Topic: Exploring the impact of obesity among middle-aged adults in the primary care setting and the role of nurses in managing obesity
Problem statement
Obesity is described as an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat that poses a health concern. Risk factors for the development of obesity include family inheritance, lifestyle choices, social and economic issues, certain diseases and medications, age, and other factors. It has become an epidemic in the last 50 years, and the economic burden associated with obesity is estimated to be as high as $ 100 billion yearly (Panuganti et al., 2021). It is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking. It is a medical problem that needs attention as it increases the development of other health problems, such as hypertension, obesity, heart diseases, and certain cancers.
Research questions
What effect does nurse-led motivational interviewing have on individuals who are obese who are treated in primary care settings?
Motivational interviewing can be used to assist patients in identifying and overcoming obstacles to weight loss in the context of managing obesity. Insights about the efficiency of nurse-led motivational interviewing as an intervention for treating obesity in primary care settings will be provided by this study topic.
What are the challenges and opportunities in putting nurse-led interventions for managing obesity into practice in primary care settings?
In order to better understand the difficulties and possibilities faced by nurses and other healthcare professionals working in primary care settings, this research topic will examine the obstacles and facilitators to adopting nurse-led interventions for the treatment of obesity. The results of this study may be used to help design policies and initiatives that will help primary care facilities better manage obesity.
What is the connection between adult patients’ mental health results and obesity?
In order to better understand the intricate interactions between physical and mental health, this research topic will examine the connection between obesity and outcomes in adult patients’ mental health.
Panugant, K. K., Nguyen M., Kshirsagar, R. K., & Doerr C. (2022, May 2). Obesity (Nursing) – StatPearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Center for Biotechnology Information.