Functional Analysis Graphing Assignment
Purpose: To master the skill of creating and interpreting a traditional functional analysis graph using analternating treatments design and proposing a function-based intervention based on the data obtained.Guidelines:1. First select a target behavior for the assignment and develop an operational definition for thebehavior. Review the instructions for the reliability assignment for tips on how best to write anoperational definition. Use examples and non-examples to provide clarity.2. Describe each of the following functional analysis contingencies in an operationalized anddetailed manner: play (control), escape, tangible, attention, and alone. Anyone reading thedescription should be able to implement the procedure. Clearly explain the contingencies in placeupon instances of the behavior and include the length (e.g., 10 mins) of each condition.3. Develop a functional analysis graph with all of the above conditions included. Based on yourtarget behavior, select an appropriate unit of measurement for the y-axis. This graph shouldnot include a baseline condition. Instead, all conditions should be implemented in arandomized fashion using an alternating treatments design.4. Based on your interpretation of the functional analysis, identify a function (or functions) ofthe target behavior.5. In no more than three paragraphs, propose a function-based intervention with at least twosupporting citations for the proposed intervention. The citations should all be from peer-reviewed journals published within the last 5 years. For instance, if your proposed intervention isfunctional communication training (FCT) in order to address an identified attention function,briefly describe how the FCT procedure could be implemented and summarize how the procedurehas been used in previous studies to address the same identified function.6. Scroll down to review a template to use for the assignment (including a sample graph). Functional Analysis Graphing Assignment (30 points)
Purpose: To master the skill of creating and interpreting a traditional functional analysis graph using an
alternating treatments design and proposing a function-based intervention based on the data obtained.
1. First select a target behavior for the assignment and develop an operational definition for the
behavior. Review the instructions for the reliability assignment for tips on how best to write an
operational definition. Use examples and non-examples to provide clarity.
2. Describe each of the following functional analysis contingencies in an operationalized and
detailed manner: play (control), escape, tangible, attention, and alone. Anyone reading the
description should be able to implement the procedure. Clearly explain the contingencies in place
upon instances of the behavior and include the length (e.g., 10 mins) of each condition.
3. Develop a functional analysis graph with all of the above conditions included. Based on your
target behavior, select an appropriate unit of measurement for the y-axis. This graph should
not include a baseline condition. Instead, all conditions should be implemented in a
randomized fashion using an alternating treatments design.
4. Based on your interpretation of the functional analysis, identify a function (or functions) of
the target behavior.
5. In no more than three paragraphs, propose a function-based intervention with at least two
supporting citations for the proposed intervention. The citations should all be from peerreviewed journals published within the last 5 years. For instance, if your proposed intervention is
functional communication training (FCT) in order to address an identified attention function,
briefly describe how the FCT procedure could be implemented and summarize how the procedure
has been used in previous studies to address the same identified function.
6. Scroll down to review a template to use for the assignment (including a sample graph).
One MS word document with:
1. Operational definition of target behavior
2. Detailed description of each functional analysis condition
3. Functional analysis graph
4. Identified behavioral function based on functional analysis data
5. Description of a function-based intervention with at least two supporting citations.
Scoring guide:
Point value
Target behavior includes a clear operational definition
Detailed description of the following conditions is included: play (control), tangible,
escape, attention, and alone
Conditions are implemented in a randomized fashion on the graph
All conditions are labeled in either a legend or with arrows pointing to the datapath
Different data symbols are used for each condition
Data shapes and lines are in black color
Grid lines are not included on the graph
Graph has a title and labels for both y-axis and x-axis
A clear behavioral function is identified on the functional analysis graph
The proposed function-based intervention addresses the identified function from analysis
Student provides two recent citations to support the proposed identified function
Correct APA formatting is used for citation within the text and in reference section.
Target behavior: Operational definition here
Functional Analysis Condition Descriptions:
*Review Table 27.1 in the textbook for general descriptions of each of these conditions; however, for this
assignment, please use your own words to describe each condition. Include the length of each condition
as well as detail about what will be told to the client and how long items will be provided or removed
contingent upon instances of the target behavior.
Play (control):
Functional Analysis Graph
Functional Analysis Graph
Frequency of Tantrums
Play (control)
Identified Behavioral Function(s): In this sample functional analysis graph, the identified functions
would be both tangible and escape
Proposed Function-based Intervention: In this section, you will need to propose an intervention to
address the identified behavioral function(s). Based on the graph above, the intervention would need to
address both an escape and tangible function. Citations using the proposed interventions should be
included along with a brief description of how the intervention was implemented in the supporting study.
Example: The client will be taught to request preferred items saying “I want ___________” as a
replacement behavior for engaging in tantrum behavior. During academic work, he will be taught to say
“I want a break” as soon as he starts to engage in tantrum behavior. After requesting a break, he will earn
a 5 minute break away from academic demands. Muharib et al. (2019) implemented a similar functional
communication training (FCT) procedure to teach two children with autism to use a GoTalkNow™ on an
ipad to request preferred items to replace self-injurious and disruptive behavior. Davis et al. (2018) used
FCT to address escape-maintained aggressive behavior in a client by providing longer, higher-quality
breaks contingent upon the client requesting breaks as opposed to engaging in aggressive behavior (which
resulted in shorter breaks from tasks).
Formatting should follow APA 7th edition guidelines. Do not include the example references below as
citations for your assignment.
Muharib, R., Vivian, I.C, Wood, C. L., & Haughney, K. L. (2019). Effects of functional communication
training using GoTalk NowTM iPad® application on challenging behavior of children with autism
spectrum disorder. Journal of Special Education Technology, 34, 71-79.
Davis, T. N., Weston, R., Hodges, A., Uptegrove, L., Williams, K. & Schieltz, K. M. (2018). Functional
communication training and demand fading using concurrent schedules of reinforcement.
Journal of Behavioral Education, 27, 343-357.
Functional Analysis Graphing
Functional Analysis Graphing Assignment
Katie Rocci
SPCE 611
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Functional Analysis Graphing
Target Behavior
Behavior: Screaming
Operational Definition: The occurrence of any vocalization that is above a normal conversational
volume longer than 5 seconds.
Loud vocalizations because of a demand
Loud vocalizations because of getting somethings taken away
Loud vocalizations when not getting a certain item
Crying because of an injury
Laughing loud
Talking at an appropriate level if the room is loud
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Functional Analysis Graphing
Functional Analysis Contingencies
Play (control): Play is defined as the use of toys and leisure time activities being used in the
manner they are intended for. During the functional analysis for play, the child should be set up
with preferred play activities that are available to them. There should be no requirements placed
on the child at this time. 30 minute sessions of observation time will be allotted for play over the
course of 5 days. If the problem behavior of screaming is to occur for any amount of time, it will
be ignored (don’t pay attention to the client during problem behavior). The problem behavior can
also be redirected (direct your client to continue to play) (Cooper, 2020).
Escape: Escape is defined as any behavior that happens in order to avoid, set back, or create an
end to the given task. During the functional analysis for escape, the child should be set up with a
demand or task that the client is familiar with. Task demands will be given in three steps. For
example you can have the client sharpen a pencil. The three step task demand would be:
1. “You need to sharpen the pencil”
2. Model sharpening the pencil
3. Hand over hand prompting to sharpen the pencil.
If the problem behavior of screaming is to occur, a break from the demand will be given by
moving away the materials and stopping the demand. 30 minute sessions of observation time will
be allotted for escape over the course of 5 days (Cooper, 2020).
Tangible: During a tangible functional analysis, you should provide the client with a preferred
item or toy, and keep neutral items/toys around (toys that the client does not request or prefer to
play with on a regular basis). You will then remove the preferred item or toy following up with
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Functional Analysis Graphing
“it’s my turn to play with the item”. If the problem behavior of screaming occurs the item is
returned to the client. 30 minute sessions of observation time will be allotted for tangible over
the course of 5 days (Cooper, 2020).
Attention: Attention is defined as any interaction with the client including eye contact. The
behavior of attention may be the client trying to do things to get the observers attention like
climbing on chairs, on table, throwing objects, ect. During the functional analysis for attention,
the client should have attention diverted from them or withheld from them. The client may just
be completing a preferred activity like coloring, but the activity should not be difficult for the
client. A 30 minute session of observation time will be allotted for attention over the course of 5
days. The consequence for the problem behavior of screaming or any behavior that causes harm
will be attention provided in the form of gentle reprimands or statements like “Please don’t do
that, you can get hurt” (Cooper, 2020).
Alone: During a functional analysis for alone, a very low level of environmental stimuluses are
present. It should be just you and the client in the room- there should be nothing that should be
taking up the clients attention. There should be no demand placed and no play items available. If
the problem behavior is to occur, you will ignore the client or redirect them (Cooper, 2020).
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Functional Analysis Graphing
Graph Analysis:
According to data collected over the course of 25 different sessions with the five different
functional analysis conditions, escape and attention are the functions to the problem behavior of
screaming. This conclusion is shown on the graph, both escape and attention have significantly
more frequency than the other conditions listed.
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Functional Analysis Graphing
Behavior Intervention
According to the functional analysis data collected, escape is one of the functions that
maintain the problem behavior of screaming. In order to decrease the escape function a behavior
intervention should be put in place. To begin, escape function should be decreased by
manipulating the antecedent conditions when it comes to the demand put in place. To do this, the
complexity of the task requirements should be reduced to make the demand simpler and
understanding to the client. For example, if the demand is cleaning up preferred toys, you should
make a visual list of what toys need to be picked up and where to put them. The client can then
receive contingent breaks based upon their work effort. If the client completes two of the toys,
then you should give them positive praise and a preferred break for 3-5 minutes using a timer.
When the timer is finished, you will then have them complete two more tasks, and so on. This
breaks up the demand and makes it less complex for the client (Butler & Luiselli, 20067). If the
problem behavior is to occur, you will redirect the client to the task at hand.
The other function of the problem behavior according to data is attention. Attention also
maintains the problem behavior, meaning if the client is not getting attention they will engage in
screaming. An evidence based intervention that can be used for the client should be extinction
while using non-contingent reinforcements. When using extinction on the problem behavior of
screaming, the client should be ignored, eventually extincting the need for social attention. To
add non-contingent reinforcements, you will randomly give the client reinforcements. So for
example, if the client likes attention via tickles, you can randomly give the client tickles and give
them positive praise. For example, tickle the client, and say “I love how you are sitting quietly
right now”. Another intervention that can be put in place if this fails would be a visual first, then.
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Functional Analysis Graphing
If the client engages in problem behavior you can always prompt the first, then board to show the
client, first sit quietly, then tickles (Fisher et al., 2014).
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Functional Analysis Graphing
Butler, L. R., & Luiselli, J. K. (2007). Escape-maintained problem behavior in a child with
Autism. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 9(4), 195–202.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd ed.).
Pearson Education, Inc.
Fisher, W. W., DeLeon, I. G., Rodriguez-Catter, V., & Keeney, K. M. (2004b). Enhancing the
effects of extinction on attention-maintained behavior through noncontingent delivery of
attention or stimuli identified via a competing stimulus assessment. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 37(2), 171–184.
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