- Review the research article . At a minimum, read the abstract and the “General Discussion” (pp.282-283).
- https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/sites/decisionsciences/files/files/dospert%202002.PDF
- Respond to the questionnaire provided in CONTENT and use it as a self-assessment tool to reflect on what risk taking behaviors you may engage in.
- Paying particular attention to items marked with an “H” (health) or “R” (recreation), choose one and discuss how it might impact your health, how much you have consciously considered those potential impacts, how concerned you are about continuing to engage in those behaviors, and how you plan to modify the behaviors to mitigate the associated health risk.
For each of the following statements, please indicate the likelihood of engaging in each activity. Provide
a rating from 1 to 5, using the following scale: 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely unlikely Not sure Extremely likely
1. _______ Admitting that your tastes are different from those of your friends. (S)
2. _______ Arguing with a friend who has a very different opinion on an issue. (S)
3. _______ Asking your boss for a raise. (S)
4. _______ Betting a day’s income at the horse races. (F)
5. _______ Buying an illegal drug for your own use. (E)
6. _______ Chasing a tornado by car to take photos that you can sell to the press. (R)
7. _______ Cheating a fair amount on your income tax. (E)
8. _______ Cheating on an exam. (E)
9. _______ Co-signing a new car loan for a friend. (F)
10. _______ Dating someone that you are working with. (S)
11. _______ Deciding to share an apartment with someone you don’t know well. (S)
12. _______ Disagreeing with your father on a major issue. (S)
13. _______ Driving home after you had three drinks in the last two hours. (E)
14. _______ Eating ‘expired’ food products that still ‘look okay’. (H)
15. _______ Exploring an unknown city or section of town. (R)
16. _______ Forging somebody’s signature. (E)
17. _______ Frequent binge drinking. (H)
18. _______ Going camping in the wild. (R)
19. _______ Going down a ski run that is too hard or closed. (R)
20. _______ Going on a safari in Kenya. (R)
21. _______ Going on a two-week vacation in a foreign country without booking accommodations
ahead. (R)
22. _______ Going whitewater rafting at high water in the spring. (R)
23. _______ Ignoring some persistent physical pain by not going to the doctor. (H)
24. _______ Illegally copying a piece of software. (E)
25. _______ Taking a medical drug that has a high likelihood of negative side effects. (H)
26. _______ Traveling on a commercial airplane. (R)
27. _______ Plagiarizing a term paper. (E)
28. _______ Engaging in unprotected sex. (H)
29. _______ Investing 10% of your annual income in a blue chip stock. (F)
30. _______ Investing 10% of your annual income in a very speculative stock. (F)
31. _______ Investing 10% of your annual income in government bonds (treasury bills). (F)
32. _______ Investing in a business that has a good chance of failing. (F)
33. _______ Lending a friend an amount of money equivalent to one month’s income. (F)
34. _______ Moving to a new city. (S)
35. _______ Never using sunscreen when you sunbathe. (H)
36. _______ Never wearing a seatbelt. (H)
37. _______ Not having a smoke alarm in or outside of your bedroom. (H)
38. _______ Openly disagreeing with your boss in front of your coworkers. (S)
39. _______ Periodically engaging in a dangerous sport (e.g. mountain climbing or sky diving). (R)
40. _______ Regularly riding your bicycle without a helmet. (H)
41. _______ Shoplifting a small item (e.g. a lipstick or a pen). (E)
42. _______ Smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. (H)
43. _______ Speaking your mind about an unpopular issue at a social occasion. (S)
44. _______ Spending money impulsively without thinking about the consequences. (F)
45. _______ Stealing an additional TV cable connection. (E)
46. _______ Taking a day’s income to play the slot-machines at a casino. (F)
47. _______ Taking a job where you get paid exclusively on a commission basis. (F)
48. _______ Trying bungee jumping. (R)
49. _______ Using office supplies for your personal business. (E)
50. _______ Wearing unconventional clothes. (S)
Note: E ¼ ethical, F ¼ financial, H ¼ health/safety, R ¼ recreational, and S ¼ social items.
From the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15:263-290 (2002)