Submit PowerPoint presentation explaining the key components of your research proposal. Please see attached file to help complete this assisgment.
- A brief introduction, including your research questions and hypothesis
- The significance to nursing
- An overview of your literature review
- A summary of your design and methodology
- Include:Your sample proceduresYour data collection proceduresAn overview of your data analysis planEthical considerationsA summary and conclusion of your research proposal
Research Proposal Project on The Effect of Obesity on Middle-Aged Adults and Nurses’
Role in Managing the Condition
Research Proposal Project on The Effect of Obesity on Middle-Aged Adults and Nurses’
Role in Managing the Condition
Obesity is a severe public health issue that affects everyone, and middle-aged adults are
susceptible to its consequences. The infection is linked to various cognitive and bodily effects
like raised chances of chronic infections, psychological despair, and diminished quality of life.
The issue addressed in the research is the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults and nurses’ role
in controlling the condition. The research has various objectives, including assessing the
correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity among middle-aged people. Another
objective is to assess the opportunities and hindrances stemming from enforcing nursing
interventions when managing obesity. The study will also analyze the effectiveness of nurse-led
motivational interviewing in controlling obesity within the specified population. The theoretical
framework utilized is the biopsychosocial framework. It assesses the interrelation between
social, biological, and psychosocial elements in comprehending and handling the condition. The
model comprehends that diverse elements affect obesity, including the social environment,
genetics, psychological well-being, and behavior.
The framework is chosen because it offers a holistic and comprehensive understanding of
the condition. Including various factors aligns with the problem’s complexities, resulting in a
comprehensive assessment of how obesity affects middle-aged adults. The framework is widely
applied and recognized in nursing and practice, making it suitable. The study can help advanced
nursing practice since it looks at obesity among adults, and the findings will contribute to
existing knowledge on the link between obesity and mental health outcomes, developing a clear
understanding of the challenges and opportunities experienced when executing nursing strategies
in managing the condition. It will also assess the efficacy of nurse-led motivational interviewing.
The study must develop evidence-based interventions and guidelines that improve nurses’ role in
managing the condition and enhancing health outcomes among the target populations.
Literature Review
The literature review seeks to synthesize various ideologies from published findings on
the impacts of obesity and nurses’ role in managing the condition among adults. Various articles
will be utilized in the literature review, and they include Liu et al. (2022), whose research looks
at the bidirectional correlation between the disease and mental health within the target
population. Another study is by Wu et al. (2022), a meta-analysis and systematic review that
looks at the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity and offers evidence-based
results on their association. There is the research by Lukewich et al. (2022) which assessed
different opinions by healthcare professionals on utilizing nursing-led interventions in dealing
with obesity, showing the opportunities available like patient-centered care approaches and
multi-disciplinary collaboration and hindrances to implementing them like limited resources and
training, and shortage of qualified professionals. There is Saarikko et al. (2023)’s mixed-method
research that assesses the applicability of nursing interventions in handling the condition. Results
indicate patients and healthcare professionals are providing positive feedback on the
Nwiloh (2022)’s research analyzed the difference between nurse-led motivational
interviewing and standard care in treating obesity, and results showed the latter was more
effective in developing improved outcomes like weight loss. Coyne & Correnti (2014)’s research
critically assessed various research on nurse-led motivational interviewing in managing obesity
and showed the need for enhanced methodologies in various studies. By looking at the research
outcomes, it is evident that there exists evidence-based research to support nurses’ role in
managing obesity, especially using approaches like motivational interviewing. The literature
review offers insight into the interventions’ effectiveness, healthcare professionals’ and patients’
opinions, and how obesity affects mental health within the target population. The outcomes will
act as a foundation for the proposed research and guide its relevance in nursing practice.
Design and Methodology
The study seeks to assess the efficacy of nursing-led interventions utilizing motivational
interviewing in managing obesity among middle-aged adults suffering from the condition. It
includes middle-aged adults aged 40 to 60 getting therapy in different healthcare environments.
The study will evaluate the influence of nurse-led interventions utilizing motivational
interviewing techniques on cognitive health problems like anxiety, depression, and self-esteem
among middle-aged adults with obesity. It will use a mixed-methods technique comprising
quantitative procedures and qualitative interviews to collect data. The quantitative information
derived will help develop statistical evidence of the significance of the strategies, while the
qualitative information will provide insight into people’s opinions and experiences. The research
will be done in a healthcare setting like primary care facility or obesity management center. The
availability and accessibility of the participants will influence the location.
Study Design
A randomized controlled trial design will be used in the research. Participants will be
randomly placed in a control group of people getting standard care without nurse-led
motivational interviewing approaches and an intervention group getting nurse-led motivational
interviewing sessions as part of therapy. The approach allows one to compare the impacts of the
interventions against a control condition.
Sample Identification
The target population is middle-aged adults suffering from obesity who are getting
healthcare services from the selected facilities. The participants will be determined using a
screening process that analyzes eligibility criteria like age, mental status, and Body Mass Index.
Sampling Procedures
Random sampling approaches will be utilized to choose participants from the target
population. The size will be determined using power analysis calculations that result in adequate
statistical power.
Obtaining Consent Procedure
Ethical considerations will be included by getting participants to sign informed consent.
The procedure will give detailed information about the research, its purpose, processes involved,
risks, benefits, measures to ensure confidentiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal.
They must read and sign the forms to show a willingness to engage in the study.
Informed Consent Form
Informed consent will be created and will have all the relevant information needed for
participants to make the right decisions. They will indicate the research’s purpose, the qualities
and nature of the interventions used, potential risks and gains, confidentiality procedures,
voluntary participation and withdrawal, and a researcher’s contact information.
Processes involved in data collection
Data will be gathered using various approaches, like providing standardized
questionnaires to determine mental health outcomes and patient satisfaction with nurse-led
strategies. Qualitative information will be derived using face-to-face interviews to determine
participants’ opinions and experiences concerning the strategies.
Data Analysis Procedure
The information gathered will be assessed using statistical approaches like inferential
statistics like ANOVA, descriptive statistics, and regression analysis to determine the impacts of
nurse-led interventions on mental health outcomes. Qualitative information will be transcribed,
coded, and thematically assessed to determine main themes and trends.
Explanation of Data Analysis Method’s Appropriateness
The utilized data analysis strategies are relevant since they align with the study questions
and goals. Quantitative assessments will enable statistical inference and assessment of the
correlation between the variables. Qualitative assessments will offer a comprehensive insight
into participants’ opinions and experiences on nurse-led interventions.
Issues with Validity and Reliability
Steps will be taken to ensure the study is valid and reliable. Validated assessment
approaches will be utilized to determine the success of mental health outcomes, and initiatives
will be made to improve the reliability of the qualitative data using strict coding processes,
intercoder agreement, and member checking.
Ethical Concerns
Ethical concerns will be managed by getting informed consent, emphasizing participant
confidentiality, complying with ethical guidelines for studies involving human participants, and
mitigating possible harm. There will be a clear plan to safeguard the well-being and rights of
participants during the research.
To conclude, the research proposal concentrates on the effect of obesity on middle-aged
adults and nurses’ role in managing it. By looking at the problem, literature review, and design
and methodology, the research seeks to add to the domain of nursing practice by including the
relevance and significance of the problem. The issue of obesity in middle-aged adults is a serious
concern that affects one’s physical health and results in negative mental health outcomes. The
bidirectional correlation between mental health and obesity has been detailed in the literature,
thus showing the need for comprehensive treatment strategies. Nurses are vital in controlling
obesity, and their opinions and ideas on executing nursing-led approaches are vital in delivering
effective healthcare.
The literature review synthesizes various key studies, offering insight into the issue.
Research shows the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity, illustrating the
interrelation between different factors. Healthcare professionals also acknowledge the potential
of nursing-led approaches in managing the condition. The approaches include interprofessional
collaboration and patient-centered care strategies. The positive feedback from healthcare
professionals and patients also supports the effectiveness and relevance of the nursing
approaches. The study will utilize the outcomes from the studies identified and add to the nursing
field by looking at how nursing-led approaches like motivational interviewing are effective. By
utilizing a strict research design and assessment strategy, the research seeks to offer valuable
insight into the effectiveness of the identified interventions in improving outcomes and managing
weight. The research proposal acknowledges the issue’s significance, synthesizes relevant
literature, and provides a detailed methodology to develop an understanding of the research
questions and objectives. The outcomes from the research will improve one’s comprehension of
nurses’ role in managing obesity in middle-aged adults and add to the advancement of nursing in
dealing with serious health issues.
Informed Consent Form
Title of Study: Effect of Obesity on Middle-aged Adults and Nurses’ Role in managing diabetes.
Main investigator:
Purpose of study: The research seeks to assess the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults and
look at nurses’ role in managing the disease. It seeks to collect data using interviews and surveys
to comprehend the opinions, experiences, and results correlated to nurse-led approaches.
Study Procedures: If you agree to participate in the research, you will be required to;
Complete a questionnaire with questions on your medical history, demographic information, and
experiences correlated to the disease and treatment approaches. This will take 20 minutes to
You will also choose whether to engage in an interview where you will disclose your
experiences, thoughts, and ideas on managing the condition and nurses’ roles. The interview will
be recorded and will take 20 minutes.
Risks and Benefits:
There are fewer risks correlated to engaging in the research. The information provided will be
safeguarded and stored securely. Your participation will add more insight into nursing and
potentially help enhance healthcare approaches for those with obesity.
Your personal information, including your identity, will be confidential. Collected data will be
coded and anonymized to ensure they are private. The research team will have access to all the
information, and outcomes will be displayed in aggregate form to ensure individual identities are
Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal:
Participation is voluntary, and you can revoke it without retribution. Whether you participate or
exit the research will not impact your access to healthcare benefits. All the data you provide will
be kept secret and not included in the review after your withdrawal.
Contact Information:
For any concerns or questions on this study, contact the Main investigator at (contact
By signing the line beneath, you consent that you have read and comprehended the information
furnished and willingly approve of engaging in the study.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________________
Researcher’s Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________________
Survey Form
Effect of Obesity on Middle-Aged Adults and Nurses’ Role in Managing It.
Please respond to the questions based on personal experiences and to the best of your knowledge.
The responses will be influential in the study. You are free to participate, and your information
will be confidential.
Age: ________
Gender: ________
Height: ________ (in centimeters)
Weight: ________ (in kilograms)
Have you been diagnosed with obesity?
If yes, how long have you been living with obesity? ________ (in years)
Any healthcare interventions received to manage obesity?
If yes, specify the intervention received:
On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the intervention’s effectiveness in managing your condition: (1
meaning ineffective; 5 meaning highly effective)
Level of satisfaction with the help and guidance provided by healthcare specialists, especially
nurses, in handling your condition? (1 meaning unsatisfied; 5 meaning highly satisfied)
In your view, what role can nurses play in helping people with obesity? Use specific examples or
Have you partaken in any nurse-led interventions for addressing your condition?
If yes, describe your experience and the outcomes accomplished.
Thank you for taking the time and participating. Your input is appreciated.
Note: Your replies will be unnamed, and collected data will serve research purposes only.
Coyne, N., & Correnti, D. (2014). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve chronic
condition self-management: what does the research show us?. Home Healthcare
Now, 32(1), 56-63.
Liu, W., Yang, C., Liu, L., Kong, G., & Zhang, L. (2022). Bidirectional associations of vision
loss, hearing loss, and dual sensory loss with depressive symptoms among the middleaged and older adults in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 225-232.
Lukewich, J., Martin-Misener, R., Norful, A. A., Poitras, M. E., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Asghari,
S., … & Tranmer, J. (2022). Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in
primary care: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1-34.
Nwiloh, M. O. (2022). Utilizing Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Compliance
with Self-Care Among Hispanic Adults with Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and
Saarikko, J., Axelin, A., Huvinen, E., Rahmani, A. M., Azimi, I., Pasanen, M., & Niela-Vilén, H.
(2023). Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable
internet-of-things (SLIM)-intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol
for a quasi-experimental trial. PloS one, 18(1), e0279696.
Wu, Q., Feng, J., & Pan, C. W. (2022). Risk factors for depression in the elderly: an umbrella
review of published meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Journal of Affective