the general public. I believe continual follow-ups and
frequent online sessions are crucial for the entire process to be successful. This is necessary
because the patient needs to be able to trust the activities. I’ll decide how often I need to see
each patient after that, and I’ll always be accessible within the designated period for them.
The success of the web-based medical camp project depends on the mobilization of
key players and components, including nurses, medical IT professionals, other community
stakeholders, non-governmental organizations, and other enterprises that may help with the
implementation of this program. A website, virtual health information sources, a reliable and
secure internet connection, video communication channels, centralized computer servers, cell
phones, portable laptops, and desktop PCs will all be necessary for the project’s
The support activities encompass the roles that each partner and resource will play in
bringing the project into action. Any health centre’s nursing practice, beginning with the
nurses, goes much beyond training in terms of providing the ill with direct medical treatment.
I will first go to the targeted population to look at their current health issues and make sure
they are aware of the website.
The medical IT professional will have a special responsibility for ensuring the smooth
running of all the computer systems used in the medical facility. The IT specialist’s
experience with medical services will be essential because he will be gathering information
about the patient and their condition to help doctors and I make a diagnosis. The IT expert
will also monitor interactions between patients and healthcare professionals and will offer
any required assistance.
The community will play a vital role in the project’s implementation as both a
participant and a stakeholder. Stakeholders will also include non-profit and nongovernmental organizations. I will write letters of request to various organizations in these
categories to make sure the job is completed.
Businesses that provide support to medical charities will participate as stakeholders in
the project’s implementation. Some of these businesses have helped different medical
facilities develop their healthcare service offerings. For instance, the project will focus on
electronic companies that could help by providing computer technology to healthcare
workers. All these stakeholder mobilization efforts will boost the productivity of the new
telemedicine, and over time, patients who suffer from the aforementioned conditions will
have a higher quality of life.
The program will first require computer hardware, such as smartphones, portable
laptops, and desktops. It will be simpler for me to go if I had a laptop and a mobile phone. In
this case, I will still have access to the website and servers as well as be able to communicate
with others at the health centres. A dependable and secure internet connection will serve as
my second tool, making it simpler for me to communicate with the patients. Furthermore, this
will ensure that patients always have easy access to Internet services. With the aid of central
computer servers, the IT medical specialist would find it simpler to oversee all operations
from a single place. Last but not least, a website filled full with resources for health
information would make it easier for patients to access programs for learning about healthy
Plan of Evaluation
This project proposal’s main objective is to identify the likely situations in which
online medical camps will help educate the public about telehealth procedures. This proposal
illustrates and summarizes the methodology and findings that address how remote healthcare
activities may be enhanced to offer healthcare data and services to the targeted community.
Due to the difficult locations of inner-city populations, medically underserved groups
typically experience inequities in terms of timely access to high-quality medical care
services. The proposal’s overall objective in this regard is to give inhabitants in the inner city
rapid access to medical treatment.
The proposal’s overall objective in this respect is to deploy telemedicine to improve
the medically underprivileged community’s access to appropriate and suitable preventative
and diagnostic healthcare services.
Time Estimates
Probabilistic time estimates aim to take into account variance and changes while
being less certain than deterministic time estimates (Zhang et al., 2019). The following tables
illustrate both probabilistic and deterministic time estimates for implementing the online
medical camp project.
Statistical Time Estimation
Estimated time
Bringing resources together
5-6 months
Population orientation
Informing stakeholders
3-5 weeks
Software and hardware preparations
evaluation of the project
12-16months after the launching
Hypothetical Costs
Budgeted cost
Per cent
Over and
projected cost
under budget
$24000 for 50
$ 40000
$400 for each
desktop and
computers and $
$250 for each
& 13000 for 40
mobile phones
Running a
$400 to obtain a
Hiring IT
$4000 for 3
$12000 for each
$34000 three
mobile vehicles
Justification: The actual market price of the aforementioned primary resources was used to
establish the predicted budget. Based on the current pay rates for IT workers in the healthcare
sector, the estimated cost of recruiting more specialists was computed.
Alternative methods for completing the project
Because the original plan is procedural and consultative, adhering to it is essential for
the project’s success. The detailed method could, however, run into several problems that
would prohibit the project from being finished. As an option, I would get in touch with a
telemedicine company, like Telehealth Florida, and inquire about developments and system
integration to handle the issue of patients with orthopaedic issues.
In this case, the procedure would comprise my acquiring operational information about the
company and soliciting aid as I addressed the patients’ issues. As a nurse, my main duty is to
use a web-based strategy to assist patients who are unable to access healthcare for many
Evaluation plan
A survey will be conducted to gauge how satisfied people are with the telemedicine
service. We’ll create a grading scale from 1 to 5, with 5 denoting extremely high skill and 1
denoting no proficiency at all. A patient satisfaction survey is given to each person who uses
a medical service to learn how happy they are with their care. The survey will be distributed
to every patient I see online. Campus partners will be questioned about the benefits of the
program from the standpoint of utilizing smart devices to obtain clinical treatment to get
The information above provides a summary of the proposal’s launch strategy for a
hospital’s web-based medical camp project. The discussion suggests that one of the tools for
managing large projects should be a task breakdown structure. The project elaborates on the
need to establish accessible healthcare for orthopaedic patients and lays down the procedure
on how to implement this.
Executive Summary
Practices in many fields have advanced due to technology. The healthcare sector is one in
which technology has had an impact on practice orientation. It is now simpler to provide
nursing services to a variety of groups with different origins. The technology-based practice
has helped to build this approach (Niknejad et al., 2020). The objective of this project is to
advance and implement nursing care for orthopaedic patients. The clinical objective is to
enhance the provision of health services to patients with non-communicable diseases who
reside in densely populated areas and inner cities. Since the patients would be using their own
smart devices, the idea would be cost-effective. To reach out to the most vulnerable members
of the community, efforts would be undertaken to persuade technical businesses to support
the project. My ability as a nurse practitioner to identify key players and implement the
project within a predetermined timetable will be crucial to its success.
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