Write a 4–6-page directional strategies report that examines the alignment of a health care organization’s current directional strategies with its strategic goals. Include improvement recommendations that address gaps between where the organization currently is and where it wants to go.
Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.
In your previous assessments, you examined how today’s health care organizations prepare themselves for the present and the future through strategic management. Specifically, you analyzed how a health care organization’s external and internal environments affect its operations. You also performed a TOWS analysis to help a health care organization identify strategic objectives to drive and improve all aspects of the company.
The next step is to consider the directional pathways health care organizations take to achieve their strategic objectives. Creating a strategic vision for a health care organization involves developing or revising the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements. Here is a summary of these three directional strategies:
In a first-in-class health care organization, these three directional strategies align with the company’s overarching goals. Once strategic leaders are confident the mission, vision, and values are well formulated, understood, and communicated, they then focus on the activities that will make the most progress toward accomplishing the organization’s mission and move it toward realizing its vision. These activities are called strategic goals.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to create a directional strategies report. In this report, you will analyze the alignment of your health care organization’s current directional strategies (mission, vision, and value statements) with its strategic goals. You will make recommendations for improvement if you identify gaps between where your health care organization currently is and where it wants to go.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.Analyze the effectiveness of a health care organization’s directional strategies.Identify gaps between effective directional strategies and an organization’s existing directional strategies.Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a strategic plan.Analyze the alignment between an organization’s directional strategies and its strategic goals.Propose changes to an organization’s directional strategies that improve alignment between its organizational structure and its strategic goals.Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.Write a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional directional strategies report that includes conclusions that are supported by relevant evidence.Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
TOWS Matrix Analysis and Strategic Plan
Samantha Mills
Capella University
TWOS Analysis
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
Research shows that TTUHSC needs to maintain a continued relationship with the
teaching hospitals to diverge their mission. Creating a collaborative view will help in ensuring
that its set mission of diversity is achieved. Moreover, relationship will be maintained which will
create interaction between care providers. Secondary, TTUHSC is facing an enormous challenge
as money sponsored by the government to its operation remain flat. Previously, it was found that
the health sector has the highest number of foreign patients. Based on the stipulated policies,
foreigners are unaccounted for in the Affordable Care Act, and they are supposed to self-pay
(Maa, 2015). The State government underfunds health services which result in increased
expenses for services delivered. This has been the main issue threatening the success of the
The total discretionary funds that are health sector receive from the University medical
center to support the SOM initiative is less, which lead to some of the initiatives being
abandoned for sometimes or remain unattended at all. From the finding, the health sector suffers
from the changing reimbursements environment and reduced Medicare funding. Government
funding depends on current government rules and healthcare regulations. Healthcare suffers from
inconsistent patient referrals, which have resulted in unpredictable patterns and reduced
There is the issue of maintaining teaching capacity as there is increased outcome
expectations of learners, the number of students, and the number of teaching faculty who are
nearing their retirement age. The faculty is required to generate a return which equals to the
teaching requirements. This is because there is a faculty that has been in existence for quite some
time, but it does not have a revenue stream and lacks teaching responsibilities, which
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
significantly affect its ability to hire young people. Moreover, there is an expansion of the total
number of medical students both nationally and internationally without adequate residency
positions, which has dramatically decreased the return on investment for sponsoring basic
science research.
TTUHSC has a lot of open opportunities. Based on the analysis, there is leadership
commitment. This commitment has resulted in continued support and improvement of clinical
and basic science integration, technology advancement, and timely delivery of curriculum, which
among them involved forming the department of medical education. The TTUHSC can take
advantage of the increased inter-professional education opportunities for its students. Moreover,
the health sector has a chance to improve its services through expansion of small groups that
have opportunities to learn from the new experiences as new facilities are constructed on the
campuses. The health sector wants to take advantage of expanding the Covenant training center
to support the expansion of the education program as well as creating a new professional
relationship that will increase its relationship with the community.
Healthcare has sustained the expansion of clinical locations, clinical services, and the
financial stability of its medical facilities. Based on the findings, its development is evidenced by
increased profits, revenue, and account receivable, which has improved the loyalty of their
patients and a continued commercial mix. The healthcare has taken advantage of the increased
revenue as a department are allowed to hire faculty for use in the clinical services. Because of the
development of a new Center of excellence, TTUHSC has increased its training for
interdisciplinary patients care opportunities. To attend to significant needs and provide quality
services to their patients, the Health Center has developed more residency programs in Amarillo,
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
San Antonio, Lubbock, and Permian Basin. Use of telehealth and telemedicine has facilitated its
expansion and effective medical services. To take advantage of the existing medical gap,
TTUHSC has embraced a continued improvement of aging science laboratories and renovation
to encourage the research of the current faculty researches as well as recruit new faculty.
Based on the findings, there are weaknesses that TTUHSC should improve, although it
has fewer resources as compared to its competitors to remain competitive and maintain its public
reputation. First, there is uncertainty and limitation of reimbursement caused by government
policy changes. Some of the policy changes that have negatively affected Health sectors is the
Affordable Care Act, which requires uninsured and underinsured to access health services.
Secondly, the health sector needs a different payment method. This is because TTUHSC has
recorded the highest number of foreigners such as Somalis and Hispanics who came for health
services as compared to California health center (Gostin, L. and Wiley, 2016).. Moreover,
interpreters are required as most of these people do not speak English. TTUHSC lack significant
funding for external research, which leads to limited numbers of clinical and basic sciences that
are involved in the research.
From the findings, there are inadequate expansion areas for TTUHSC. This will require
the organization to seek for an external land where it will provide administrative and clinical
services to its clinical facilities in all of its campuses. Finally, the total amount of HEAF funds
has reduced due to expansion in community campuses and the increased needs of the other
school. This has resulted in inadequate funding that is required to sponsor programs and project.
There are fewer resources as compared to other health sectors as community campuses, and the
needs of different community schools should balance with the existing funds to avoid shortages.
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
Based on the findings, there areas that TTUHSC perform exceptionally well, and people
can recognize their strengths. Based on their analytical performance, one of its key advantages
was recorded by the LCME institutional site, which confirmed its strength in medical education.
Their success included active development of students’ affairs, infrastructural and administration,
culture, and an overall solid financial base. Secondly, TTUHSC performs a thorough selection
when admitting new students, which have enhanced its public reputation. With this, it has been
ranked as one of the medical training centers that have more than above the set average score.
This has led to good gradations because students are fully certified and are equipped with the
required skills.
TTUHSC has successfully implemented and expanded its clinical services to Covenant
branch campus. The expansion has facilitated the provision of equal health services to people,
and many people will have an opportunity to receive medical services. Based on the data, the
health Centre utilizes the use of telemedicine, which makes overall day-day activities more
efficient and effective. Through the use of the electronic health system, patients can quickly
secure scheduling and rescheduling, which reduces overcrowding in the faculty (Dumortier, J., &
Verhenneman, 2011). It was found that TTUHSC has the highest number of students that
participate in research. These students are across all the State in America, which increases
equality and diversity.
The residency program has been made available where members of the public can easily
access those medical resources. The health organization has well-trained care providers in the
faculty with a wide range of specialty. This is evidenced as there is a continued increase in
patient visits, increase in patient revenue, and hospital funding as compared to prior years. The
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
health facility has created a very successful partnership with hospitals, and the community
provides at all campuses, which has resulted in continued visit because of enhanced rapport.
About research, TTUHSC is ranked at the global and national level as it provides a
solution through its research programs to extensive issues in health sectors. Its commitment to
growth and research is evidenced through its financial aid from the school department and the
development of the strong Centers of Excellence in quite several research areas. This has led to
its remarkable core facilities for the continuing research development, development, and
recognition for faculty development and excellent utilization of the ELUM faculty to expound on
the feminine role in research and education which has created gender participation in research
Draft strategic plan
To rhyme with the needs of patients and care providers and work toward achieving their
vision, TTUHSC requires to take strategic changes to enhance the changing laws and guarantee
its continuity in the health sector. Therefore, the current strategy of TTUHSC is necessary to
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
review its functional organizational structure. Embracing a new structure that incorporate matrix
mix will help it to expand their research disparities, health and patients growth, financial growth,
and will help in compliance with the set government rules and regulations (Jackson, C. and
Gracia, 2014). The strategic draft of the TTUHSC will be as follows:
Specialty and facility. TTUHSC need to review its expansion to accommodate more care
providers to provide quality services to their patients. Based on the findings, the following are
departments that are currently available; pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, psychology, Surgical,
family medicine clinics, and a therapy clinic. Expanding into more broad medical services such
as Urology and cancer centers will help patients that reside in Amarillo to access all the services
from the facility (Gingrass, 2015). This strategy will help the facility to retain patients instead of
them to keep changing from one medical provider to the other.
Academics. TTUHSC is an educational center, and therefore, it should provide innovative
educative programs to their students so that they can be researchers, competent and caring
healthcare professionals. This can be achieved through delivering inter-personal education and
experiences that are meaningful, promoting innovative approaches in learning and teaching, and
enhancing professional and personal development to their students.
Research. TTUHSC require to advance their research portfolio through laying a lot of
emphasis to collaborating with external funding to improve on their areas of strengths in medical
research. Therefore, it requires to develop an infrastructural plan that will maximize the use of
the available resources to collaborative acquire funds to extend on their research. Moreover,
unique funding opportunities require to be explored to increase the research and enhance its
reputation and visibility from the public.
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
Service and Outreach. TTUHSC require to improve its health services to communities
within the region it operates through providing community outreach and patient care services. To
achieve this, the facility is required to provide a collaborative and positive patient experience and
continue the use of telehealth to maintain their public image by preserving pace with the current
technology (Weaver C., Ball, M., Kim, G., and Kiel, 2016).
People. When offering services, it should provide equal services regardless of
geographical and culture of its patients. To achieve this, TTUHSC needs to create a sustainable
culture that’s value-based. Value-based culture can be created by integrating and identifying the
value that defines its identity. Secondly, the facility should considerably invest in people
development and growth to have a competitive advantage over its competitors in the market.
Operations. In conducting its services, TTUHSC requires to ensure that its operation and
infrastructures efficiently and effectively support its mission. This can be done through
improving its operational infrastructure so as to achieve its unique services effectively, research,
academic, and business need to all their campuses and sites. Moreover, TTUHSC should work
collaboratively with all its shareholders to achieve their objective.
Dumortier, J., & Verhenneman, G. (2011). Legal Regulations on Electronic Health Records: A
Prerequisite or an Unavoidable By-Product? – The Legal Aspects of Electronic Health
Running Head: TOWS MATRIX
Records in Europe and the US Analysed. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:
Gingrass, J. (2015). Changing the channel: Strategies for expanding patient access. Healthcare
Financial Management, 69(4), 64-68
Gostin, L. and Wiley, L. (2016). Public health law: Power, duty, restraint (3rd ed.). Oakland,
CA: University of California Press.
Jackson, C. and Gracia, N. (2014). Addressing health and health-care disparities: The role of a
Diverse workforce and the social determinants of health. Public Health Reports, 129(2),
Maa, J. (2015). Harnessing the Affordable Care Act to Catalyze Delivery System Reform and
Strengthen Emergency Care in America. The Permanente Journal. doi: 10.7812/tpp/14-168
Weaver C., Ball, M., Kim, G., and Kiel, J. (2016). Healthcare information management systems:
Cases, strategies, and solutions. Chan, LND: Springer
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
Current Environmental Analysis
Samantha Mills
Capella University
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
Organization profile
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is a non- profit health institution which
was founded in the year 1969. It is a multi-campus health institution that’s located in Lubbock,
Texas. However, it has branches in Amarillo, Permian Basin, Dallas, Abilene, and El Paso. The
Health Center has an average of 350, 000 patients visit every year. The total number of students
enrolled in the learning institution in the year 2019 were 5354. The vision of TTUHSC is to
“strengthen its national reputation as it seeks to promote healthier communities across West
Texas and beyond.” Its mission is to enrich other people’s lives by educating students to become
health professionals that collaboratively provide quality healthcare and improve on knowledge
by conducting innovative research.
The role of the health faculty is to address the physicians’ shortages in West Texas by
providing innovative and quality opportunities to residents and the medical students. The offered
medical education stretches on the principles of primary care and provision of sound interprofessional and interdisciplinary training that help in equipping students with the necessary
training, diversity, clinical skills, and humanistic skills which lays a lot of focus on the
compensative evaluation and high quality. Medical care utilizes state-of-art technology to change
as technology changes. TTUHSC uses a research strategy that’s is embedded in the treatment,
practice of medicine, prevention, and cures. Humanistic care, cost-effectiveness, and teamwork
are embedded in this system (“Home | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center”, 2018).
The paper will primarily focus on both the internal and the external factors that are
currently facing Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in the day-day activities. I will
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
address these issues and also give a solution to the problems or the treats that limit its operation
using the PESTEL analysis. Being a large area that incorporates people from diverse groups
across the globe, it has a quite number of threats that limit its effective operation. This analysis
will put more insight into how internal and external environmental factors affects the ability of
the health organization. This will ensure that equal services are provided to all people, the
mission of the organization is supported and also make sure that all challenges that relate to the
diversity that pose a limitation to physicians can stay competitive through having a competitive
advantage over their potential competitors.
Political Factors
Political factors affect significantly both the people and businesses across the globe.
When there are changes in political power, the people living in that country are greatly affected.
Power change means shifting of normal working, which can adversely or positively affect people
in a State based on type and support of the federal bench one is. When the issue surrounds a
health care industry, and people are making choices on what to be covered or un-covered who
not medical practitioners are, it disconnects medical services and adversely affects the general
The most remarkable change that happened in health organizations was that of the
Affordable Care Act, which affected every citizen in America. Every person is required for the
ability to predict shifts in the legislative and political environment. This will help a person to
have strategic and planning skills. The impact of Affordable Care Act has a tremendous effect to
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, and up to today, it’s significantly affecting how
patients are treated by the nurses and doctors in the medical organization (Maa, 2015).
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
After the implementation of Affordable Care Act, the health center have to assess on its
effect to the way of funding which consequently affects the staff, institution, care providers and
patients who visit the facilities for health services to work toward its mission. Medicare and
Medicaid were expounded to cover care providers and patient inclusively. This will help in
promoting healthier communities and reaching many people. The purpose of expanding
Medicare and Medicaid was to make sure that, all people who did not have health coverages are
included for the vision of the TTUHSC to be realized. Through the Affordable Care Act, many
people in the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center lost their coverage as the cost was
Economic Factors
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is a multinational health organization that
is located in Lubbock, Dallas, Amarillo, Odessa, and Abilene. The organization also have a
Correlational management Healthcare division, which has contact with the state prisons who are
in western Texas. All the divisions of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center were
faced with economic upheavals that resulted in high cutbacks losses and all the federal level
across the Texas state that affected all industries. This led to reduced funding, which afterward
led to the cutback of care providers, which resulted in fewer patients and reduced revenue rate.
This cutback affects the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center up to today. Because
State partially funds it and still Texas is trying to recover from the Affordable Care Act.
Provision of quality healthcare in this health organization is a complex, subjective, and a
multidimensional concept.
Based on the report that was reduced by the United State Census Bureau in the year 2018,
Texas has more additional people as compared to California. This was quite different as
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
California had more people than Texas from the year 2012 to the year 2016. The new foreigners
who arrived in California during that period had increased by almost 4%. The growth has been
continuing even in the year 2018, which was an increase with a steady rate of 1.41%, which led
to a very considerable economic impact. Therefore, with the rise in the number of people, health
organizations have more responsibilities of treating people as every person is subject to illnesses
and injuries; hence, more medical services will be required (Ginter, P., Duncan, W., and Swayne,
2013). This has posed a challenge toward the core mission of providing quality health services.
Being a non-profit institution, increase in patient rate pose a threat to their continued survival.
This effect did not only affected the healthcare organization in economic perspective but
also from a financial perspective. For future feasibility of health services, the following questions
need to be answered continually. Will, the growing population, have self-insurance covers,
Medicaid or Medicare? And if so will the given reimbursement be worth the amount required?
Social factors
Social factors are the main issue affecting health organizations today. There is a change
in demographic structure at an alarming rate. With more influx people, more ideas tend to be
developed, diverse languages and beliefs. In the health organization, the Hispanic population is a
significant influx in the culture. Changes in culture and demographics also attribute this influx.
High immigration into a country implies that the government of that country have to increase its
budget to include all the people who visit health organization. The reimbursement rate for
Medicare and Medicaid are much lower than private payers, and the financial impact of this
effect will be to break point for the organizations.
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
In healthcare, TTUHSC is the only health care practices which provide Medicaid services
in Amarillo and hence integrate diverse groups in their services. This impact positively on the
environment. The large group of patients that visit TTUHSC is the Somalis and Hispanics, and
this is an internal weakness to the health facility as it’s required to hire interpreters and integrate
different payment methods. Moreover, their large number of patient is made up of people who
are unemployed and are struggling for a better life in America.
There’s a growing recognition of continuous social, economic disparities in health
services (Jackson, C. and Gracia, 2014). This has led to most of the National Institutes of Health
to carry out research that is required concerning the topic. This implies that, while people access
better health services, the seriousness of the illness is also worse. Social status plays a critical
role as it helps to handle health issues at a personal and societal level. Foreigners and lowincome families play a vital role in TTUHSC through their social impacts and ability to remain
critical to the future of healthcare and their ability to remain viable for the future through giving
affordable healthcare to diversified groups across the globe.
Technological Factors
Advancement in technology will help TTUHSC in their mission conducting innovative
research and increase in quality health services. With the development of the Electronic Health
Records, keeping records was to be made more fast and easy and improve the satisfaction of the
patient and professionals in the future, but the intended purpose was not fully achieved. It was
found that most of the health cares were reluctant to adopt innovation as they did not trust
computers to a large extent. TTUHSC require all the care providers in the organization to utilize
the Electronic Health Record for all interactions with their patients by making sure it has gone
into the chart. There is still a big challenge in the operation of the TTCHSC because some
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
providers enter wrong information in EHR which the system requires to be signed and once
signed its irreversible.
TTCSHC make use of the automated call system. The system act as a reminder to
patients about their next appointment. It also allows the patients to make confirmation
concerning their next appointment or connect for appointment rescheduling. This is an
opportunity and strength of TTCSHC as it will enable it to effectively utilize all appointment
slots that are available to ensure that all patients are attended promptly. The implementation of
this call system required every equipment that was in all campuses and training, and this has
impacted positively to the organization although there have been cases of negativity centered by
the EHR system (Dumortier & Verhenneman, 2011). Effective utilization of EHR will reduce the
time taken to attend patients. This will increase overall efficiency, and many patients will have
the opportunity to access health services. This will TTUHSC to achieve their objective.
Legal Factors
Healthcare laws are regulations that protect public health. These regulations encompass
patients and providers safety in a health organization (Gostin, L. and Wiley, 2017). Legal factors
help TTUHSC to provide professional and certified healthcare providers because to be certified
as a healthcare provider. One is required to pass in a medical exam to be registered and given the
power to treat people based on the stipulated government policies. With continuous changes in
medical innovations, legal implications tend to increase, which call for more government laws.
TTCSHC is a teaching institution, and therefore, it has more onerous rules. Students need to be
overseen by the physician in their course of learning to make sure that the registered treatment
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
protocol is adhered to. Due to continuous changes in the regulations governing healthcare
organizations, TTUHSC must make sure that all stipulated government rules and policies are
followed and complied. Medicaid and Medicare centers consider issues of fraud and abuses as
the major weaknesses that affect healthcare organizations
For TTUHSC to work in the margins of their mission to realize their vision, the following
issues require to be addressed. TTUHSC Health organization leadership need to be aware of the
current changes to technology, society, law, and the competition that is in the market to continue
as a viable organization and enjoy a competitive advantage. Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center reviews all current changes consistently to its internal and external environment.
This helps it to secure its continued existence in the future to their patents and staff. Consistent
reviews help TTUSHC it comply with all new set rules, policies, and regulation in the health
Running Head: Current Environmental Analysis
Dumortier, J., & Verhenneman, G. (2011). Legal Regulations on Electronic Health Records: A
Prerequisite or an Unavoidable By-Product? – The Legal Aspects of Electronic Health
Records in Europe and the US Analysed. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:
Ginter, P., Duncan, W., and Swayne, L. (2013). Strategic management of health care
Organizations (7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Gostin, L. and Wiley, L. (2016). Public health law: Power, duty, restraint (3rd ed.). Oakland,
CA: University of California Press.
Home | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. (2018). Retrieved from http://ttuhsc.edu/
Jackson, C. and Gracia, N. (2014). Addressing health and health-care disparities: The role of a
Diverse workforce and the social determinants of health. Public Health Reports, 129(2),
Maa, J. (2015). Harnessing the Affordable Care Act to Catalyze Delivery System Reform and
Strengthen Emergency Care in America. The Permanente Journal. doi: 10.7812/tpp/14-168
U.S. Census Bureau (2018). State-to-State migration flows. Retrieved December 2, 2018, from:
Write a 4–6-page directional strategies report that examines the alignment of a
health care organization’s current directional strategies with its strategic goals.
Include improvement recommendations that address gaps between where the
organization currently is and where it wants to go.
Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed
in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in the
order in which they are presented.
In your previous assessments, you examined how today’s health care organizations
prepare themselves for the present and the future through strategic management.
Specifically, you analyzed how a health care organization’s external and internal
environments affect its operations. You also performed a TOWS analysis to help a
health care organization identify strategic objectives to drive and improve all
aspects of the company.
The next step is to consider the directional pathways health care organizations take
to achieve their strategic objectives. Creating a strategic vision for a health care
organization involves developing or revising the organization’s mission, vision, and
value statements. Here is a summary of these three directional strategies:
A mission statement captures the organization’s distinctive purpose or reason for
A vision statement creates a mental picture of what leaders want the organization to
achieve when accomplishing its purpose or mission.
Value statements clarify how the organization will conduct its activities to achieve
its mission and vision. They frequently reflect common morality and emphasize
respect, integrity, trust, caring, and the pursuit of excellence.
In a first-in-class health care organization, these three directional strategies align
with the company’s overarching goals. Once strategic leaders are confident the
mission, vision, and values are well formulated, understood, and communicated,
they then focus on the activities that will make the most progress toward
accomplishing the organization’s mission and move it toward realizing its vision.
These activities are called strategic goals.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to create a directional strategies
report. In this report, you will analyze the alignment of your health care
organization’s current directional strategies (mission, vision, and value statements)
with its strategic goals. You will make recommendations for improvement if you
identify gaps between where your health care organization currently is and where it
wants to go.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency
in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in
relation to environmental forces.
• Analyze the effectiveness of a health care organization’s directional
• Identify gaps between effective directional strategies and an organization’s
existing directional strategies.
Competency 3: Recommend an organizational structure and design to optimize a
strategic plan.
• Analyze the alignment between an organization’s directional strategies and
its strategic goals.
• Propose changes to an organization’s directional strategies that improve
alignment between its organizational structure and its strategic goals.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly professional, and
consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
• Write a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional directional strategies
report that includes conclusions that are supported by relevant evidence.
• Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.
Assignment Instruction
Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are
To prepare for the assessment, reexamine your TOWS matrix from the previous
assessment, the analysis of your matrix, and the initial strategies you prepared
as part of your draft strategic plan. Once you have reexamined your work, you
will be ready to begin work on this assessment.
The Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Questions document, linked in the
Resources, identifies three questions about each directional strategy you need to
consider as you are analyzing your organization’s fit with its directional strategy.
In addition, you may wish to review the assessment instructions and scoring
guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft directional
strategies report to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the
final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful
of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.
Your boss is pleased with the thorough and impressive work you have done to
date. However, she notes that the TOWS matrix findings do not align with the
organization’s directional strategies. The organization’s structure needs to more
closely align with its strategic goals, so that the organization can be more
efficient, competitive, and profitable. She asks for your help once again.
Her next task for you is to examine the organization’s current mission, vision, and
value statements and compare them to the TOWS matrix. She requests that you
recommend revisions to the organization’s mission, vision, and value statements
so that they more closely align with the organization’s strategic priorities.
Knowing your boss, you understand that she wants your directional strategies
report to be insightful, substantive, and brief—all at the same time. You also
know that your boss is a visual person. It will serve you well to include
appropriate images and diagrams, such as your TOWS matrix, in your report to
highlight key information.
Write a directional strategies report that examines the alignment of a health care
organization’s current directional strategies with its strategic goals.
Report Requirements
The requirements, outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the
Directional Strategies Report Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point.
Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work
will be assessed.
Analyze the effectiveness of the organization’s directional strategies.
• Use the Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Questions document, linked in
the Resources, to determine how effectively the existing directional strategies
currently fulfill the requirements of effective directional strategies.
Identify gaps between effective directional strategies and the organization’s existing
directional strategies.
Analyze the alignment between the organization’s directional strategies and its
strategic goals.
• Examine the strategic fit.
• How well does the directional strategy fit the environment?
• How appropriate is the organization’s direction, given the environmental
analysis you completed in Assessment 1?
• Which strategic goals make the most sense at this time? Growth? Maintaining
the status quo? Or does contraction make the most sense right now?
Propose changes to the organization’s directional strategies that improve alignment
between the organization’s structure and its strategic goals.
• Recommend changes you think the organization needs to make to establish a
foundation necessary for the organization’s current structure and strategies.
• Be sure to support your recommendations with references to current,
scholarly, and authoritative sources.
Write a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional directional strategies report
that includes conclusions that are supported by relevant evidence.
Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references.
Document Format and Length
Prepare your report using a familiar and appropriate document format used by
health care organizations, such as business report or white paper.
You report should be 4–6 pages in length (double-spaced).
Supporting Evidence
Health care is an evidence-based field. Consequently, readers of your report will
want to know the sources of your information, so be sure to include applicable,
APA-formatted source citations and references.
Additional Requirements
Proofread your document, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could
distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of
your report.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your directional strategies report to
your ePortfolio.
Mission, Vision, and Values Analysis Questions
As you consider the alignment of your organization’s mission with its strategic goals,
you are trying to determine whether its current mission statement is the best way to
define the organization’s goals and operational direction “right now.” These three
questions about mission will help you discover whether the organization’s mission is a fit
with its current strategic goals.
1. Why does your organization do what it does? Answering this question helps
provide the big picture ideals and values your organization brings to its
2. Whom do you serve? This question helps you determine how your organization
influences or helps others.
3. What image do you want to project? The mission statement needs to
represent the organization’s deeply held values, and the image the organization
wants to project to others. What value does your organization bring to the table
that no other organization does? What is the organization’s culture? Is it fresh
and innovative, or traditional and reliable? Does the organization’s brand boast a
fun, irreverent quality, or more of a dignified gravitas? The best mission
statements clearly answer these questions.
As you consider the alignment of your organization’s vision with its strategic goals, you
are trying to determine whether the vision serves as the organization’s “north star.” Is it
providing focus and long-term alignment? The best organizational vision statements
answer these three questions:
Time horizon: By what specific date will your organization achieve its strategy and
vision? Usually this is within three to five years.
Measurability: What are the few measurable goals for which achievement can be
objectively assessed? Remember: These goals should align with the strategies you
developed as part of your draft strategic plan in Assessment 2.
Unique Approach: What is the succinct statement that reflects how your
organization will effectively deliver its services, meet the needs of its customers, and
achieve its vision?
Value Statements
Company value statements are designed to look introspectively into the organization’s
long-term aspirations. Consider these three questions as you consider potential
revisions to your organization’s value statements:
What do perfect employees look like? Think about the values they hold. What is
their preferred work style? Independent? Or team-based? What is their attitude
toward customers?
Will employees adhere to these values in 25 years? Selecting sustainable values
is critical to long-term organizational success. Value statements can change over
time, but core values remain constant.
How does your company help employees grow? Providing support to help your
people grow personally and professionally is vital to maintaining an engaged and
motivated workforce. After all, this is the workforce that will uphold the organizational
values that have been set.
Directional Strategies Report Scoring Guide
Directional Strategies Report Scoring Guide
Analyze the
effectiveness of a
health care
Does not analyze
the effectiveness
of a health care
Attempts to analyze the
effectiveness of a health
care organization’s
directional strategies;
however, omissions
and/or errors exist.
Analyzes the
effectiveness of a
health care
Analyzes the
effectiveness of a health
care organization’s
directional strategies.
Analysis includes multiple
examples, specifics, and
references to current,
scholarly, and/or
authoritative sources.
Identify gaps
between effective
strategies and an
existing directional
Does not identify
gaps between
effective directional
strategies and an
existing directional
Attempts to identify gaps
between effective
directional strategies and
an organization’s existing
directional strategies.
However, omissions
and/or errors exist.
Identifies gaps
between effective
strategies and an
Analyzes gaps between
effective directional
strategies and an
organization’s existing
directional strategies.
Analysis clearly specifies
additional information that
could improve the
Analyze the
alignment between
an organization’s
strategies and its
strategic goals.
Does not analyze
the alignment
between an
strategies and its
strategic goals.
Analyzes the alignment
between an organization’s
directional strategies and
its strategic goals in
minimal depth and detail.
Analyzes the
between an
strategies and its
strategic goals.
Analyzes the alignment
between an organization’s
directional strategies and
its strategic goals.
Analysis identifies the
underlying assumptions of
the organization’s
directional strategies and
strategic goals.
Propose changes to
an organization’s
strategies that
improve alignment
between its
structure and its
strategic goals.
Does not propose
changes to an
strategies that
improve alignment
between its
structure and its
strategic goals.
Attempts to propose
changes to an
organization’s directional
strategies that improve
alignment between its
organizational structure
and its strategic goals;
however, omissions
and/or errors exist.
changes to an
strategies that
between its
structure and its
strategic goals.
Proposes changes to an
organization’s directional
strategies that improve
alignment between its
organizational structure
and its strategic goals.
include the rationale for
the proposed change.
Write a clear,
concise, wellorganized, and
strategies report
that includes
conclusions that are
supported by
relevant evidence.
Does not write a
clear, concise,
and professional
strategies report
that includes
conclusions that
are supported by
relevant evidence.
Attempts to write a clear,
concise, well-organized,
and professional
directional strategies
report that includes
conclusions that are
supported by relevant
evidence. However,
lapses, omissions, and or
errors exist.
Writes a clear,
concise, wellorganized, and
strategies report
that includes
conclusions that
are supported by
Writes a clear, concise,
professional, and errorfree directional strategies
report that includes
conclusions that are
supported by compelling
and relevant evidence.
Directional Strategies Report Scoring Guide
Follow APA
formatting and style
guidelines for
citations and
Does not follow
APA formatting
and style
guidelines for
citations and
Attempts to follow APA
formatting and style
guidelines for citations
and references; however,
omissions and/or errors
Follows APA
formatting and
style guidelines
for citations and
Follows APA formatting
and style guidelines for
citations and references
without errors or